Shoe by Gary Brookins and Susie MacNelly for October 21, 2015

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    Phatts  over 9 years ago

    painfully true

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    cocavan11  over 9 years ago

    Not “we only have to fool 51% next November,” but “we have to fool only 51% next November.”

    The correct placement of “only” in a sentence can be crucial. Witness:

    Only I poked him in his eye with my stick.I only poked him in his eye with my stick.I poked only him in his eye with my stick.I poked him only in his eye with my stick.I poked him in his only eye with my stick.I poked him in his eye only with my stick.I poked him in his eye with my only stick.I poked him in his eye with my stick only.

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    ECAsh  over 9 years ago

    THATS NOT TRUE…only 51% of voting public..only about 30% vote, most listed as republican and democrat… Which means only 15-17% of the people.and you win

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    Olddog1  over 9 years ago

    Actually, 47-49% would do it.

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    IndyMan  over 9 years ago

    I wouldn’t mind voting IF there were someone worthwhile for which to vote. To me, they all look and sound the same. Promises of ideal situations and when they get there they do the same thing—NOTHING—except blame the other party for the country’s ills when they ALL are responsible because they do NOTHING ! ! ! ! !

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    neverenoughgold  over 9 years ago

    Yes indeed!

    Lucky for us…

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  7. Pirate63
    Linguist  over 9 years ago

    There are three people applying for the same job. One is a mathematician, one a statistician, and one an accountant.

    The interviewing committee first calls in the mathematician.

    They say “we have only one question. What is 500 plus 500?” The mathematician, without hesitation, says “1000.”The committee sends him out and calls in the statistician.

    When the statistician comes in, they ask the same question. The statistician ponders the question for a moment, and then answers “1000… I’m 95% confident.” He is then also thanked for his time and sent on his way.

    When the accountant enters the room, he is asked the same question: “what is 500 plus 500?” The accountant replies, “what would you like it to be?” They hire the accountant.

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    K M  over 9 years ago

    Reminds me of MAD magazine sticking this in Nixon’s mouth: “You can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, BUT HERE’S WHERE I MAKE A LIAR OUT OF LINCOLN!!”

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  9. Papa smurf walking smiling
    route66paul  over 9 years ago

    Why vote when all of the choices are equally bad? voting for something you don’t agree with is just wrong.

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  10. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  over 9 years ago

    @Bruno ZeigertsI once found an old record of “The Button-down Mind of Bob Newhart” at a garage sale. It wasn’t even all that scratchy, either!

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    KEA  over 9 years ago

    he won with the Supreme Court because they STOPPED the recount.

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    KEA  over 9 years ago

    Lincoln also said… “government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” …which apparently his Party has forgotten

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  13. Cheetah crop 2
    benbrilling  over 9 years ago

    Senator Belfry is right, poor guy; too bad he isn’t a congressman, he’d be a shoo-in with fooling many fewer thanks to gerrymandering.

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    HannahKatz  over 9 years ago

    Gosh the Senator reminds me of Tip O’Neil.

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  15. Timelordsoundwave
    awelcruiz  over 9 years ago

    I don’t think Lincoln actually said that.

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