Endtown by Aaron Neathery for April 01, 2016

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    Robert Nowall Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Looks like Wally knows first-hand about coming armed to something…

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  2. Idano
    Ida No  almost 9 years ago

    Could be worse. Could have been someone you actually liked.

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    Robert Nowall Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Who’s the guy with the scarf, fedora, and pipe?

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  4. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  almost 9 years ago

    Like I said in the previous strip, Holly didn’t do it per se.What wally said about them going off on their own is right. Holly was clutching her purse so tight I bet her knuckles were white. The Buddibombs Broke Out on their own.But I agree that it ended tragically. I still feel pretty good about Holly.Maybe that is wrong, but with her just surviving the airplane crash, and the weirdness of the phone call, then I wouldn’t blame her for bring a Buddibomb or 2. Then again, she may not have remembered they were in her purse.

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  5. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  almost 9 years ago

    What advantage would there be to have vehicles with legs instead of wheels?Seems they would go slower.

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    cindyorch  almost 9 years ago

    I’m sure he’s remembering the teacher he killed without realizing it until it was over……before he mutated. But geez Louise….you think they could have packed more explosives into those pesky things?? It seemed almost nuclear…….

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    draxxon  almost 9 years ago

    It’s interesting how the fire suppression system comes out of the ceiling/clouds….

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  8. Deficon
    Coyoty Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    This knowledge will either distance Wally further from Holly, or bring them closer as he tries to redeem her. Kirbee may seem to be meant to be who Wally should really be with, but he may decide that despite that, Holly needs him.

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  9. Blindspot
    salenstormwing  almost 9 years ago

    Holly, Accessory to Murder with an autonomous weapon? Do you have to register for a license for your mobile hand grenades?

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  10. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  almost 9 years ago

    Thanks for the info Just Sayin and Coyoty

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    khart  almost 9 years ago

    It’s the end of the world as we know it . . .It’s the end of the world as we know it . . . It’s the end of the world as we know it . . And I feel Feline

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  12. Lady dragoncat
    Dragoncat  almost 9 years ago

    Okay, let me think about this for a moment……First: Holly’s friends (including Ethel) surprise her with a baby shower and present her with all kinds of baby items, topping them off with a collection of (can you believe it?)…Child-safe bombs!Second: Holly comes home to her husband and tries to tell him about the baby shower, but she trips and drops everything. When Lyn sees the Buddibombs, the crap hits the fan. He clearly does not want those things in his home.Makes sense for Holly to keep them with her so he can’t throw them out.Third: While recovering from an accident, she gets a call from someone claiming to be her friend Ethel (voice changed!), but she decides to check on her friend and find out what’s going on. And, of course, she takes her Buddibombs to keep them safe from her husband.Fourth: She never expected to see a python, especially one with hair matching Ethel’s. It’s safe to say Holly was scared out of her mind.Fifth: Ethel sensed Holly’s fear, making her new-found animal instincts react accordingly. The Buddibombs also sensed Holly’s fear, making them activate accordingly.Sixth: Holly, fearing for herself and her unborn child, used everything she had to run away from a horrifying situation. I don’t think she even noticed Ethel’s husband arriving. And he arrives just in time to see a snake with Ethel’s hairstyle about to be blown to bits.…It was a terrible thing to happen, indeed. No one has any control over what they mutate into. But to be fair, a lot of people are afraid of snakes. Once a python wraps itself around you, you’re doomed. It doesn’t have to be poisonous. Imagine what she could have changed into if she was awake during the change…

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  13. Wires flyingfox
    radarhead  almost 9 years ago

    Anyone else notice that Chuck and Persephone as the innocent bystanders in panel 3? They first appeared in Aaron’s “Albert” strip.

    http://aneathery.pairserver.com/comixpg/alstrips/AlStrips.htm(Look at page 137 for a good close-up of the two)

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    Vet Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    The APEX spin.Today on APEX Lane on level 6 a terrorist attack was adverted when the home of the suspected terrorist exploded.APEX officials in charge of the investigation are speculating the explosion was probably the result of an accident while preparing the TATP explosive which is known to be very unstable while preparing.This news special is brought to you by Buddibombs…….now with improved Real Threat Assessment.

