Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for January 02, 2016
What was it like in your time, Uncle Reggie? Oh, My... It was lovely! Everyone knew their station and had the good sense to stay in it. No income tax, no pesky middle class to muddy the economic waters.. "Sigh" It was.. UTOPIA! And if you weren't a well monied white male? Oh, please don't tell me women still want the right to vote...
Argythree about 9 years ago
Uncle Reggie just alienated his only fan…
Varnes about 9 years ago
Yeah, too late for that Reg… and guess what? Now they want control of their own bodies!….Kinda makes you wonder what they’ll want next…….A woman president?
mr_sherman Premium Member about 9 years ago
The only reason I pay any attention to Trump is that it is good to know your enemies.
mr_sherman Premium Member about 9 years ago
Should Reginald be told about women drivers?(I’m ducking, now.)
Varnes about 9 years ago
Bruno, mr_sherman, Night and Jim…The Tea Party People got bored with mainstream republicans and jumped at the chance to be Trumped…That means the republicans have lost their base….Without the tea party, republicans have no chance of winning….Most of the republican establishment (That would be the ones with the money), would rather not vote, than vote for Trump…I wonder who moderate republican women will vote for this year?…
The Old Wolf about 9 years ago
“It’s grand to be an Englishman in 1910, King Edward’s on the throne, it’s the age of men!”
usafmsgt about 9 years ago
It Was the Best of Times, It Was, well the Best of Times.
dabugger about 9 years ago
Lost in time of his own creation. When an why did he wakeup? Danae has to start wondering about this ‘uncle’. At least he is transparent. Often wondered what is meant by ‘station’ is all about. Is that what some ‘conservatives’ want to try establishing?
comixbomix about 9 years ago
It’s no longer considered a “right” – now it’s “self-incrimination”.
route66paul about 9 years ago
It is no longer Republican vs Democrat; the battle of the 21st century is authoritarian (Rep+Dem) vs libertarian
Darwinskeeper about 9 years ago
Sorry Mr. Miller but there was a middle class in the Victorian and Edwardian eras. It wasn’t as large as it became in the era of mass production and unionization but it was there.
Pointspread about 9 years ago
I like the way Reggie is drawn flying through the tree.
Wiley creator about 9 years ago
“Now you too? Why does it matter the manner one conveys information?”-———————————————————————
I don’t know what this is in reference to. Can you elaborate?
I Quit about 9 years ago
Yep. I’ve been wondering when the anti-white male polemic would start infesting Non Sequitur.
QuiteDragon about 9 years ago
“Now Bernard Sanders is a wild card, though still Hillary out polls him by 50%. So we lose, both ways we lose as we have been losing now.”Painful truths. Likely I will not live to see the U.S. develop a sane society, but I think it will, eventually. One has to have hope.
GiantShetlandPony about 9 years ago
Feminism: The audacious idea that women are people.
hippogriff about 9 years ago
Jim in CTI thought the
emocratic wing of the Old Boys Club took Ferraro’s candidacy rather well. Of course, most of the OBC is Republican, and one should never expect rational behavior from them.
neeeurothrush about 9 years ago
i am not a “polyanna” – but we’re not kindergarteners – can’t we all just agree to disagree without the name-calling and rancor – a little snark and sarcasm is far from the baiting and hating going on in these comments on a daily basis. my new year wishes from yesterday lasted about 6 comments
hippogriff about 9 years ago
TarredandfeatheredAnd the likelihood is that they would still be “po’ white trash”. They are slaves right now and don’t know it, owned by corporations that won’t even let them put a price on their labor, but put a price on everything else, take it or do without.
QuiteDragon about 9 years ago
“You might live long enough to see turn into some kind of theocratic-corporate empire though.” Whoops, already have. <sad and amused>