Absolutely, it’s for the best. Still, some credit to the guy for not jumping at getting a free second shot! And of course, Mona’s not going to feel good about it…
Hawgowar, don’t mix up cause and effect. The cause was he planned to break up, the effect was she offered him herself. Doubtful that it would have changed anything.
Where is Mona’s Dad? Not only have I not seen him during this flashback, but I have never seen him in any strip ever. And yet he exists; he is the reason Pierre can’t go back to France (if he was not, then Pierre must be really stupid to not know how to get a replacement visa from his consulate).
Why am I asking about this? Kid Mona was an antisocial, yet naive attention-seeking brat who got advice from Monsieur Smokey. Teenage Mona got (and mostly ignored) advice about her puppy love crush from Monsieur Smokey. Adult Mona nearly cannot function without Smokey being there.
Today’s strip is a very important point in Mona’s life. Had she gone through with it, then this could have been her future. She didn’t, but Raoul dumped her for it. Now Adult Mona is nothing more than Teenage Mona with a fortress of bitterness and anger surrounding her. I know some of you like to ignore the Hawaii and Ryan storylines because it disturbs your dreams of “C’est la Vie” turning into “Hothead Paisan”, but the dramatic shift in personality coming from Mona in those stories cannot be ignored. Without Smokey, she’s a rather pleasant person to be around.
So what does this all mean?
Mona’s psychological problems stem from serious daddy issues.
Monsieur Smokey is supposed to replace Mona’s dad as a father figure.
And yet, this is supposed to be an autobiography. Before, I thought the strip ended when Mona resolves her issues and moves on with her life (which means Smokey is gone). Now, I don’t know.
margueritem over 14 years ago
I think it’s for the best, Mona…
ejcapulet over 14 years ago
Thank goodness!
Futabakun Premium Member over 14 years ago
Absolutely, it’s for the best. Still, some credit to the guy for not jumping at getting a free second shot! And of course, Mona’s not going to feel good about it…
Sisyphos over 14 years ago
Transformational moment in Mona’s life! Will she accept it gracefully, or will she snap and turn into a deranged sociopath?
lewisbower over 14 years ago
If you won’t play my way I’m taking my ball and going home.
hawgowar over 14 years ago
I knew if she teased, she’d lose. Always happens. If she done it once, she’ll do it again.
cdward over 14 years ago
Lewreader, I think you left an “s” off of “ball.”
hawgowar, she wins on this one. Breaking up was absolutely the best thing.
paha_siga over 14 years ago
Hawgowar, don’t mix up cause and effect. The cause was he planned to break up, the effect was she offered him herself. Doubtful that it would have changed anything.
3hourtour Premium Member over 14 years ago
…well..there you go…
Donna Haag over 14 years ago
And now we see the genesis of the Mona we all love….and fear.
Jaedabee Premium Member over 14 years ago
Eye twitch. Uh oh.
Tantor over 14 years ago
mona, have a xanax
razorback2824 over 14 years ago
Where is Mona’s Dad? Not only have I not seen him during this flashback, but I have never seen him in any strip ever. And yet he exists; he is the reason Pierre can’t go back to France (if he was not, then Pierre must be really stupid to not know how to get a replacement visa from his consulate).
Why am I asking about this? Kid Mona was an antisocial, yet naive attention-seeking brat who got advice from Monsieur Smokey. Teenage Mona got (and mostly ignored) advice about her puppy love crush from Monsieur Smokey. Adult Mona nearly cannot function without Smokey being there.
Today’s strip is a very important point in Mona’s life. Had she gone through with it, then this could have been her future. She didn’t, but Raoul dumped her for it. Now Adult Mona is nothing more than Teenage Mona with a fortress of bitterness and anger surrounding her. I know some of you like to ignore the Hawaii and Ryan storylines because it disturbs your dreams of “C’est la Vie” turning into “Hothead Paisan”, but the dramatic shift in personality coming from Mona in those stories cannot be ignored. Without Smokey, she’s a rather pleasant person to be around.
So what does this all mean?
Mona’s psychological problems stem from serious daddy issues. Monsieur Smokey is supposed to replace Mona’s dad as a father figure.And yet, this is supposed to be an autobiography. Before, I thought the strip ended when Mona resolves her issues and moves on with her life (which means Smokey is gone). Now, I don’t know.
Tantor over 14 years ago
wow mate…
arsmall over 14 years ago