Dick Tracy by Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger for June 27, 2010

  1. Bren suit
    FLIGHT SUIT  over 14 years ago

    Angry demonstrators may promote dangerous ideas; avoid them!

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  2. Bren suit
    FLIGHT SUIT  over 14 years ago

    Gee, who is the mystery shooter who just put this story arc out of its misery?

    Who could it be?

    Curse you Locher, for being such a master of suspense.

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  3. Bill 1960
    Vista Bill Raley and Cometā„¢  over 14 years ago

    Hmmā€¦ who fired the shot?

    Crimestoppers Textbook has a bit of good advice! Normally, I would go directly through a group like that. Iā€™ll be more careful in the future. I learn something new from this every week!

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  4. Bren suit
    FLIGHT SUIT  over 14 years ago

    I think itā€™s based on Locherā€™s opinion of liberals.

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  5. Missing large
    Llewellenbruce  over 14 years ago

    End of this story.

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  6. Cardinaltm
    Cardinal Premium Member over 14 years ago

    For fans of ā€œAnnieā€ ā€¦


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  7. Bill 1960
    Vista Bill Raley and Cometā„¢  over 14 years ago

    Thanks, Cardinal!

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  8. Missing large
    adina.sherer  over 14 years ago

    Thanks Cardinal - I love it - thanks for posting the link here - I REALLY miss Annie - esp compared to Dick Tracy - why couldnā€™t they have cancelled DT instead???

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  9. Rimshot
    Panel-Panner  over 14 years ago

    So who is the shooter in the last panel?

    Maybe itā€™s Dirty Harry. How clever. Deus ex magnum.

    Notice how Johnny Nothingā€™s Blank mask is falling off? Itā€™ll turn out that he does have a face but blank eyes. Like I said before, Little Orphan Annie out for revenge.

    I do like the Crimestoppers panel. Good to see the Three Stooges getting some work. Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk. Must be members of the militant group, Activists Against Proboscis Discrimination, AKA The Nosy Parkers.

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  10. 18e
    btmosley  over 14 years ago

    Yesterday he threw the axe away. I guess he changed his mind.

    When artist Jim Brozman was asked about the reason for the lack of continuity, he drew a Blank.

    http://www.dailyherald.com/story/?id=324733 ā€œA good cartoon must be well-drawn, accurate, contain a history lesson and make its point quickly, he said.ā€

    Heā€™s talking about editorial cartoons, not THIS strip. Obviously.

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  11. Missing large
    Jacquemar1798  over 14 years ago

    What does Locher do for this strip now?? Is he the writer or the artist??

    I really miss Max Allan Collinsā€™ writing. He and Locher were a great team.

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  12. Missing large
    OzzieJohn  over 14 years ago

    Seems that Locher writes it (according to info in btmosleyā€™s link)

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  13. 43 website
    ironclad2001  over 14 years ago

    Amen adinasherer.

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  14. Rick
    davidf42  over 14 years ago

    That axe still amazes me. It looks even better in color when you can see that the blade is mounted through a hole in the handle rather than the handle going through a hole in blade the way most Iā€™ve seen do.

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  15. D and d bed 03sc
    Ray_C  over 14 years ago

    This is disturbing. For the second time in three arcs, Tracy is painted as the victim who is saved, rather than the one who comes to the rescue. He handled the Strad situation pretty well, itā€™s true; but the circus and now thisā€¦ Does it seem like a deliberate pattern to emasculate DT? I canā€™t think of why.

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  16. Missing large
    neonleon59  over 14 years ago

    Ray C, right you are. Of all the frustrating/maddening/humiliating things about the drivel that this once-great strip has become, thatā€™s the WORST. If we can overlook the poor and inconsistent artwork, every story has Tracy looking like a major coward who runs from trouble and has to be saved by a surprise twist, like Fee Fi in the tiger cage. Gouldā€™s stories were silly sometimes, but they NEVER painted Tracy as a cowering victim. Plus even when they were silly, they always made sense and werenā€™t rife with inconsistencies from day to day, panel to panel, etc.


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  17. Missing large
    neonleon59  over 14 years ago

    Letā€™s do a little survey: Who do you think is the shooter in the last panel? Iā€™ve seen this weekā€™s strips, so Iā€™ll disqualify myself. Sydney, that goes for you too. :)

    The only hint Iā€™ll give you is that itā€™s somebody that has already appeared in this story arc. In other words, itā€™s not a surprise appearance from Diet Smith or B.O. Plenty or somebody like that.

    Speculate away!

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  18. 1939 11 adventure neff
    Donaldo Premium Member over 14 years ago

    Angry demonstraters have nothing to demonstrate against. Everything is fineā€¦ go back to your cubiclesā€¦ nothing to see here.

