Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for January 30, 2016
Flo: Heah's yawr ordah, Lestah. Lester: Whoa...what's this charge at the end of the bill? Flo: mean the sales tax? Lester: I'll thank you to not say that vile t-word in my presence, madam! Hey, fellas...the good news is, I got another free lunch...
Dtroutma almost 9 years ago
At least she just shoved it on his head instead of where the sun don’t shine.
And yes, Wiley, western ranchers have basically had a free lunch for a long time. BTW; the better ones DO know what they’re getting and don’t whine about the government handing it to them, or paying taxes. (And yes, I know a lot of ranchers around the west.)
The real problem we have in this country right now is those feeding anger and hatred toward the government, the ELECTED government, and the people who’ve served well.
If private and corporate businesses and “leaders” do so much better, why did Trump go bankrupt four times, married three times, and fail all tests for any moral relevance? Oh, but he gets support, and that is the saddest thing in America today, and it isn’t which political party, it’s the viciousness of the attacks he gets praise for, instead of condemned.
Maher made a good point tonight, the Internet has made it possible for lies to become “news”. Social media has gotten about as anti-social as possible.
AKHenderson Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Free lunch? Whatever he is, he ain’t Heinlein-esque.
The Old Wolf almost 9 years ago
Varnes almost 9 years ago
Dogsniff, um….Southwest Michigan….
Proginoskes almost 9 years ago
She could have called it a “revenue enhancement fee”.
(One time when I got a bill from my cable company, one of the reason for one of the fees was literally “to recover lost revenue”. IOW, “We lost money somehow, so we’re gonna take some from you.”)
GiantShetlandPony almost 9 years ago
Ammon Bundy is going to get a few free lunches, that I’m happy to buy him. The judge has deemed him to be a danger to society and he will not be released on bail any time soon. I’m thinking, at the very least, it’s not an option until the rest of the militants leave the wildlife refuge. Explains why he asked the militants left on the reserve to leave. Though, I"m thinking those still at the reserve may have finally realized the seriousness of what they’ve gotten themselves into. Which may also explain their reluctance to leave. A few have copped a clue and left. Now it’s a matter of whether they take responsibility for their actions of blame everyone else. Well, that is up to them. Even so, all involved may have just gotten themselves onto a terrorist watch list. The media and some in society may have a hard time calling these good ol’ boys terrorists, but law enforcement will not. Beyond that, I’m betting some of them may even be realizing this whole mess was really about Ammon and his father getting what they want, a government handout. That is free land. Beyond that, I figure they know they can’t leave without being arrested at this point. Did not bring enough food to stay much longer. And well, who knows what they are doing with all those dildo’s, or were they, um, er, some kind of plugs they received????
GiantShetlandPony almost 9 years ago
BTW, as far as I’m concerned, Mr. Wiley Miller, keep on, keeping on.Some day you are gonna have to share your real pygmy Clydesdale. :)
Varnes almost 9 years ago
It just occurred to me that I didn’t mention that the snow militiamen are a great touch to this arc…..Great stuff…How about Wiley Snowmen Plushies…? Anybody?…..
Varnes almost 9 years ago
I forgot about the snow thugs….Summer Patriots and Winter Soldiers?….It just occurred to me that I didn’t mention that the snow militiamen are a great touch to this arc…..Wonderful stuff…
Brass Orchid Premium Member almost 9 years ago
It really isn’t about elected government. It is about unelected bureaucracies that are unanswerable to the people and persist regardless of election outcomes. They create regulations with the force of laws without the process of legislation. They tax and fine without representation. They are entrenched and intractable. They are an end-around against the defensive line of the Constitution to sack your ability to make progress against oppression and tyranny.The position taken by these people, in their own end zone, is a comment on the state of things in addition to being a sign of their irrational desperation.
Pointspread almost 9 years ago
Good bunch of strips this week, Mr Miller!
Holden Awn almost 9 years ago
I wonder what his take on 1776 would have been at the time?
PrairieDog37 almost 9 years ago
I notice that the last remaining brave heroes are ready to leave but don’t want to unless they’re guaranteed they won’t be arrested. Whatever happened to taking responsibility for your decisions, good or bad? Or don’t the Outhouse Whackos – er, excuse me, the Heroic Defenders of the Constitution and the American Way – have to take responsibility?
Tom almost 9 years ago
Good one, Wiley. Now do some funny stuff for a change on the occupy democrats movement. I thought not.
6.6TA almost 9 years ago
DTrout: re. A piece of your post:“Maher made a good point tonight, the Internet has made it possible for lies to become “news”. Social media has gotten about as anti-social as possible.”I don’t think the ‘lies to news’ transformation is new, but the speed and global saturation are. Some examples:1950’s: Tail-gunner Joe, “I have here a list…”1855 -1865: pretty much every other national political speech
dabugger almost 9 years ago
Well, at last we have the real truth about this moocher and self described fighter for freedom and his rights. But simply an underhanded push for something for nothing for himself and his iced friends.
