Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for September 25, 2015

  1. Jack benny 02
    Kali39  over 9 years ago

    Well, MTV was founded on August 1, 1981, stopped showing videos around 2000, and fully became Moron TV (aka Drunken Naked Teenagers TV) around 2002 after it cancelled Daria, the last intelligent program on the network. So, I will go with 2002.

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  2. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Vile and refreshing have become more and more synonymous for Republicans each election cycle.

    It was really accellerated when Newt Gingrich was around and became the new ‘normal’ after Fox “news” came into being.

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    phylum  over 9 years ago

    it the IM GREAT…YOUR GOING TO LOVE IT….EVERYBODY ELSE IS STUPID..message works…it will prove his point…

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    Hardthought  over 9 years ago

    When did “liberal” and “progressive” become synonymous with “socialist”? And why does anyone try to make “socialist” different from “national socialist”? All four terms are synonymous and have the same ideology. It is just taking other people’s stuff in the name of “compassion”.

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  5. Duck1275
    Brass Orchid Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Vile became refreshing when it was decided that everybody who does not think and believe as I do is exactly as vile as this exceptional individual is. Therefore, they all think and believe as does this display of vile stupidity, but are only suppressing their real intentions and moving in stealth, their real motives hidden behind a mask of politically correct civility. The spraying of vileness is like an exotic perfume to cover the sanctimonious stench of my hypocrisy.As Captain Beefheart so eloquently puts it:“The old fart inside was now breathin’ freelyFrom his perfume bottle atomizer air bulb inventionHis excited eyes from within the dark interior glazedWatered in appreciation of his thoughtful cleveration.”-From Old Fart At Play, found on Trout Mask Replica.

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  6. Duck1275
    Brass Orchid Premium Member over 9 years ago

    @phylum:It has always worked to this point. There is some question whether speaking clearly, rather than meandering bloviating, will be as effective.

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    Varnes  over 9 years ago

    Wait…..Women aren’t property?…….Oooh…..I got some s’plainin’ to do…..

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    wolfhoundblues1  over 9 years ago

    Since PC principle took over.

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    Beleck3  over 9 years ago

    vile came into play when St. Reagan unleashed the War on America. Since then, lol, watch it get more “vile.” lolidiots, scoundrels and Republican, oh, but I repeat myself.

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  10. E067 169 48
    Darsan54 Premium Member over 9 years ago

    A dead cat is preferable to ANY of the present Republiclan candidates today.

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  11. Willy wonka factory
    dsom8  over 9 years ago

    And liberals don’t want to apply the word “vile” to ripping babies from the womb and selling the parts.

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    kenneth w hodge  over 9 years ago

    The current circus we use to chose our Leaders(?) has resulted in the fact that all those who would really Lead and we as Americans could support will not subject themselves, nor can any reasonable person blame them for taking that position.

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    dabugger  over 9 years ago

    Let us see now, the criteria of women as chattel, slavery, and all that other garbage is pre-19th century; since the constitution was already established. So those guys want us to go back a long ways. But wait a minute, their main supreme court spokesman insists that the constitution must be interpreted word for word like he approves. Basically right wing criteria, and ‘shut up’ your questions.

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  14. Papa smurf walking smiling
    route66paul  over 9 years ago

    Isn’t it ironic (or moronic) that Lincoln’s party was responsable for most of the later amendments to the BORs, and now they claim to want to go back to the original 10. Yes, the GOP made a right turn on the way the country had been before 1850, and now they claim they want it back on course.

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  15. Cats40
    Arafel  over 9 years ago

    Idiocracy – the only movie that started as a comedy and turned into a documentary

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  16. Pirate63
    Linguist  over 9 years ago

    “It’s interesting that this country is polarized almost exactly 50-50. It’s almost as if some malignant parasites wanted to distract us from the fact that they’re bleeding us dry,…”


    Divide and Conquer ! This is exactly what’s happening here.I saw a perfect example of this back in the late ’60’s in Northern Ireland. When the “Troubles” first started it was really the poor and working class people demanding One Man – One Vote, as 86% of the vote and wealth was controlled by 8% of the populace.Very quickly the powers that be mobilized the ignorant and easily led and turned it into a religious war between Catholics & Protestants, cleverly diverting the attention away from the dissatisfaction and disaffection of all of the citizens.

    The same thing is happening in the U.S. – with slightly different variations of the old theme.

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  17. Missing large
    Al Nala  over 9 years ago

    SEE! Din’t we tell ya so? Media people think the WORST of (some, mostly GOP) people.

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  18. Silverknights
    JanLC  over 9 years ago

    Actually, for legal purposes a corporation is considered a “person”. That’s why they are such great protection for the owners/shareholders. One “person” cannot legally be held liable for the actions of another, whether that “person” be corporation or human.

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  19. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  over 9 years ago

    You have to remember that Trump started all of this purely as a publicity stunt, exactly like he did in 1999. He expected to caress his massive ego and have a few laughs, and then drop out. Not HIS fault the number of imbeciles among Republican voters and the media skyrocketed in between times………

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    JimT8  over 9 years ago


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    dflak  over 9 years ago

    Oh? You mean those guys are serious? I thought it was another “reality TV” program: “So who wants to be president?”

