The Dinette Set by Julie Larson for March 04, 2022

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    LastRoseOfSummer 1 Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Open mouth…insert foot.

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    BlitzMcD  almost 3 years ago

    Tactless response, to be sure. But the oafs actually do have a point. More often than not, those “I’m a little teapot” performances are ghastly technically. Kids painfully off key, singing out of meter, picking their noses and the like. Yet the doting parents, grandparents, etc. will gush over them with, “You were wonderful” and such. Truthfully, it’s not doing the kids any good to tell them how wonderful they were when they were terrible. Be diplomatic about it, but give them constructive criticism.

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    kgs  almost 3 years ago

    About five years ago I saw a high school production of Cats, I have to say it was very good and the sets were fantastic. The seating was great and you could not beat the price. I took my daughter to see the professional production in Chicago way back 40years ago, Paid $40 something each we were so far back the player looked about the size of your thumb nail. My granddaughter loved it when the cats came down the aisle right up to her and sang to her…

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    Shirl Summ Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Dunce caps for everyone!

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    Pickled Pete  almost 3 years ago

    And to think Joy is the smartest one there…

    It’s about 11 minutes long, but if you’re a Carson fan, you’ll probably like:

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    Ontman  almost 3 years ago

    From what I heard the Cats movie was a disaster. Kids have the excuse of being kids.

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    InTraining Premium Member almost 3 years ago
    Verl is about to say “they didn’t even bring enough treats for the kids…!”
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    Billys mom2022  almost 3 years ago

    Well DUHHH. If the cast was kids, then kids it was.

    What they expected was adults? Yes Timmy, I think you were adopted, just be lucky Joy and Burl didn’t adopt you.

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    Train 1911  almost 3 years ago

    Timmy should should lock himself in a closet poor kid.

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    MeGoNow Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Actually, the “real Broadway show” they saw was a rogue touring company doing “dinner theater” (would the Penny’s ever do anything where they couldn’t eat?) at the local Buffalo Buffet. It was a one-night stand so they could keep moving and not get caught and have to pay the royalties. They used borrowed costumes. That’s why some of the cats looked like flying monkeys.

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    tcayer  almost 3 years ago

    I bought my wife Lion King tickets. We saw the show, and it just so happened that my nephew’s school was doing the same production. We went to see him, and I’m like “We could have saved $190!”

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    Jefano Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    T. S. Eliot’s poems are fun (Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats, I mean — not his poetry in general, which is good, but not fun). But I really don’t think the music and costumes of the show add anything worthwhile.

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    paranormal  almost 3 years ago

    Did they sneak into CATS or did someone give them the tickets??? I can’t imagine them paying to see anything for more than a buck or two…

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    oldsmkysyvr  almost 3 years ago

    Well geez Burl, you should have brought along a bag of jelly ripe tomatoes to toss at those no talent kids.

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