Brass Orchid Premium Member almost 9 years ago
“you are referring to all politicos, yes? or just the ones in power now?”-The ones in power, or able to influence those in power are the only ones with the power to harm the citizens. All the people in government have to be limited by the Constitution.^^^^^^^^“Congress has specifically given the Executive Branch departments the obligation to create regulations that implement laws passed by Congress.”-Congress has deliberately offloaded their Constitutionally mandated responsibilities to bureaus, agencies and commissions that are not answerable to the people and whose members are neither subject to the ballot box nor sensitive to the needs of the people. These bureaus, agencies and commissions exist beyond Constitutional authority. So yes, if your congress-critters support czars, bureaus and agencies, then they should be replaced at first legal convenience.
route66paul almost 9 years ago
Ranchers are not the only ones using federal lands to get rich. Oil companies, lumber companies, hunters of medicinal herbs, etc are all profitting. Mining companies and oil companies lease vast tracts of land, and there are many that collect things fro which they later profit.I am all for capitialism, but some sort of recompense should be made.It appears that these ranchers were making use of the land(which was not good for farming) and were taking care of this land. They allowed the wetlands to go back to nature after farming was deemed a bust there.If they were wise stewards of the land, doing controlled burns themselves(when the forest personell weren’t doing so, it seems that they cared about it. They grazed the land as they had for 150 years. Land in the west doesn’t support cattle well, so the herds must move. This land is not the fertile land the buffaloes roamed, it is pretty sparse, as is any land around available for purchase.Do they owed something for the use – yes, they do, but how much? If we drive them out of business, who will care for the land? Will the price of beef rise? It doesn’t seem to me that they are driving Maseratti trucks or spending thier huge profits on lavish vacations. They are doing what their fathers and grandfathers did, raising beef. The US government shouldn’t kill the golden goose.
alc7 Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr almost 9 years ago
Wouldn’t have done to use any of that nasty ol’ guv’ment tender no how!
Dtroutma almost 9 years ago
Wiley has simply punched another small hole in the myth of the “cowboy”. Brass “flower power” has demonstrated the demonstrators’ ability to carry the Constitution in their pocket, without ever reading it, or ignoring what it actually says.
Route66paul: with your confusion about stewardship, or agencies that manage public lands, you’ve demonstrated that “internet expertise”, in other words, know nothing about the actual history, or workings of public land management. It isn’t about killing a goose, but rather, harnessing or strangling the parasites.
There was an old ditty about “you can tell by my outfit that I am a cowboy”; these sagebrush rebels are in large part only wearing the outfits, ‘cause they aren’t really Cowboys. (The real power is the same three piece suit guys who sit in Denver or Dallas, oil boardrooms, and control Congress with the purse.)
Dtroutma almost 9 years ago
BTW: on the other side of the ranchers’ real problems, there used to be many outlets, but today only four companies, corporations, control the market for livestock. Some ranchers have banded together to do their own marketing, but that’s small potatoes.
entirely almost 9 years ago
the box dicks was a great idea
Dtroutma almost 9 years ago
Comics ARE theater, and Wiley does an excellent job on pointing out absurdities, whether tragedy or comedy, and the absurd are almost always worth a chuckle..
Artistinfo almost 9 years ago
Why don’t you just go read Mallard Fillmore?
strictures almost 9 years ago
Actually the French started the Viet Nam war & Eisenhower is the one who continued it.And rich Republicans love illegal aliens, as they drive down the wage scale!
lopaka almost 9 years ago
That bunch up in Ore. are creating a new meaning to “welfare queens”.
amaryllis2 Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Re the arsonists, they nearly killed others in the vicinity. They set fire to hide their illegal poaching. To Wiley: thank you and well done.
HoneyDay almost 9 years ago
Thank you for caring and callng attention to these ignorant, egotistical, sociopaths through your wonderful cartoon. You think this can never happen in your small safe little town, til it does. We just want them and all the other demented outsiders to go back where they came from. They have been aptly dubbed as Vanilla ISIS.
Wiley creator almost 9 years ago
Here’s another chant for you, one I adopted to delete Facebook from my life a few years ago…arguing with idiots makes you an idiot.
wildfiregal almost 9 years ago
if anyone doesn’t want to pay taxes, then they shouldn’t be allowed to use the roads, call the fire dept. if their house is on fire, call the police if they’re being robbed, etc. etc. etc…..
sizer99 almost 9 years ago
I judge these still funny and right on target.
JennKeith almost 9 years ago
This wouldn’t happen in Orygun. There’s no sales tax.