For Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston for November 27, 2015

  1. Pictures 087
    Baarorso  over 9 years ago

    He WOULD have to have a BIG BUTT joke in mind already doesn’t he? Ellie DOES know him and she does know him quite well! ;-D

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  2. Foolishhandsomebarracuda max 1mb
    Frog-on-a-Log Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Baby Got Back

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    crabbear  over 9 years ago

    I see nothing wrong at all with a nice round butt!!!

    VIVA LA BUTT!!!!!

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  4. Pirate63
    Linguist  over 9 years ago

    I have never been one for the skinny model types, or rather, had good luck with them ( and had couple of ex-wives to prove it ). I prefer women ‘of substance’ – physically, spiritually, and emotionally.Beauty isn’t measured by whether a woman’s a size 6 or 12.They older a men gets, the more he realizes what real beauty is. Too bad it take us men so long to figure that out.

    I still won’t answer the " Does this outfit make my butt look big ?" question, however !

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    MIHorn Premium Member over 9 years ago

    I wouldn’t want any “all nighters” or much of anything else from a spouse who used passive-aggressive “humor” like John does.

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    Guilty Bystander  over 9 years ago

    Careful, Gweedo. Freedom of speech only extends to those who agree with its self-appointed arbiters. Orwell’s fourth maxim from “1984”: Intolerance is Diversity.

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  7. 2006 afl collingwood
    nosirrom  over 9 years ago

    John likes her hind end.I can tell that because I see he’s playing pocket pool.

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    USN1977  over 9 years ago

    I never called anyone by their last name, unless it was preceded by a title, namely “Mr.” or “Mrs.” Otherwise I would get disciplined by my parents. That is surprising that Elly refers to the man she has married as “Patterson”.

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    shadyguy  over 9 years ago

    I have seen some meat loaf that Alpo would have improved!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  10. Silverknights
    JanLC  over 9 years ago

    No, the reason they are divorced is that Rod cheated. Repeatedly.

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    zeimetr  over 9 years ago


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    hippogriff  over 9 years ago

    USN1977It is not unheard of, Molly always called Fibber McGee (as did most everyone else). Usually limited to two syllables, though.

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  13. Papa smurf walking smiling
    route66paul  over 9 years ago

    The old safe standby, “Yes, dear”, is a bad answer. Is there nowhere we can be safe? I just pretend that I can’t hear the question.

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    Baarorso  over 9 years ago

    You kight say that John’s rematk was “nipped in THE BUTT”! ;)

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    Tantor  over 9 years ago

    HA HA!

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  16. Freedom
    bookworm0812  over 9 years ago

    Wow. LOL. She really DOES have eyes on the back of her head!

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    Tarredandfeathered  over 9 years ago

    When people Divorce, all sorts of “Family Secrets” become public knowledge..Including These. Lynn Johnson stated publicly that she and Rod divorced because he had a Girlfriend on the side and he admitted it to her.

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  18. Lady dragoncat
    Dragoncat  over 9 years ago

    And the Dragoncat Award for Best Song Reference goes to

Comicsssfan!!! LOL!

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    JennyJenkins  over 9 years ago

    In my son’s class, there were four boys, including him, who had the same first name. (We thought we were original!)The boys called each other by their last names, and so did the teacher. Nobody bothered with the middle name because two of the boys had the same middle name too! What a coincidence.

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    K M  over 9 years ago

    Hey, Ellie, you gave him the straight line!

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