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  22. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    Wiley and other cartoonist portray in caricature the essence of folks. Donald Trump has created his own, a 50-50 blend of Scrooge McDuck and Don Rickles, minus the humorous intent.

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  23. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    ^Just a note; toll roads across the country, private ones, charge the equivalent of paying on an average, $50/gallon for gasoline.

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    Hardthought  over 9 years ago

    The National Socialist Workers Party Deutschland was called right wing by the communists who wanted an international brand of Socialism. The political science classes paint them exactly as they are. Socialists.No one minds paying taxes for common services, it is when those taxes get diverted to buying votes with programs and governmental charity that makes people question the fairness of taking 42% of the income of middle class people.Local, State and Federal taxes combined are slightly in excess of 42%. Then there are usage fees, etc, etc, ad nauseum. Vile is when people start complaining that other people aren’t paying “enough”.You could look it up, but probably won’t.

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  25. Missing large
    Hardthought  over 9 years ago

    @Wiley MillerWell said. It is a cartoon.

    Almost all of my economics and poli sci professors stated that the left right dichotomy was incorrect. The spectrum is more of a circle. Go far enough in either direction and you will find a dictatorship and personality cult.

    May I recommend the Pournelle Axes for a more balanced approach to political standing? am a 2-4 on that chart.

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    Can't Sleep  over 9 years ago

    I look forward to the day someone has the stones to tell Chump that Presidents can’t pick and choose what questions they will answer.

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    Dr_Zinj  over 9 years ago

    No problem with only white male landowners voting, legal slavery, and women as property if the only people around are white male landowners, there aren’t any slaves legal or otherwise around, and no women.

    By the way, slavery IS legal in the United States. Congress just never got around to defining the crimes that slavery would be the punishment for.

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    hippogriff  over 9 years ago

    Dr_ZinjFinally someone else points to that gaping loophole in the 13th Amendment. That “except” doesn’t need defining so much as deleting. I can remember when prisoners dd useful work for society, such as road repair or license plate manufacture, rather than some 5¢ an hour private profit multinational corporation. My research shows that the People’s Party (1880-90s) had as a major plank the “banning of convict labor”, because they knew it enabled plantations and corporations to compete unfairly with family farms and craftsmen.

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    Warren Wubker  over 9 years ago

    No, I don’t think Trump can define what he means. On the other hand, I don’t think Wiley knows what a great country is either.

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  30. Danae
    Wiley creator over 9 years ago

    The best way any satirist can tell if their material has hit its target is not by how many agree with it and like it, but by those who are angered by it and try desperately to direct attention AWAY from the point of the material rather than saying anything to refute the point. In doing so, they acknowledge its accuracy but can’t bring themselves to admit it. Judging by the number who have posted with nothing more than name-calling, I guess the cartoon hit it’s intended target.

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  31. Rachelalexandra
    TMO1 Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Today’s strip is right on target with the attitude of the older white guys out there. And make no mistake, Trump is OLD. Even if he were a good candidate (which he is not), he is too old for this.

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  32. Img 4591
    Say What? Premium Member over 9 years ago

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    georton  over 9 years ago

    I come here to get away from that crap. Ditch the politics.

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  34. Dicktracy silhouetteed
    Spade Jr.  over 9 years ago

    And when does the lampooning of Hilary start in the strip, Miller?

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  35. Duck1275
    Brass Orchid Premium Member over 9 years ago

    You may say that clouds resemble sheep, but all I have ever seen is dirt and blades of grass, so I must take exception.

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  36. Missing large
    hippogriff  over 9 years ago

    stricturesWhy do you assume aborted women don’t want the child? The majority do, it is just that a live woman can try again, while a dead mother and fetus accomplish nothing. That is why Republican policy has been called a “war on women” to the death of the women..HardthoughtThat definition of socialist (equals communism) exists only in the old Soviet empire, USA, and the more “branch plant” mentality of Canada. In the old free speech days when all you needed was a US flag, a soapbox, and a street corner, the thing a communist orator feared the most was a socialist heckler. It wasn’t quite convincing to call him a “running dog of Wall Street” when his party leader was in prison for calling a strike..argythreeWow, how nice. Here in north Texas the roads being build are toll, build by a Spanish multinational, from taxes, and tolls thereafter go to Spain. Until recently, we had “LBJ Freeway” and “President George Bush Tollway”. Someone must have noticed because they have double-decked a toll road on LBJ. Worse, they named another toll road for Sam Rayburn, who as majority whip, majority leader, and Speaker of the House carried most of the New Deal legislation.

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    tom56  over 9 years ago

    So, I’m guessing Wiley is a libtard and doesn’t like repube-icans?

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    1953Baby  over 9 years ago

    Agree with dad—trump is just a boorish oaf.. Thanks, Wiley!

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  39. Dr suese 02
    Tarredandfeathered  over 9 years ago

    Sorry, but most of the Rest of the “Functions” you wish to do away with are actually Extensions of the Police Function.They exist to punish Corporations for their tendency to commit Crimes Against Humanity..Poison in our Food.Poison in our Water.Poison in our Air.Poison in our Politics..Rampant Theft wherever the Corporations are allowed to operate without that Police Function..Not to mention the occasional Mass Murder corporations have committed in the name of Profits.

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  40. Profile picture 1442959384
    as85 Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Miller packed a lot into four panels! Bravo!

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