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  19. Bp 1276417405712
    fishbulb  over 14 years ago

    I guess the shooter is Sam. Based on the idea that Lizz & Angina would have painted nails. Knowing this stripā€™s inconsistencies and lack of logic, it is probably the guy lying bleeding on the stage.

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  20. Nobozos3
    Froxkrybra  over 14 years ago

    Looks like a male hand, Iā€™ll take a guess itā€™s Samā€¦

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  21. Ca avatar patch
    CougarAllen  over 14 years ago

    Crimestoppers Textbook Angry people are perfectly safe and need not be avoided ā€“ unless they are demonstrators.

    -Cougar :{)

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  22. Missing large
    Clevite Kid Premium Member over 14 years ago

    Iā€™ll Guess it is DT himself. He remembered posing for the dummy in the back seat of the dive-bomber, used it as a decoy, dropped out the bomb-bay, borrowed a gun from a passing mugger, and shoots Johnny himself, redeeming his image forever.

    Yeah, right.

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  23. Dick t
    Groundzero  over 14 years ago

    Three old white guys out demonstrating-HaHa-Iā€™m an old white guyā€“I think not. More likely those three would be at home asleep on the couch.

    PS: I think Sam is the shooter. Handā€™s too masculine to be Liz. Of course this artist is not exactly the greatest cartoonist of all time. But,still,Iā€™ll go with Sam.

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  24. Missing large
    LittleRedDress  over 14 years ago

    Iā€™ll go for the ghost of Chester Gould, attempting to bring some semblance of sanity to this sorry state of affairs.

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  25. Missing large
    mjmsprt40  over 14 years ago

    Iā€™ll guess Sam. I could almost go with the idea that Liz is the mystery shooter, though, because she was the only one of the lot who showed any curiosity at the unusually long intermission.

    Now, after this, she needs to seriously consider firing Dick Tracy. His cowardice and inability to detect a crime happening to him endangers himself and anybody assigned to be with him.

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  26. Calvin
    SimonPenn  over 14 years ago

    A wonderful sunny Sunday and a wonderful Dick Tracy strip. Dick Tracy always has classic chase scenes and Locher always does them best!

    Great recap of the week for people who only get to read the Sundays. We get to see the Blank again in action only from a different point of view.

    And a great cliffhanger (as always), not giving too much away! Super!!

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  27. Paul
    LudwigVonDrake  over 14 years ago

    Just put the strip out of its misery.

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  28. Oddball
    Morrow Cummings  over 14 years ago

    I confess, Neonleon, it was me. I was trying to put the imposter in the ground and missed and got Johnny Nothing instead. I was raised on Gouldā€™s Dick Tracy and this guy ainā€™t nothing like him. The only thing heā€™s got in common with Tracy is they both need a nose job. Too bad Locher wasnā€™t the one hit.

    Remember, folks, this is what Mattie and his sidekick call ā€œsheer geniusā€. What say, BB?

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  29. Emerald
    margueritem  over 14 years ago

    Iā€™ll throw my lot in with the ā€˜Itā€™s Samā€™ crowd. Unless the rock that was thrown through Tracyā€™s window has grown an armā€¦

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  30. Missing large
    OldTracy  over 14 years ago

    Did any of you bloggers do this as a mercy killing for all of us?

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  31. 18e
    btmosley  over 14 years ago

    Iā€™ll repeat these tomorrow in case anyone misses it in here this late:



    http://www.toplessrobot.com/2008/09/the10_newspapercomicstripsthatneedtofkinge.php (Read the comments)

    http://joshreads.com/ (Read the comments)

    Youā€™ll have to copy and paste some of these URLā€™s to access the articles.


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  32. Warthog
    wndrwrthg  over 14 years ago

    A shot rings out in the hall Johnny is in for one big fall Tracy, trapped in the gunners seat Can only look on and softly bleat ā€œThe other cops get to carry a gun Why on earth wonā€™t they give me one?ā€ Who can be this mystery shooter? My bet is some random looter Or maybe even a airplane buff Who finally said, ā€œenough is enoughā€ Are we finally going to see the end? And will this wounded strip ever mend? Come back tomorrow if you dare It may be more than you can bear.

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  33. Oddball
    Morrow Cummings  over 14 years ago

    Bravo, WW! My guess is Liz(z)! Sam tried to get her attention with the popcorn stunt and she quickly lost interest, got up, and was sneaking out when she stumbled on Macyā€™s typical act of heroism.

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  34. 18e
    btmosley  over 14 years ago

    I dunno; I think Sam always used a revolver instead of an automatic.

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