Endtown by Aaron Neathery for November 16, 2015

  1. Idano
    Ida No  over 9 years ago

    Wally: “First, we get to the tower. Then we look for a phone. Kirbee, you wouldn’t happen to have the number for Uber, would you?”

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    Twonky  over 9 years ago

    And so the return trek to Endtown begins. Considering the rapid healing of the mutants, when will Kirbee lose the bandage? Will she grow a new tail or be left with a stub? And rapid healing does not seem to apply to mental healing.

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    notus  over 9 years ago

    back to unity ?i guess well find out soon if sara or chick parents survived

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    Robert Nowall Premium Member over 9 years ago

    I’m still under the impression that it was Holly who pushed Wally fully into the idea of leaving-for-good, whatever his inclinations…then again, it’s not an exile, he’s just “out on assignment,” testing the dittoes…he can go back any time.

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  5. Stressedout
    Erwin Schwartz  over 9 years ago

    You can surmise that Kirbee’s tail may be like Flack’s tail. It may not grow back. On the other hand Lizards with detachable tails are meant to regenerate them when lost. Only time will tell.

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  6. Blindspot
    salenstormwing  over 9 years ago

    The Leaning Tower of Piza has competition in the post-apocalyptic vacation destination.

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    Darwinskeeper  over 9 years ago

    I wonder if this means that we’ll never see “the great green.”

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  8. Penguins
    DADOF3  over 9 years ago

    Uh, they DID leave Endtown in a SLIGHTLY “unconventional” fashion. They may not be welcomed back with exactly open arms. At the very least they will probably be presented with a sizeable bill for one hydraulic transport pod and station cleanup. ;-)

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    Vet Premium Member over 9 years ago

    DADOF3Some problems with finding Endtown…..Al had a location watch to find it. The location is out in the middle of no where so just walking up on it would be a trick.Wally and company got nothing to find their way back…..right now.

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    Vet Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Its not that Wally thinks its any better.Its really the only place they got within reach.No supplies, no water, Holly spacing out, got two more mouths to feed.Its really the only place they have to go to.Just finding it is going to be the trick.Getting in won’t be an issue…..if those dust crawlers show Wally’s smiling face to the Rats I am sure Wally will be warmly welcomed.Just don’t mind the chains, handcuffs, rough handling, gun pointing, you know security stuff.

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  11. Coffee turtle avatar
    coffeeturtle  over 9 years ago

    Didn’t we leave Endtown gripped in Political Chaos?

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  12. Lady dragoncat
    Dragoncat  over 9 years ago

    Back to Endtown?…The place where she was thrown in jail for being in the wrong place at the wrong time?The place that didn’t appreciate the fact that she could make cheese out of anthro cow’s milk?The place where the prison cells have the lights on 24/7, without so much as a toilet?The place where they didn’t want to have new foods added to their incredibly limited menu?The place where an anthro rabbit was chosen by a strange being from another dimension to use Holly’s situation to create political turmoil?The place where Wally and Holly may still be classified as terrorists for threatening two rats with a grenade (as instructed by the very two rats themselves)?THAT ENDTOWN?!?…Angus should start charging rent to that tower. He’d be the richest anteater around.

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    Space_cat  over 9 years ago

    Wally’s realization that his allowing Holly to accompany him has done Holly a grave disservice.His attempt to “fix” thing now may be too late.He really has no real options now other than the most logical solution.Return to Endtown…If I recall they left rather explosively last time..I for one will be glad to to see whats in the distance finally.I know many of us speculated as to what it might be..For Wally, it is hope, plain and simple.I think it may be another “Rabbit hole” of a story to go down into for a while.I suspect for all this trouble there may be no food and water and then to attempt to return to a place where they may not be welcome is suicide one way or another.Wally knows the way, back to unity, to the crashed PT to West Albion and then to Endtown.It would be nice if Aaron would be so kind as to provide his loyal readers with a map (hint hint)..

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  14. Cat by ola liola
    Jelliqal  over 9 years ago

    Maybe there is a phone in the castle and we can call for help

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  15. Idano
    Ida No  over 9 years ago

    “Things were bad when they left, why do they think it would be any better now?”Irrelevant. It’s the only place Wally knows of with a competent, trained doctor. And right now, they REALLY need Doc. Chase.

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  16. Docrat logo avatar
    Jenner Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Kirbee wouldn’t be in any of the earlier drawings. Neathery says she’s a relatively recently-created character.

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    Darwinskeeper  over 9 years ago

    Its likely that whatever the tower is, it may change the direction of their story. Who knows, maybe its a crashed alien space ship.

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  18. Rage
    Nabexis  over 9 years ago

    Uh… is Wally using ALL of the dittos to manifest that bed? Because they have shadows. I don’t think it’s wise for them to let their guards down quite that much…

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    Ol' me  over 9 years ago

    They need to get back to Endtown. I still think Kirbee would be perfect for Trace.

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  20. Gocomic 2c
    RickD Premium Member over 9 years ago

    They’ll get to the object on the horizon and find…

    …it’s the upraised arm of the Statue of Liberty!! Wally falls to his knees, shouting, “You finally did it! Oh, you ba$tard$!”

    And Kirbee replies, “You silly. We all know what happened.”

    Then, Wally says, “Oh, yeah. Right. Never mind.”

    then Irving says: " ".

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