Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for May 20, 2016
Donald and John Boy: Lets do it! Trump: Mrs. Trump? This is John Miller. yes, Im little donald's publicist and media strategist. DOnald shouldn't have to go to school today because he already knows all the best words Boy: #@*! Mom: Donald, you're going to school! Boy: I borrowed money from Moe, and I don't want to pay him back, Trump: how about you say it wasn't a promise to pay him back- it was a policy suggestion? Trump: How about you say it was a truthful hyperbole? Boy: Ive got it! Boy: Im using the bankruptcy laws to my advantage, which all the best people say is very smart! SUSie: Hello? Trump: Hi Susie . John miller here. There have been some nasty rumors about Donald's hands. I want yo correct the record. His hands are manly and YUUGE! Susie: Im not coming up to your creepy tree house pervert! Boy: Your loss fatty! Boy: The medias out to get me! I'll never be president! Trump: Dont worry. all that matters is that people are talking and thinking about you. People may be imagining you in the oval office ad recoiling in horror....but they're imagining you in the oval office! Boy: when Im president , I may just not fire you.
Randy B Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Recoiling, convulsing, and breaking out in hives.
QuiteDragon almost 9 years ago
As someone has said before me, for the first time ever, I want to be Moe.
NeedaChuckle Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Very good take on Calvin and Hobbes.
disinterest almost 9 years ago
Do you think he and Putin would always be concerned with the size of the other’s hands?
Or more relevant… do you believe that, behind closed doors, Putin and Donald would actually get along quite swimmingly?
Linguist almost 9 years ago
Great homage to Calvin & Hobbs, Mr.Boling.
Yes, Donny does have that egocentricity of Calvin. While we can laugh at Calvin’s anti-social behavior, the psychopathic antics of La Donald are not in the least bit amusing. They should be frightening to every sentient being !
Kip W almost 9 years ago
Donald on the phone calls himself John.
Linguist almost 9 years ago
Remember Hobbes is Calvin’s alter ego, as Miller and Barron are Rumps Trump’s. I could see Calvin calling Susie or his Mom and trying to disguise his voice and pretend to be Hobbes – who after all is a fig newton of his imagination.
Thomas R. Williams almost 9 years ago
Next: Cartoon images on car windows of Numpty pissin’ on a copy of the constitution.
DADoug almost 9 years ago
This is the place The Donald turns to every morning for his daily inspiration!
jeremiahcatclaw almost 9 years ago
Miller/Hobbes being in actuality a pile of cash is most amusing.
tobybartels almost 9 years ago
And in the first strip, he’s talking to Donald’s mom. But it’s really Donald who’s talking the whole time.
This is not even inconsistent with C&H. Hobbes sometimes does things in that strip with physical effects. You have to imagine that Calvin did them in reality (that is in the other characters’ reality).
tobybartels almost 9 years ago
Speaking of literary parodies featuring Donald Trump, I know that this is a week old, but I just read it yesterday, and I still haven’t stopped laughing:
tobybartels almost 9 years ago
I see that John turns into a pile of money when Donald’s mother looks in.
Eclectic-1 almost 9 years ago
Good take on Calvin & Hobbes. Keep in mind why Hillary, like Kerry wants to be president. ‘She covets, it’s her nature’. That’s what makes her dangerous. Even if you’re crazy, don’t be stupid.
Eclectic-1 almost 9 years ago
BTW, the hotels she stays in won’t let Hillary use the bathroom sink. Every time she washes her face, it clogs the drain………………
Eclectic-1 almost 9 years ago
If Bolling wants to prove he isn’t a bigot, let him do as scathing a set of satires on Hillary Milhouse Clinton. Include her adventures at the Rose law firm, her constant refusal to turn over subpoenaed documents that mysteriously appeared on a White House table, How she has approved of Palosi legislation to keep farm workers’ pay low, how her party has done more to destroy the black family through the vertical reservation system known as the projects, etc. You may as well vote for Pelosi as for her. She is a white narcisistic supremecist to the core. She is one step away from being a sociopath – she has to get in tune with other peoples’ feelings so she can know what lie to tell them. If we Dems are smart, the super delagates will support Bernie. If the ticket ends up being Hillary Milhouse Clinton vs Donald Joe Pine Trump, it will only prove the ugly American is uglier than ever.
jpozenel almost 9 years ago
You can’t make this stuff up!
Malcolm Hall almost 9 years ago
I wonder if Donald will select John Miller as his running mate. For security reasons, the two would never appear at the same place at the same time. In fact, Miller need never show up at all.
pgomes almost 9 years ago
I’m getting ready for four more years of comics like this. Should be fun!
ickymungmung almost 9 years ago
At some point, the man-child that is Donald Trump is going to come out of his anxiety closet, and woe unto those who seek to save him: he will burn the world down before he faces himself honestly.