Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for January 02, 2016
Mike; Sal, you can't just drop out because of one roommate. Hell, my first roommate was B.D., and I survived! Sal: It's not just him, man. It's this whole place. I don't belong here. The flamer is right-- the world has changed. I miss the early '80s, man. Mike: I know you do, Sal. It was a great era.
BE THIS GUY about 9 years ago
The early ‘80s sucked! The country went through the worst recession since the Great Depression!
Renatus Profuturus Frigeridus Premium Member about 9 years ago
I don’t miss those time : horrible music
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 9 years ago
The days of our youth look better in retrospect.In part because we survived them.In part because we don’t remember our fears as clearly as when we had them.In part because we DO remember pain free existence.In part because we hadn’t made all those subsequent mistakes yet.
potrerokid about 9 years ago
Yup!!!!! It hasn’t quit, either!!!
SusanSunshine Premium Member about 9 years ago
Remember, this was written in 1985.Kinda changes the joke.
Coyoty Premium Member about 9 years ago
Trickle Down was actually Trickle Up.
Coyoty Premium Member about 9 years ago
The license plate has changed, too.
Pointspread about 9 years ago
Sal should quit and get a job.
marshalldoc about 9 years ago
So Lobo… Did you frequent the ‘Green Spider’ back then? I was down there too… but earlier, in the late ’60’s, early ’70’s.
Kit Miller about 9 years ago
Well, it’s been said before, the more things change, the more they stay the same.
vexman about 9 years ago
long time readers, neither my spouse nor i remember Doonesbury brother Sal…Sal? What became of him?
dutchs about 9 years ago
As a college professor who was getting hammered by double digit inflation, when it stopped, some of that money began flowing back to ME.
In case you wonder why the cost of college rises faster than inflation, it’s because universities never really caught up with inflation in the late 70’s.
moosemin about 9 years ago
Yeah, the time of “hostile takeovers” and “Leveraged buyouts”, layoffs and the beginning of “trickle-down” economics! And most of us are still reeling from its effects today!
unca jim about 9 years ago
I gather that everyone here is less than 42 years old and sparring with ancient thoughts, rejoinders and “I heards”..I got where I am by ‘doubling my money’ in that if I got paida hundred bucks, fifty of it would go into the bank, IRA, or whatever the law allowed (and sometimes not) The Depression and The War taught me at an early age that nobody was going to take care of us unless we struggledand helped ourselves to get ‘upwardly mobile,’ as they used to call it. Now, it seems that the offspring of those ‘upwardly mobile’sorts don’t have the foggiest notion of their predecessors struggles and aggravations and “want a share” of the pie, deserved or not. I officialy give up.
Honorable Mention In The Banjo Toss Premium Member about 9 years ago
And here’s to you, sir. Happy New Year, and enjoy the brandy and cigars.
Kip W about 9 years ago
The one unbroken window on the old house by the park believes its success is due entirely to hard work and perseverance, and doesn’t believe the other windows deserve any help. One day soon, it will change its tune.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 9 years ago
“1980. Wasn’t that when Reagan took over ".1981He was elected in 1980 in part because he applied President Carter’s Misery Index to the past 4 years.Misery Index was inflation rate plus unemployment rate.Carter used it against President Ford to prove him a failed president.Both had risen under Carter.Both went down under my hero, RWR.
s.gottlieb about 9 years ago
Ah the early 8s. Back when MTV MEANT something!
happytheman about 9 years ago
Don’t kid yourself if you live with a roof over your head and have 3 meals a day at your discretion.. you are part of the 1% world wide.. Premium Member about 9 years ago
Late 60s, early 70s…..much better.
JenXChick Premium Member about 9 years ago
If someone is a millionaire as El Segundo claims, they’re in the 1%. Apparently you’re under the mistaken impression that the 1% is only comprised of the ultra wealthy. The upper middle class is considered part of the 1% (there are 3 million people in the 1%…you think there are that many millionaires in the United States?).