Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for November 23, 2015
Puck: Lupin is invisible when he's in the sink. Elvis: ACTUALLY, Puck, Elvis here with a correction to that headline: Lupin THINKS he's invisible when he's in the sink. Lupin: I am absolutely invisible when I'm in the sink. Man: Where's Lupin? I can't find Lupin! Puck: This just in: The Man can't see Lupin! Elvis: No, he CAN, he's just being cute -- Elvis: DON'T. I swear to cat, just DON'T -- Man: Honey, have you seen Looooopin?
Lady Nicole about 9 years ago
hawgowar about 9 years ago
“I swear to cat!”
That’s hilarious!
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member about 9 years ago
Babies love this game, apparently so does Lupin! So very cute.I love his look at the end, getting away with it and annoying Elvis. Preceless!
David W Cairns about 9 years ago
I’ll just turn the taps on to wash my hands.
morningglory73 Premium Member about 9 years ago
This was really cute.
I AM CARTOON LADY! about 9 years ago
I don’t see a white cat in that sink…where is it?
comic4matt about 9 years ago
Oh my! Is Lupin nakeeeeeed?
Retired Dude about 9 years ago
I like the pile of Lupin’s clothes.
Quabaculta about 9 years ago
Rising up from lurking depths just to tell Georgia how wonderfully gentle and funny her ‘very close to reality’ cat strip is. I love the cats and their stories and their view of the world. I hope we see more of the Latin Broadcasters from upstairs (or is it downstairs?).
Joan32 about 9 years ago
Invisible cats! My orange female curls up on a fleece blanket or cushions on chairs and my 83 year eyes can’t find her easily!
Banjo Gordy Premium Member about 9 years ago
Notice how the edge of the sink becomes a huge Lupin smile. Georgia is a master of cat expressions.
T_Lexi about 9 years ago
I swear to cat, this comic strip is fabulous!
e98twin2 about 9 years ago
This is one of my absolute favorites – though they’re all so good, it’s hard to pick.
Ricky Bennett about 9 years ago
This is the best strip of the series! I love it!!!
Perkycat about 9 years ago
What fun!
Wichita10 about 9 years ago
Sink? What sink? Oh, the white thing with ears, that I can’t see? Where?
scaeva Premium Member about 9 years ago
It is well known to the illuminatii and cogno scienti that cats can become invisible at will, then reassemble themselves from their catly molecules somewhere else, or occasionally where you just looked less than a minute ago.
lopaka about 9 years ago
One of the best in an excellent strip.
rikkiTikki Premium Member about 9 years ago
Lupin is so pleased with himself – wait until someone needs to wash their hands boy.
Maizing about 9 years ago
Love it!
saxie5 about 9 years ago
The I swear to cat line made me laugh out loud. My black and white cat likes to play this game, but then she makes you chase her afterwards.
She Mc about 9 years ago
Just like everyone else, I love it!!!
mistercatworks about 9 years ago
I use to periodically “lose” my two cats. I would wander around the house calling their names. They would follow me around, puzzled, until I “found” one, then the other. Their relief at being found was obvious but they enjoyed the game.
Red Ruffensor about 9 years ago
That should be. “I swear to CEILING cat.”
noreenklose about 9 years ago
Love it!
SunflowerGirl100 about 9 years ago
Hooray! The Thanksgiving strip is up early over at the website!!!
LesbianCat75(Happy Pride Month) over 3 years ago
squirrelpusheen over 3 years ago
He is not merely invisible. . . HE IS THE SINK!