Bloom County 2019 by Berkeley Breathed for December 01, 2015

  1. Right here
    Sherlock Watson  over 9 years ago

    So… Steve works for Faux News?

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  2. Thinker
    Sisyphos  over 9 years ago

    Interesting interaction between Abby and Steve. She draws him out….

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  3. Blinky3
    ghretighoti  over 9 years ago

    Strange. Some people think he’s the best President since Lincoln. Others think he’s the worst person since Adam. I wonder who’s crazy.

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  4. Alexander the great
    Alexander the Good Enough  over 9 years ago

    Unfortunately, I encounter quite a few Steve-types around here. A couple are even named Steve. And all one has to do is mention the word “Obama” within their hearing and they become utterly irrational, totally unhinged, and darkly threatening. Indeed, it seems likely they’d cut off their very own nose in the hopes that it would spite Obama’s black face. Goodness, and bless their hearts! Get a grip and get real, I say. And turn off Rush and that d@mned Fox “News”!

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  5. Rankin badge   tartan 2
    jrankin1959  over 9 years ago

    Congratulations, Mr. B – the comments on this panel alone may use up every ounce of bandwidth in the known universe…

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  6. Menard2
    habfan40  over 9 years ago

    its neither – when he was first elected he promised to fix everything and so believers saw him as the next savior. since he could not fix everything he became the great Satan to the non believers he is no better or worse than most the last few presidents to run the country .I feel he was an average leader at best. the left press and comedians were very soft on him as he was their choice . They miss the Bush’s as it allowed them to have something to rant about and make their living on

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  7. Eric s fb profile photo 200400 1008160741043 4208603 n
    ericward  over 9 years ago

    I love Bloom County, but the loons that come out drive me crazy. Looters and moochers seem to automatically comment every time how great and grand their god-like Obama is, or spit and howl about the evils of everything that has improved humanity for the past several hundred years. Please just go away and die!

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  8. Caddy
    StCleve72  over 9 years ago

    Everything is Obama’s fault! Yesterday my car wouldn’t start and I just spilled my coffee and all because of that #$^@$^$ Musllm-commie-foreigner-homosexual-ax murderer. Okay, I gotta get back to watching Fox News now.

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  9. Missing large
    kinggroovy  over 9 years ago

    isn’t this a repeat? Didn’t they just run this one last week?

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  10. Notatroll
    Whatever happened to common sense?  over 9 years ago

    A politician is a politician. They all pander to the wealthy and corporate interests because of how campaigns are financed. Read this article if you don’t believe it.Elected officials do not represent 99% of the voters. The US government is virtually a one-party system (the Demorepublicratican Party) whose members serve only themselves and their rich cronies.Every four years we endure this three-ring circus of hype called the “election.” The voters are conned into thinking that they can make a difference, but once it’s over and all the hoopla has died down, it’s back to business as usual. It’s a self-perpetuating system.What is needed are viable second and third political parties, ones who will truly represent the voters.One positive thing I can say about Obama is this: at least he hasn’t started any unnecessary wars (so far).

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    Egrayjames  over 9 years ago

    The Hope thing died real fast. He may have done some good domestically, but his foreign policy is a joke. We have lost respect and credibility worldwide, and the problems in the Middle East are a direct result of his refusal to listen to military leaders. When you draw a line in the sand and challenge someone to cross it, and they do… don’t draw another line.

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    Not the Smartest Man On the Planet -- Maybe Close Premium Member over 9 years ago

    I knew Steve was a Tea Partier!

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    zskywalker  over 9 years ago

    Oh, Steve….Steve, Steve, Steve…..

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  14. Custom dogs sm3
    Druarc  over 9 years ago

    Id say it’s the issue with democracy, you need a good old dictatorship to get anything done ;)

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    Adamwest1956  over 9 years ago

    yes turn off Rush and Fox news because we cannot bear to hear anything that will disrupt our view of the world. I listen to cnn and msnbc all the time just to broaden my horizons. But the Libs can’t stand to hear anything except all the problems in the world are a result of global warming and Conservatives want to kill everyone. The last decent Lib was Bill Clinton and before that Humphrey. Most of you will have to Google that last one.

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    Tandembuzz  over 9 years ago

    Wow, that Abby is really flexible! I don’t think I’ve been able to bend in half like she does in the second panel since I was a toddler!

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