Tank McNamara by Bill Hinds for February 20, 2016

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    strictures  about 9 years ago

    An exhaust fume cologne could only improve the smell of a NASCAR crowd.

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    flyertom  about 9 years ago

    I used to go to local stock car races when I was younger. I’d get home with bits of rubber debris covering the left side of my face, and my clothes smelling like a tire recapping plant. Good times.

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    For a Just and Peaceful World  about 9 years ago

    The world’s dumbest car feature is synthetic engine noise. Google: fake engine noise. Suggestion: remove the fake engine noise and lower the price of the car. If the car manufacturer insists on being stupid then make synthetic/fake noise an option with a menu of sounds. The options could be a 1960 Harley, an approaching freight train, gun shots (Chicago area only), your boss’s voice fading into the distance, your ex-wife’s voice fading into the distance, your children’s voices fading into the distance or a police siren fading into the distance. Some options may be more tasteful than others.

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    Dirty Dragon  about 9 years ago

    I remember the smell of burning leaves in the fall. Nice, but I’ve learned to live without it..Synthetic engine noise can be helpful for pedestrians who may not be paying full attention to traffic.

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    StCleve72  about 9 years ago

    As long as there were crashes, fist-fights, lots of booze, and flying debris, would fans really care? This is not a rhetorical question. Anybody have an opinion?

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    ToonaD68 Premium Member about 9 years ago

    I’ve heard plenty of redneck jokes after I became a Nascar fan, but claiming we smell bad is a new one, and not even that funny.

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