The Flying McCoys by Glenn McCoy and Gary McCoy for May 12, 2016

  1. Kalief
    vanoss  almost 9 years ago

    Can you give us some numbers showing that global land-ocean temperatures have not been rising since, say, 1960?

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    Tbird70  almost 9 years ago

    well, those of us in the know have info that says this earth will pass away…nothing we can do about it, regardless of the whole global warming schtick, it is on it’s way out.Rev 21:1 “Then I saw “a new heaven and a new earth,for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.”

    So, rising temps, rising water…bring on the rapture!

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  3. Cathelmet
    gmoldmule  almost 9 years ago

    You funny people….Geologically speaking, or is it, tossing in Geologic record….Anyway, based on limited intelligence of the researchers from days gone by, they published findings saying the Earth is on a decline into another ice age. As part of this dip, there will be some minor increases in temp, but the overall trend is for ice. Now, I haven’t been in front of a prof or newer Geogeek book in some time, so maybe they changed that.One other thing to note, growing up in the 80s, the big deal was global cooling and how people were causing it.Flip a coin and grab a chair and beer, let’s see what they come up with next….

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    fleebell  almost 9 years ago

    The planet is in the middle of an ice age cycle. It’s going to keep warming up until there is almost no ice anywhere and then it’s going to cycle back cold again – that is if we haven’t figured out how to control it by then. All we are doing it speeding up the process a little bit. Asia and India are the two main polluters now but that will change as they finally come up to standards with the West and Europe. South America is slowly catching up and Africa doesn’t really count since half of that countries population still lives in the cave man age and nothing will help those people because they don’t want to advance. They are all stuck in 7th century Islam for the most part.

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  5. Mt icon60
    rnmontgomery  almost 9 years ago

    Be still my heart – finally, the majority debunking climate change. Has America finally woken up!! Al Gore is a fraud, the mainstream media is a joke when it comes to reporting truth. This is a great day.

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  6. Mt icon60
    rnmontgomery  almost 9 years ago

    The sun is the primary factor determining Earth’s temperature and there is not a single blessed thing man can do to regulate that one way or the other.

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    tbally57  almost 9 years ago

    Tell it to the Polar Bears as they go floating by you after the next big one causes a giant tidal wave that sweeps you out to sea. But doesn’t this cartoon suggest either that God is a rock-rib Republican or that The Donald has already assumed the top job in Heaven with his own brand of pollution??

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    neverenoughgold  almost 9 years ago

    Oh boy…

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    K M  almost 9 years ago

    Works for me, Lord!

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