Bloom County by Berkeley Breathed for December 17, 2024

  1. Bobcat and wesley
    wrloftis  3 months ago

    “… and Beemers.”

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    win.45mag  3 months ago

    And lefty liberal d’crats.

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  3. Img 3686
    dsatvoinde Premium Member 3 months ago

    Not the dog!!!

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  4. 250
    ladykat Premium Member 3 months ago

    If you chew too much at once, you’ll make yourself sick, Opus!

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  5. Roundel of sweden.svg
    rhpii  3 months ago

    Too bad this isn’t in color, Opus would be turning green about now.

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    Bruce1253  3 months ago

    Chewing is more addictive than smoking and just as deadly. I used to work in the mining industry. In mines with methane gas underground, it was illegal to even carry cigarettes in the mine due to the explosion hazard. This was a “One and done offense.” So those who smoked, chewed while working in the mine. You would see some of the older miners with half their face gone from jaw and mouth cancer.

    Burn this into your brain, there is no safe form of tobacco. Tobacco = Cancer. In men the 3 big killers for tobacco use are Cancer, Heart Attack, Bladder Cancer. Guess where they have to put the instruments to access the bladder to treat the cancer. So yea, go ahead and light up. Oh and BTW, Vaping is still smoking.

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  7. Wizanim
    ChessPirate  3 months ago


    ( ͒ ⊰ ͒ ) ↝ ⍾

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  8. P1000380
    A# 466  3 months ago

    Back in the spring of one year in the 60’s my Dad had a serious car accident. He was in a VA hospital’s ortho ward for months, being released in the fall. The man in the next bed was a hobo, Hassell, who had missed his mounting on an icy winter night when he tried to “ride the rods(#).” He was in a body cast from his chest to his feet, and, owing to several problems including frostbite, his broken bones wouldn’t heal right. Hassel, 50 or 60 something, was illiterate and had $2.38 to his name, which he kept in a bull bag(%) tucked into a saucer sized opening in chest portion of his cast.

    Although living in another state, I was able to visit Dad in the hospital several times. Hassell lamented that the thing he missed most was his preferred brand of chewing tobacco, Railroad Twist, which was sold in looped and twisted plugs about 6 or so inches long. By chance I discovered a box containing several plugs of that article in a store in rural Missouri (or Illinois, I don’t recall which). I bought it for $2. On my next visit to the hospital, I gave the plugs to Hassell. He was overjoyed and asked how much it cost. I told him. He rummaged around in his “bank,” excavated the bull bag and gave me two dollar bills. I declined to take the money. He insisted, fervently, until I relented and accepted his widow’s mite generosity.

    (#) The term originated many, many years ago. It refers to the hobo’s practice of clinging to the brake rigging (the brake rods) under a railroad car when copping a ride.

    % A sort of oblong leather purse of pocket size. It is about 3 or 4 times longer than wide, therefore has an eponymous appearance. One wonders if the source of the leather may also relate to the name.

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    jct6038points  3 months ago

    They forgot the “throw up” step.

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  10. Waffle
    Chalres  3 months ago

    Bumper sticker seen on a pickup: “Pass With Caution – Driver Chews Tobacco”.

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