Phoebe and Her Unicorn by Dana Simpson for June 01, 2016

  1. Omav
    Averagemoe  almost 9 years ago

    You know what I think is sexist? Schoolyard bullies make fun of boys for doing girly things, but you never hear a girl getting mocked for being boyish. The ridicule is all one sided.

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  2. J cdfqvx
    luducks  almost 9 years ago

    Also: KABOOM

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  3. Skywise21 2
    Yngvar Følling  almost 9 years ago

    Dana talked a little about the differences between boy and girl bullying here. Boys tend to be more physical. For girls, it’s usually more psychological, like name calling and ostracizing. It can be harder for an outsider to spot.

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    Claire Jordan  almost 9 years ago

    What is sexist, however, is that in adulthood the New Age movement is always telling men to get in touch with their feminine side, but I’ve never seen anybody encourage women to get in touch with their masculine side (other than by using power tools – and then they paint the damn’ things pink).

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    Claire Jordan  almost 9 years ago

    Oh and also – and I guess Dana is guilty of this too, although she may have been influenced by The Last Unicorn – the New Age movement almost invariably portrays unicorns as female and winged griffins as male because although they think of themselves as feminists, in their hearts they think that anything pretty must be female and anything harsh and bold must be male. But in heraldry, and in Mediaeval tradition generally, unicorns were either a Christ-symbol or a symbol of romantic male sexuality, and winged griffins were brave warlike women. A male griffin, traditionally, has a shaggy coat and no wings.

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    Monster Hesh  almost 9 years ago

    I can’t believe some people think the TRULY awful thing about bullying is that it isn’t equally distributed among genders.

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    lunatic03867  almost 9 years ago

    I need a little help: I’m trying to find the strip that has her asking her parents why they have nunchucks (turns out it was an old phone)

    I think it was a Sunday.

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  8. Hag props
    Hag5000  almost 9 years ago

    There’s your science lesson for today Phoebe.

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  9. Grumpy bear by capsicum
    DDrazen  almost 9 years ago

    Is it just me or does Max remind anybody else of Adam (“Mythbusters”) Savage? Especially when he talks about science and things blowing up.

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  10. Ten cats oliver annie kiss 81322
    daleandkristen  almost 9 years ago

    I totally misinterpreted the last panel. ’Nuff said.

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    Comic Minister Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    I think so Max.

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    Mad as a Hatter  almost 9 years ago

    I haven’t commented in awhile I think I’ll- wait. Dana commented on traditional gender differences. The comments are all about gender differences and bullying!? flees

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  13. Jump
    bigcatbusiness  almost 9 years ago

    Of course girls like explosions. What did you expect? Such entertainment exploding things in the microwave. And recently, I’ve been taught a few chemical reactions that cause explosions… small ones that is.

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