Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for June 13, 2016

  1. Packrat
    Packratjohn Premium Member over 8 years ago

    And the raise! Don’t forget the raise!!

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  2. Eagle globe anchor
    johnt204  over 8 years ago

    And now for a documentary.

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    anotherwhirl  over 8 years ago

    Ain’t it the truth!

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    Can't Sleep  over 8 years ago

    They can’t fill the Supreme Court vacancy, allocate money to fight zika, or raise the minimum wage.All of that inactivity is downright exhausting. Quick! To
 the Vacationmobile!

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    Superfrog  over 8 years ago

    I assumed that he would wear a mask.

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  6. Arlo
    Tesla Roadster 181 Premium Member over 8 years ago

    They didn’t say the magic words: “Campaign Contribution”

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    Watcher  over 8 years ago

    Must be a Republican.

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    macky87  over 8 years ago

    When he gets back from vacation, first on his list will be to vote himself a raise for all his hard work.

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    Renatus Profuturus Frigeridus Premium Member over 8 years ago

    This a character who rob to the poors and give to the rich just like politicians :

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    Kaputnik  over 8 years ago

    I don’t know. Sometimes when they do try to help, it’s worse.

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    chassimmons Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Yes, the Republicans in Congress act like this, but it’s not out of unwillingness to work. It’s that as the party that claims “government is the problem, not the solution”, they WIN when government is seen to fail. The average American doesn’t follow policy carefully enough to see who is at fault.

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    Russell Hauser  over 8 years ago

    Nailed it!

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    braindead Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Well, you know, Congress can’t go around helping everyone, so they concentrate on helping those who provide sufficient bribes campaign contributions.

    And they get pretty tuckered out with all them laser-like focus thingies, so they need vacations. Lots and lots of vacations.

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  14. Alfred e newman
    dl11898  over 8 years ago

 and these are tax-payer funded.

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    Space_cat  over 8 years ago

    Oh, please! Do they even show up for “Work”? I thought they were too busy counting their NRA bribe money, and Pfizer, and Texaco, and

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  16. Cthulhu p1xg
    gorbag  over 8 years ago

    This is how the system was DESIGNED. Now we have to keep judges and administrators from working too
 Trust me, we’ll all be MUCH better off.

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    dgraham882 Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Congress-Man’s thoughts and prayers are with the victims of this terrible tragedy. And their families.

    Now that that’s out of the way, he can get back to his regular job of collecting NRA checks.

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    Brumlad  over 8 years ago

    Remembering Orlando.

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    mommavamp  over 8 years ago

    This comic is right on. We should vote all the bums out and start over with some people who will actually work and not be in the pocket of special interests. (This should work at the state level, too——I’m in Illinois.)

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    Prestondinjax  over 8 years ago

    Not congressman
President Obamaman. And he’s off to golf

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  21. Gocomic avatar
    sandpiper  over 8 years ago

    Over 500 members of Congress, each with dozens of aides and other employees, and none of them accomplishing anything except personal fortune building. And the only choices for chief executive are those two ineptitudes . . .??It is to weep.

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    KEA  over 8 years ago

    Easy to complain, do something about it.

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    Douglas Haire  over 8 years ago

    So? Vote YOUR representative out. Or is it only the other ones?

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    schrocknik1  over 8 years ago

    Oh, boy, I’m looking forward to this series!

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    dabugger  over 8 years ago

    Does nothing. Ignorant.Pathetic. Waste of time.

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    loner34  over 8 years ago

    I am going to really enjoy this arc.

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    loner34  over 8 years ago

    I see that the only ones blaming one party are the Dems blaming the Reps. When BOTH are guilty.My goodness where can I get a pair of those rose colored glasses?

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    locoboilerguy  over 8 years ago

    It takes more work to avoid work than to actually do the work. I think they need a break as well. Lets retire them all on nothing but social security and get a new batch of minions. These have spoiled.

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    Banjo Gordy Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Today, if Dorothy met men with no brains, no hearts, and no courage, she wouldn’t be in OZ!

    She’d be in congress!

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    Laurie Koerber Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Wiley must have second sight! Send this to all your members of Congress

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  31. Pirate63
    Linguist  over 8 years ago

    As someone dependent on my paltry pittance of a Social Security Retirement check, I am appalled but not surprised at the unmitigated gall of Congress blocking a cost of living increase for Social Security while voting themselves a big fat raise for doing Nothing !

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    Al Nala  over 8 years ago

    Most of us don’t want them to do anything.

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    magicwalnut  over 8 years ago

    I keep wondering how much happier (and less prone to anxiety) I would be if I knew nothing about politics

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    Mel-T-Pass Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Unfortunate appropriate timing for this strip.

