Over the Hedge by T Lewis and Michael Fry for October 08, 2015
October 07, 2015
October 09, 2015
verne and hannibal play twister to the death... left big toe green. cat: how can you do that? verne: yoga...and a high tolerance for pain. cat: you're like a ninja for abuse. verne: you have no idea.
Arbitrary over 9 years ago
That’s yellow. I think you’ve won, Hannibal.
cabalonrye over 9 years ago
Hannibal is colour blind.
x_Tech over 9 years ago
But Hannibal has moved off of all the other dots. Verne, you win and Hannibal can’t eat you.
juicebruce over 9 years ago
As far as abuse goes Verne hangs out with RJ :-O
guy42 over 9 years ago
If you are playing with the right people just playing is winning.
Strod over 9 years ago
And yes. We are all very aware that Verne is a ninja for Verne-abuse!
MS72 over 9 years ago
TWISTER uses Red, Blue, Yellow, Green. The colorist did his research, the artist did not!
ain’t comics fun?
Erwin Schwartz over 9 years ago
It’s official, we now know for sure the colorist doesn’t read the comics he/she only colors them.
pam Miner over 9 years ago
Real turtles can’t get naked. I used to think those shells came off, but they don’t.