MythTickle by Justin Thompson for February 20, 2009

  1. New4deer
    4deerinmyyard  about 16 years ago

    Nature needs no muse; She is always inspiring, and the font of all creativity.

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  2. Warthog
    wndrwrthg  about 16 years ago

    ā€œItā€™s not nice to fool with Mother Natureā€.

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  3. Georg von rosen   oden som vandringsman  1886  odin  the wanderer
    runar  about 16 years ago

    Cats and water usually donā€™t mix - but I have one who likes to sit in the shower with me. Abyssinians, Somalis and Turkish Vans actually like to swim.

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  4. Dim2
    farren  about 16 years ago

    Depends on the Abyssinian. The one I had hated, hated, hated water. Of course, she hated almost everything else, too. Strange cat.

    Does anyone know what the reference is, here? Muse = cat? Most often, Justinā€™s references are clearer than that.

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  5. Minotaurfanart
    Joe_Minotaur  about 16 years ago

    See the light bulb on Museā€™s collar? Perhaps Thomas Edison had a cat named ā€œMuseā€?

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  6. Mannytherat
    KingRat  about 16 years ago

    What sound does a cat make? why it muse of course.

    thatā€™s something every good rat mom teaches all of her babies.

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  7. Stone indian
    shippingtroll  about 16 years ago

    Muse isnā€™t the author, she is the inspiration. So once again Muse has prevailed, and inspired a quick little rhyme from Ms. Nature.

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  8. Hammer
    Chuck1002  about 16 years ago

    Perhaps it has something to do with there being 9 muses and cats having 9 lives?? Just a thought.

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  9. Image14
    ChiehHsia  about 16 years ago

    Iā€™ve been trying to figure it out myself. Nine muses, daughters of Mnemosyne and Zeusā€¦ a few lightning bolts, but no cats so farā€¦ Nope, no luck.

    Justin, how ā€˜bout a hint or two?

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  10. Rocketman a
    Ed Brault Premium Member about 16 years ago

    Call a dog, he comes. Call a cat; she takes a message and MIGHT get back to you!

    Remember: Dogs have owners; Cats have staff!

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  11. Beau close up
    mivins  about 16 years ago

    Yeah, this is surely not a classical Muse, but the characterization is apt for the wayward ways of inspiration ā€“ it does not come when called, and just when you most want to commune with it it wants to be elsewhere. Or to nap.

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  12. Kerry night owl
    screamingdolai  about 16 years ago

    Muse = Mews (meow meow)

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  13. Image14
    ChiehHsia  about 16 years ago

    Burgundy2, it IS amusing, but sometimes the joke is even better if you understand the background. Calliope, Erato and Polyhymnia were (are) the three muses for the different types of poetry (had to look it up, I thought the cat might be a reference to Clio, or Cleo)ā€¦ so maybe the folks who are saying Muse = Mews are right-on, after all.

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  14. Myth
    Justjoust Premium Member about 16 years ago

    OK, hereā€™s the deal. Screamingdolai in her infinite wisdom and beauty is absolutely correct: Itā€™s a cat simply because ā€˜mews = Museā€™ in the sound. Thatā€™s all really, other than mivinsā€™ insight into the nature of cats. He/she says ā€œit does not come when called, and just when you most want to commune with it it wants to be elsewhere. Or to nap.ā€ and that is right too. In deciding the personification of Muse, the cat was a logical choice because of (1)the obvious sound and (2) the nature of ā€˜inspirationā€™ being no-oneā€™s master. The light bulb around her neck is the lightbulb of comic strip ā€œideasā€™, or inspiration. Please keep in mind not to look TOO deeply into the way I usually personify these Mythological misfits. It is just a comic strip after all, and not meant to tax anyoneā€™s brain too much. But I really do admire the intellectual efforts of you guys. It make me feel more comfortable in going further with these conceptual ideas and personifications. Youā€™re letting me know that you can handle it. Thanks.