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  15. Kanji 500
    Banderi  almost 9 years ago

    Are those semen extinguishers?

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  16. I am the captain
    Steven Wright  almost 9 years ago

    I don’t see Holly as responsible for this. I don’t think that she purposely brought the Buddibombs to Holly’s house, yes she was freaked out but I think that the bombs arranged to be released and all she knew was that there was nothing she could do to help. In her panic she never saw Holly’s husband.

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    Darwinskeeper  almost 9 years ago

    The terrible thing is that Wally totally understands how something like this could have happened. How fear was manipulated into paranoia and used to sell explosive devices to people who had no business carrying them. I’d be surprised if this was the only time something like this happened. This is terrible because it is understandable how something like this could happen and few people did much to prevent it.I wonder if Holly will ever see Lyn again. It would be interesting to see what she has to say about the Buddibombs.

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  18. Rhadamanthus
    craigwestlake  almost 9 years ago

    In the first panel: Is that someone being hung from a lightpole?

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  19. Bits2
    Diat60  almost 9 years ago

    I think the only comment on this could be “no comment, enough said”.

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    Pangolin  almost 9 years ago

    Talkin’ to not hear what you’re thinkin’ and then the words run out… Gah!

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    Shazzaron  almost 9 years ago

    I’m with CaptMutt on this. Holly gets a cry for help from one of her friends. Voice has changed sure but the speech mannerisms must have been the same to be enough for her not to call the police and go over and investigate herself. After everything with the crashing plane and protecting her baby she’s of course wary as hell and brought the bombs over to be prepared to be jumped? Or anything you know, just in case…..

    Course no matter what she wasn’t prepared for that. Oh no no. One of her friends turns into a venomous predator and all it triggers is perhaps a natural phobia which in turn triggers the buggery buddibomb bastards. Maybe they can read off of mummy’s body signals. Maybe they’re tuned to her? I mean it’s of course obvious Holly had no intention of blowing up a friend on purpose. But perhaps the only foolhardy thing she did do was carry too many of the little sods. Also not tipping off the police?

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  22. Bits2
    Diat60  almost 9 years ago

    Here’s interesting, if you look back exactly one year to April 1, 2015, you will see another explosion/fire themed strip. Deja vu all over again.

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  23. Bits2
    Diat60  almost 9 years ago

    Is there a theme going on?

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    stevegallacci  almost 9 years ago

    As has been mentioned by others, I’d WAG that the bombs were designed to attack mutants automatically. The over-kill aspect would be to cover up the nature of the target, and possibly even to take out by-standers and witnesses, just to be sure.

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    NeuroManson  almost 9 years ago

    What just struck me as odd, is that the dittos aren’t exactly replaying Holly’s memories, but also extrapolating the history and surroundings on their own. Memories are usually in a fairly small bubble of perception, she wouldn’t have seen the airliner coming in from above and behind, for example, but the dittos constructed it anyway.

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    Tue Elung-Jensen  almost 9 years ago

    It is terrible yes, but Holly didn´t intentionally kill Ethel. Not sure why she was carrying all those buddibombs, but from the looks of things the package they were in had been torn open so they activated themself and went on her.

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  27. Monks hand smaller
    monkshandgames  almost 9 years ago

    The beginning of the end.

    I’m finding that the best part about this flashback isn’t what Holly went through but how things were going to shit in society in general. Now THAT is interesting!

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  28. Deficon
    Coyoty Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    It’s as if something was there recording everything.

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    wanderwolf  almost 9 years ago

    And the pity of it, as Wally just realized, is that the old world was so far gone that you’d come armed when someone asked for help. The greatest sin of Sodom: No kindness, no fellow-feeling, just a bunch of individuals who happened to live in the same area. Not a community at all.

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    Darwinskeeper  almost 9 years ago

    Its curious to hear Wally commenting on life in Hillside during these years because he spent the last year or two in Bordavia.

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  31. Ukiah
    MadMorrow  almost 9 years ago

    Wonder what secrets the others may be carrying.

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