Arlo and Janis by Jimmy Johnson for September 25, 2015
Gus: OK, what parts of your business plan are working best? Mary Lou: Nothing! The markets, the restaurants, the grocers - nothing has worked like we expected! Mary Lou: We made more money from people who wandered up the drive looking for produce to buy than from our 'business plan'! Gus: The curse of every entrepreneur! Those pesky customers trying to give you money!
cabalonrye over 9 years ago
No plan survives contact with the enemy… ahem. The client.
Carl Premium Member over 9 years ago
My niece makes a good living running a roadside produce store.
merlinmurph over 9 years ago
Man, I love Gus. Haven’t seen too much of him.
Chuck_it_all over 9 years ago
And, so, the mentoring begins (When the student is ready, the Guru appears!): Sell to those who want to buy from you and stop trying to sell to those who have no interest in buying from you.
Gus, of course, said it better and more effectively. Sarcasm is one of the most effective teaching tools.
QuietStorm27 over 9 years ago
Such wisdom! She should have spoken to dad sooner before his hair went all white.
guy42 over 9 years ago
I can relate only too well with Gus’s final observation. Business would be great if it wasn’t for all those D$#M customers interrupting my production schedule.
bachinsure over 9 years ago
Great strip. Every University business department should post this on their wall.
pschearer Premium Member over 9 years ago
Remember the old Saturday Night Live skit about the “Scotch Tape Store”? People kept coming in and asking if the store had magnetic recording tape (I did say this was an OLD skit) and the store owners kept chasing the people away while wondering why nobody was buying their tape.
ARLOS DAD over 9 years ago
Feed the vegetables so they flourish, clients as well……
mourdac Premium Member over 9 years ago
Subscription produce business.
unca jim over 9 years ago
Remarkable how Gus has finally ‘come to’ after looking so hung-over when this arc started a while back !
amaryllis2 Premium Member over 9 years ago
When I was a kid, there was an orchard about an hour out of DC that decided to go into the pick your own business. Their neighbors thought they were crazy—too far away, who would come, and why would anyone pay to do the work for you? They were so successful that within a few years their neighbors joined in. For our family, we kids got to climb trees for hours! Cool! Picking cherries, peaches, going home and filling bottles and the freezer with the pride of we picked that.
paultunes over 9 years ago
notice she isn’t talking to Gene about this. no need to bother the beta male.
Gokie5 over 9 years ago
In Sheboygan County, WI, and other counties in that part of the US, I’m sure, now is about the time to go to certain orchards, pick apples or whatever, and pay for the weight we’ve picked. We used to go to Gibbsville.