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  15. Georg von rosen   oden som vandringsman  1886  odin  the wanderer
    runar  about 16 years ago

    A dog looks at its human and thinks, ā€œHe feeds me, he pets me, he takes me for walks; he must be a god.ā€

    A cat looks at its human and thinks, ā€œHe feeds me, he pets me, he cleans my litter; I must be a god.ā€

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  16. Dim2
    farren  about 16 years ago

    Justin, I can handle it. Really. You hear me? I CAN HANDLE IT. I can, I can, I CAN! How DARE you insinuate that I canā€™t handle it?

    Well, I can handle it as long as thereā€™s someone there to explain it to me.

    Muse = mews. God, do I feel dumb now.

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  17. Beau close up
    mivins  about 16 years ago

    Ah, thatā€™s an idea / light bulb pendant! Ding! The drawings are fine observations of feline anatomy, which is hard to get right. And I am a she, and tickled to be noted by a cartoonist I admire. Merci, Justin-san! I recognize Greek, ancient Chinese, and, hmmm, Japanese? characters on the chalkboard. Any linguists present?

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  18. Last kiss
    enchantedtk  about 16 years ago

    This one is one of my favorites. And I love all the comments..including Justinā€™s.

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  19. Pibs 2008 12 31 torquemada edt 01
    3Xp4t  about 16 years ago

    So, then, there would seem to actually be three mews' ..? ;-) Ā  A passel of three kittens running about the strip would, indeed, be inspiration for a lot of comedy & energy. Ā  @Justin ā€“ Youā€™ll find that, like Pibgorn, Mythtickle draws an educated and imaginative crowd. Feel free to do your ā€˜worstā€™ .. uhr, best. Even when we donā€™t necessarily ā€˜get it,ā€™ it doesnā€™t take the joy & appreciation out of it. Ā  Thank you for a wonderful and challenging strip!

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  20. Theskulker avatar ic07
    TheSkulker  about 16 years ago

    Justin Thanks for the Intro to Symbology 101 lesson for us symbology challenged readders. And thanks for the interesting, thought provoking strip.

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  21. Minotaurfanart
    Joe_Minotaur  about 16 years ago

    Iā€™m surprised that the light bulb on Museā€™s(mewsā€™) collar didnā€™t light up when Ms. Nature inspired him to open the book.

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  22. Minotaurfanart
    Joe_Minotaur  about 16 years ago

    Even though I donā€™t comment here very often, for me, Mythtickle has earned a place in my top ten list.

    Pibgorn 9 Chickweed Lane Mythtickle Bloom County, Opus, etcā€¦ Calvin and Hobbs Safe Havens Girl Genius Looking for Group Gunnerkrigg Court Yenny

    Too many others to list.

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  23. Dim2
    farren  about 16 years ago

    Not on your top ten list, there arenā€™t.

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  24. Georg von rosen   oden som vandringsman  1886  odin  the wanderer
    runar  about 16 years ago

    mivins, I have a degree in linguistics - linguists are more concerned with the sounds of a language than the squiggles used to write them down. We all use something called the IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet). For scripts, you need a palƦographer.

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  25. Radleft
    Radical-Knight  about 16 years ago

    @KingRat - Muse/Mews? I think thatā€™s rather clever.

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  26. Nebulous100
    Nebulous Premium Member almost 16 years ago

    Of course, if Muse is an alley cat then she lives in the mews.

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  27. Beau close up
    mivins  almost 16 years ago

    Hi Runar, Merci bien! Iā€™m happy to learn. The IPA must be an amazing set of symbols. Iā€™ve heard that human babies make all the sounds in all languages until they reach six months or so, and then they discard the sounds they havenā€™t heard the local grown-us make. Cā€™est vrai? Justin, would you care to tells us about the scripts on the blackboard? Nebulous Rikalau, is your icon a Snow Leopard? Pretty!

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  28. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member almost 16 years ago

    I know itā€™s kind of late in this thread to past (today is Monday the 23rd), but what the hey. Todays comic, and many of the posts, remind me of the old Kipling story ā€˜The Cat who Walked Aloneā€™. If you havent read you should. Check it out. If you like that one read Mark Twains ā€˜The Diary of Adam and Eveā€™ Another good tale.

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  29. Missing large
    nbwddd  over 6 years ago

    Iā€™m a dog youā€™re a flower I lift my leg to give you a shower. Bet you didnā€™t write that one either.

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