Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for December 07, 2015
Duke: ...and I'd like to thank Dr. Stan Filburn for organizing the "Moonlight with MDMA" theme part on the beach last night. Well done, Stan! Okay, now, today from 9:00 to 9:15, Dean Honey will be hosting a roundtable on the ethics of drug designing, after which we'll break for lunch.l At 2:30, the main event. Those brilliant twins from USC, Drs. Albie and Bunny Gorp, will demonstrate how they beat the feds with their hot, new, Top 40 hybrid "Intensity!" Bunny: ...and we just remove this molecule... voila! Albie: Legal as sea salt!
nosirrom about 9 years ago
Is this where Legal Seafood got their business model?
Coyoty Premium Member about 9 years ago
Today it would be legal as bath salts.
nyssawho13 about 9 years ago
…and then at 3 pm we’ll break for cocktail hour to discuss our busy schedule.
Pointspread about 9 years ago
I’m surprised ethics got even 15 minutes.
thirdguy about 9 years ago
I’m surprised Honey gets to do anything other than cover Duke’s tail.
BeniHanna6 Premium Member about 9 years ago
If nothing else the strip points out the idiocy of our drug laws. It has been proven over the centuries that you cannot legislate human morality. All you end up doing is creating a market in which organized crime thrives.
J Quest about 9 years ago
Nice representation of a Dreiding model in the last panel, although the structure of MDMA is considerably simpler than the one shown for “intensity”.
route66paul about 9 years ago
making anything contraband is the point. This is a way for cronies to get rich, also a way to finance dirty deeds and even wars.
comicsboi Premium Member about 9 years ago
Check the commentary at this link:
If the link does not work, try googling the words #130 METHYL-MA Erowid.
Tarredandfeathered about 9 years ago
Never waste Logic or Facts on a Gun Worshipper. It’s against their religion.
Miserichord about 9 years ago
Canada has one tenth the population of the US, so that would be 1440 for the same size population.
It also has one tenth the population density, reflection far fewer crowded inner cities.
And the firearm murders are nearly 50 % black on black, from a population that is 13.2 % black (compared to the Canadian 2.9% black).50% of all murders in the US are committed by blacks.
I will leave you to reach your own conclusions.
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member about 9 years ago
The more things change, …………..
Miserichord about 9 years ago
So, offering up the facts reported by the Department of Justice Bureau of Justice Statistics makes me a racist?
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 9 years ago
“while the overall crime rate in Canada is DOUBLE that in the US the MURDER rate is triple in the US than in Canada and MURDER rate with a firearm are 7 TIMES MORE in the US than in Canada ".And do Canadians become mad shooters when they visit the USA?.You are assuming fewer killings because they don’t have the means of killing.I imagine they don’t have the mindset for the most part..Consider, if guns were common in a convent, would the nuns start blasting away?.Me don’t think so.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 9 years ago
But it is his attitude which feeds the beast which keeps that situatiom alive.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 9 years ago
There are no places that are inherently good or bad.They get those reputations as a result of the attitudes and actions of those living there..People who have only the clothes on their backs, not speaking a word of English and with no education come to this country, find any kind of job they can get, avail themselves of the educational opportunities open to all, build an honest life for themselves and their children..Others with a head start on them accomplish nothing to make the world a better place and attack the newcomers..If we excuse their defeatism, we help them lose for yet another generation, at great cost to their children and us.