For Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston for October 04, 2015

  1. 08 01 15 11 20 pm
    krys723  over 9 years ago

    I like peas
Farley doesn’t

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    Ninette  over 9 years ago

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    mischugenah  over 9 years ago

    Our dog (a schnauzer) used to do the same thing. We’d feed him leftovers, then find the back porch covered in very, very clean peas.

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    pelican47  over 9 years ago

    Elly, looks like your family didn’t eat their peas either.

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    L  over 9 years ago

    We had a cat that loved hot and sour soup!

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    crazyliberal  over 9 years ago

    I don’t like peas either and will pick then out of things and leave the heap on my plate. My aunt from southern Italy would make a killer lasagna but would put peas in it. Invariably my clean plate would have a pile of peas.

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    crazyliberal  over 9 years ago

    Just noticed the above person goes by Puglia. That’s the region of Italy my family is from. And all the family put peas in whatever they can. Pretty interesting! And Yuk!

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    starfighter441  over 9 years ago

    I generally put peas or zucchini in my lasagne. My Scottie doesn’t care for peas, but loves zucchini , carrots, most fruits and berries.

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    MIHorn Premium Member over 9 years ago

    My cat is afraid of cheese. You put it down in front of him, and he does that sideways cat jump and gets away.

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    rshive  over 9 years ago

    Our little gets peas mixed in with dry food. We alternate peas and green beans. She loves them both.

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    NeedaChuckle Premium Member over 9 years ago

    My mother made great beef stew using some of the vegetables from my father’s garden. He grew parsnips amongst other things. I hate parsnip and would have to separate them from the potatoes in the stew. They looked the same and it was not easy.

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    Seed_drill  over 9 years ago

    We had a cat that loved peas. He’d eat other veggies, like green beans and broccoli, but peas were his favorite.

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    route66paul  over 9 years ago

    My parents put peas into everything. When I wouldn’t eat them as a baby(either the baby food or real version), they put it in my applesauce. Anytime we had any cassorole, tuna cassorole, whatever – any time we had rice, there it was. They even tried to put it in mashed potatoes. I was a skinny kid, I wouldn’t eat anything. Maybe if they didn’t put peas in it?

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    LeePIII Premium Member over 9 years ago

    They will not eat everything, but they will eat a LOT more than a cat. Some dogs even like apples

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    goweeder  over 9 years ago

    “Dogs are carnivores not omnivores.”~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Dogs are omnivores not carnivores.‘Omnivore’ means ‘eats everything.’Please don’t display your ignorance in such a blatant fashion.

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    Dee Merkin  over 9 years ago

    No, actually they are omnivores. And most dogs love green beans. It’s a good trick to fill your dog up while helping him lose weight.

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    Can't Sleep  over 9 years ago

    My dog hated peas, too.

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    JanLC  over 9 years ago

    I had a cat that was very sick, and the only thing she would eat was raw liver. The vet said it wasn’t really all that good for her and to try to mix it with some nutritious cat food. So I minced both the cat food and the liver into pieces that were no bigger than 1/16 inch cubes. She ate all the liver and spit out all the cat food, even as small as the pieces were.

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    mggreen  over 9 years ago

    Our Corgis will eat almost anything. They don’t like radishes nor do they like raw green beans. Now, blanch or steam those beans and it’s CHOW TIME!

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    kattbailey  over 9 years ago

    Chloe likes peas. Bell peppers, even tiny diced jalapeños (I tell her to leave any large piece lest it lead to discomfort) Broccoli, carrots, whatever this vegetarian is putting in her dish, other than onions, garlic, and grapes. Sliced fruit bits from what I added to my cereal goes in her bowl. I could take her to doggy school with just carrot slices. And she’d be just as eager for her reward a when I brought a meaty treat (what anyone else eats isn’t my business, other than limiting the fatty things other people slip her as she is a bit overweight, 23 rather than 21 or 22 lbs and yes I was referring to my dog.)

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    JennyJenkins  over 9 years ago

    Our present dog loves all vegetables as long as they are cooked. She might chew on a carrot, or a pear, but will spit them out eventually. BTW, I know all about onions, chocolate and raisins being not good for the dogs. Sometimes she loves to chew on a few chives, which she snips off by herself from the patch
 but she still spits them out in the end.

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    whenlifewassimpler  over 9 years ago

    Reminds us of our Buddy Max when he ate the senior food, he would leave all the little green pieces (peas) in the bottom of the dish.

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    whenlifewassimpler  over 9 years ago

    Oh LadyKat our collie/shep mix loved coffee and he’d drink it out of my husband’s cup. I am a tea drinker in the a.m.,he took one sniff and huff away

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    cornpopper Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Good dog Farley!

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    tgrfemme  over 9 years ago

    Such a funny concept – I know that I get a grin out of the birds who do “scraping” when it comes to the seeds in my family’s feeder – they “scrape” through the seed and either spit out or just avoid the types of seed they don’t want! I think a lot of it happens when we have unshelled seeds among seeds with shells – I guess the logic is, why bother with the shells when there is seed around that’s much easier to eat?

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    moosemin  over 9 years ago

    Ellie, you cannot undo thousands of centuries of evolution. Farley knows what he wants.

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    patlaborvi  over 9 years ago

    I love peas, unfortunately my stomach doesn’t like them since my bowel reconstruction surgery about 5 years ago.

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    pickled-onions  over 9 years ago

    I had a dog that would do that. He would eat everything but the peas in his dog food

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    Dragongourd Premium Member over 9 years ago

    I had a Great Dane who could wolf down a large can of KalKan Beef Stew in one or two bites, then walk away leaving all the peas in the bottom of the bowl.

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    betsypoe  over 9 years ago

    My family had a dog years ago that would do this with rice. It could have been cooked in broth and covered with gravy.. but if you put any on his plate then it would come out completely white in this beautiful fan shape around the plate hehe

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    leopardglily  over 1 year ago

    My old dog used to love applesauce and strawberries. Since he passed, I have two smaller dogs and neither will touch any plant food. They really have personalities.

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    feefers_  about 1 year ago

    Love Farley’s face. He ain’t fooled. Our boxer dog Treacle was not smart but she could suck the gravy off any veggies. Leaving the veggies behind

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