Phoebe and Her Unicorn by Dana Simpson for December 02, 2015

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    Templo S.U.D.  about 9 years ago

    Phoebe’s mother! Your daughter is serious here! How dare you snerk at the dilemma!

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  2. Trollspry
    Enter.Name.Here  about 9 years ago

    Not the dilemma she’s snerking at. Sometimes the truth should not be spoken out loud, especially if it accomplishes nothing but hurt someone and/or make them mad.

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    Tue Elung-Jensen  about 9 years ago

    a zebra may look like one, but it isn´t a horse.

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    Randy B Premium Member about 9 years ago

    Phoebe is basically an ape.Would she be pleased if Marigold called her that?Remember to THINK:Is it true, helpful, inspiring, necessary, and kind?

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    Timmainsson  about 9 years ago

    Phoebe, Please apologize and do so from the heart and then you will discover truth is a matter of perspective a view/facet of a fact

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    Hag5000  about 9 years ago

    Better patch things up between you and Marigold, Phoebe.

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    Darwinskeeper  about 9 years ago

    Its funny that Phoebe thinks that Marigold looks like a horse because the artist has taken pains to draw Marigold more like the medieval concept of a unicorn as opposed to the “horse with a horn” that most of us think of. Beyond the tail, her body and legs are much more slender than a horse’s.

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    Darwinskeeper  about 9 years ago

    I think Phoebe is about to learn an important lesson. “Truth means trouble.”

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    Comic Minister Premium Member about 9 years ago

    Agreed mam.

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    Claire Jordan  about 9 years ago

    The zebra is a kind of donkey, so you can actually mate zebras with horses to get a kind of stripey mule.

    The traditional unicorn with cloven hooves and a lion-like tufted tail, is definitely more antelope than horse. Only the head and neck are meant to be horse-like.

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    Monster Hesh  about 9 years ago

    Sure, my li’l nose-picker—just like you’re “basically” a chimpanzee.

    Here, see this chimp on YouTube, playing with its own doo-doo?

    Now do you understand how calling Mari a horse might be insulting to her?

    I know you’re just a kid, but try less of the “dig your heels in and double down” approach and more of the “strive to understand how others feel” thing before you lose the best thing that’s ever happened to you.

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    roger1951  about 9 years ago

    Marigold is drawn like a traditional unicorn.Tail like a lion and hooves like a goat (split)(and the male ones have a beard)Not like a horse at all… If i was Marigold i would be insulted at being called a horse…

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    dogday Premium Member about 9 years ago

    My mother taught me many things in the short time she was with me. One, you can say anything to anybody if you just know how (as in, tactfully and kindly; ) and two, a real friend will always tell you the truth (as in, not using it as a cudgel to beat you but a tool to help you.) So, yes, Phoebe, learn from your friend, be humble, and make amends.

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    tudzax2  about 9 years ago

    Just check the split hooves. Not a horse.

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    sjsczurek  about 9 years ago

    It could be worse.

    Someone could call Marigold a MULE!

    Or confuse her with one!

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    ladymadcat  about 9 years ago

    Phoebe, you are in the wrong, here! Not many (or any) peoples have a unicorn for a friend.Make amends! An apology and something sparkly would be nice!

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    John W Kennedy Premium Member about 9 years ago

    The usual classification puts unicorns into the Arteriodactyla, while horses, donkeys, and zebras are among the perissodactyla.

    (In fact, according to some passages in the Talmud, unicorns are kosher. But I guess a girl named Phoebe Grizelda Howell probably isn’t Jewish, anyway. Unless some meshugener at Ellis Island changed it.)

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    urthmothr Premium Member about 9 years ago

    If you look closely, the unicorns in the tapestries look more like elegant goats than elegant horses (which are elegant, anyway). I believe someone even once bred a goat with a single horn…

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    urthmothr Premium Member about 9 years ago

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    BloodMoonDragon13  about 4 years ago

    Snrk isnt a word

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