The Dinette Set by Julie Larson for December 27, 2021

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    BlitzMcD  about 3 years ago

    Perry Como would most definitely disagree with the sentiment expressed in that heart. Of course Perry Como’s art is pretty much over their heads, anyway.

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    Zykoic  about 3 years ago


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    Zykoic  about 3 years ago

    The Folgers gag gets me. I had a cousin who entertained many high level executives and politicians in his line of business. All the booze bottles were top-shelf labels but all were refilled with rot-gut level liquor bargains. I don’t think the Cuban cigars were authentic either.

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    LastRoseOfSummer 1  about 3 years ago

    Burl looks afraid. He might actually have to do something.

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  5. Grandpa hef
    Jeff0811  about 3 years ago

    She is appealing to Burl on a level he will understand. If she were to ask him to do so for safety reasons he would just give her a Tim Taylor caveman look and grunt…NNNGGGH?

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  6. Hobo
    MeGoNow Premium Member about 3 years ago

    Sure, He’ll shovel away the snow. Then he’ll take out the pan of water.

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  7. Intraining
    InTraining Premium Member about 3 years ago

    The Find-it today is the Find-it…!

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    InTraining Premium Member about 3 years ago

    Judging from the snow on the window, Burl will no doubt take a pass…!

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  9. Bearfront
    paranormal  about 3 years ago

    Joy, pouring Folgers into a Starbucks bag does not make it Starbucks!

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    sparklite  about 3 years ago

    On TV is the movie The 39 steps.

    Waddle means “staying upright while walking in icy conditions.”

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    goboboyd  about 3 years ago
    I was looking for a ‘find it’, when there isn’t one today. A lesson in developing habits.
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  12. Bunny and summer together
    Moonkey Premium Member about 3 years ago

    They might want to hide their good sofa items, but right now I have to take my very best, thickest, warmest blankie off my sofa and put it into the washing machine because I just dropped a piece of cake with chocolate frosting on it. Frosting side down, of course. My dog would probably eat the blanket where the frosting landed if I didn’t launder it. Spot cleaning won’t fool a hound. It won’t be fully dry until probably tomorrow. I am sad.

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