Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for May 18, 2016
Beatrix: Desk is polished, sources are double checked, and I rinsed all the mugs! Beatrix: What are the station's social media passwords? Lupin: Oh- We don't really- Elvis: No, we don't do that. Beatrix: WHAT? Beatrix: It's the 21st century! How does the station tweet?! Elvis: Beatrix. Elvis: Birds have their own news. Beatrix: Whew! Ok. Not to worry. I am appointing myself "social media intern." All in favor say aye. Elvis: Maybe we could ask Burt to set up- Beatrix: Aye! Beatrix: No need! Just set up a Twitter account for the station. Elvis: Is that a bank? Beatrix: @breakingcatnews Elvis: I don't want my name on this- Beatrix: Smile-! Elvis: NEVER. Beatrix: Done! Elvis: WAIT. Beatrix: Posted! Elvis: WHAT? Elvis: How are you doing this so FAST?! Beatrix: My many toes are a natural texting-tweeting advantage!
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Never mind being a bookshop cat, she could run the bookshop!
laurag12363 Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Georgia, with this every day thing going on, you are spoiling me rotten!! Oh, and can I have 10 Beatrix’s please? I would have the most spotless house in town and lot’s of mushy squooshy babies to cuddle. :D
smorbie the great and beautiful almost 9 years ago
I know. I just adore Beatrix. I’m sorry she’s a foster baby and will eventually have to leave for her forever home. I want to see her (and Tommy) every day! The sight of her singing while cleaning the desk just makes my heart sing along with her.
StoicLion1973 almost 9 years ago
Wasn’t this the plot of an episode of “King of the Hill”?
BassetLove almost 9 years ago
i can’t tell you how many times i’ve read this since it was on the main BCN site and it still makes me smile every single time :D Poor Elvis with his eyebrows going in all directions in confusion and bemusement… “birds have their own news”… “Never… Wait… What?” and that adorable selfie with Natasha, i believe and Lupin doing Cumberbatch-esq photobombs while Puck reads a real paper in the background :D
She Mc almost 9 years ago
Your kitties, Georgia, are a lot smarter than me!!!
Clearstream almost 9 years ago
Poor Elvis.“WAIT”(Beatrice some posts it THAT fast.)“WHAT!?”
Clearstream almost 9 years ago
Whoops someHOW
NWdryad almost 9 years ago
She knows a lot for someone who’s only been in the world for 2-3 months.Also, I don’t want her to be adopted. I want her to stay with the family.
Wichita1.0 almost 9 years ago
Tiny photobomb!
ThelmaWickwere almost 9 years ago
love the little robber mouse photobombing the selfie!
scyphi26 almost 9 years ago
Makes you wonder who’s actually the boss of this place, eh?
smorbie the great and beautiful almost 9 years ago
Well, I’m going to do it. I’m going to have to bite the bullet and adopt little Beatrix. I don’t know how His Majesty, The Remarkable and Marvelous Tweedledee, Friend to Bugs and Emancipator of Lizards will take it, but since Bea is two dimensional, maybe he’ll be okay.
bonita.eley almost 9 years ago
I shall now fire my assistant and hire a many toed kitten!!!
RH3 almost 9 years ago
I’m with Elvis. Facebook is pointless and Tweets are for the birds.
mltisdale1954 almost 9 years ago
We all know that kitties are the ones in charge.
Dr_PigglesWorth over 7 years ago
Love the photo at the end
gotta_read_bo12 over 6 years ago
awwww puck in the background all like " huh..where did all this come from"
GlitchedOne about 5 years ago
The results are in, and Beatrix might actually be Purr’s sister. Purr has used her 6 toed as opposable thumbs before.
DragonGriffin2000 almost 4 years ago
love puck in the last panel!!
Kirbo almost 4 years ago
!photo bomb alert!
-itz_cuki- over 3 years ago
The mouse thief-
adoragem123 over 3 years ago
the last panel goes with any song!
artandbreath over 1 year ago
Is there a breaking cat news Twitter account in “ real” life?
pansexual_turtle 10 months ago
mushy squooshy??!!