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    paul GROSS Premium Member over 8 years ago

    The less they do, the better off we all are

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    Gene Hill Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Sums up the Congressional work year.

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    kaffekup   over 8 years ago

    Not me. I’d rather pay for a Congress that does something for the American people, than pay for a republican congress that does nothing but get rich at our expense. People need to remember that Democrats (who actually do work for us) received 1 to 5 million more votes than republicans, but gerrymandering voided them.

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    hippogriff  over 8 years ago

    trmTo say nothing of the lies you spread about the only major candidate to refuse bribes and run a campaign on what small amounts real people send – you know, like was officially declared impossible by the bribers.

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    Varnes  over 8 years ago

    Republicans have controlled congress, both houses, for 6 years, and they did absolutely nothing at all! And Obama never vetoed infrastructure bills, defense bills, environmental, bills, In fact congress gave no Bills at all for him to veto
They can’t blame Obama, it was their hatred, for one man. They have always been afraid of Obama, for some reason
Which makes them hate him all the more
Republicans have never told the truth about him
They have always lied about him..And they know they are lying. They alI know that is a mortal sin, yet go to church the next Sunday anyway I figure If they are not asking god for forgiveness, they have no business being in church
..Remember, for six years republicans in congress have put Americans all over the country at risk by spending no money for our crumbling infrastructure
Why? The reason is they were deathly afraid that he would get credit for something
To this day, republicans are keeping Medicare from older people in over 30 states. Since it doesn’t cost those states any thing at all to let them have it
Why don’t they? Older people have to suffer just because Republicans hate one man, Obama ! 
How petty and un-American and anti-American, is that?
.Republicans believe everything that Donald Trump shouts, they just don’t like his style
They know you can always evil things, but you have to act like gentleman, or you won’t get far
.What Trump has shown us, though is what republican voters are like, exposing them to be racist and uninformed

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    Varnes  over 8 years ago

    Oh, I forgot..All republicans pledged to stop Obama from accomplishing anything at all..How is that concept helpful? Republicans will only compromise if you agree with them 110 percent
That’s how much they disrespect Americans..Instead of making laws to help the country, they would rather shut down the government, rather than compromise. Republicans don’t understand why anybody should ever compromise with anybody at all
for any reason at all.., 
. They’ve shortened voting times, gerrymandered districts, making it nearly impossible for legless old widows without a car to get an approved ID.. Of course there are also the cowardly lies, and the gullible republican voters
But you have to admire the brilliant ways they are finding to cut down on the voter’s right to vote
Poisoning the Democratic voters in Flint, to cut down on the voting, is the best idea yet!

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    millwheel  over 8 years ago

    Must have been a photo op

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    edward thomas  over 8 years ago

    Term limits don’t help. Ohio has had them for years, and all we get is monkey move-up. Or monkey move-over-and-back-again! One legislator flipped back and forth between houses for 15 years AFTER limits were imposed.We now have lobbyists with more knowledge of Ohio politics than legislators have.And with our gerrymandered districts we keep getting more and more right wing nuts who won’t raise taxes or fees to generate revenue.Our gas tax hasn’t been raised in over 15 years, and our roads are crumbling as a result.Our fracking tax is lower than all surrounding states, but Kasich’s modest proposal to raise it 1/2%, which would still leave us under all neighboring states, did not get anything but a cursory hearing. The rationale is it will drive oil companies to other state (where they will pay a higher tax!)But the oil is HERE, idiots!Then they say prices are high already, so let’s not raise prices, or else prices are low, let’s not burden the poor oil companies with more taxes. B effing S!

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    Tonksquawk  over 8 years ago

    Spot on, Wiley, spot on!

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  44. Rachelalexandra
    TMO1 Premium Member over 8 years ago

    If your average idiot voter would wake up and realize what his/her congressperson is doing or not doing, and vote the lousy ones out, we could have a decent government. Gerrymandering is keeping the idiot voter groups corralled together so the same jerks who sell us out to corporations can stay until they die or leave for higher pay outside government.

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    RonBerg13 Premium Member over 8 years ago

    No politician would ever stand there like that.Its work.He (or she) would be sitting in a golden, throne like chair.

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    edward thomas  over 8 years ago

    I woke up with a cold this AM. Thanks, Obama!

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  47. Littlemoon2
    halavana  over 8 years ago

    a bipartisan anti-hero

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    tigre1again  over 8 years ago

    As far as the so-called ‘conservatives’ and their stupid behavior
and how they WIN when they denigrate, defund, and make helpless our government
It really IS a long-term intentional slow-motion revolution.

    Freddie Koch, father of the current Koch kidz, worked diligently in Russia for Stalin, building refineries
Stalin rewarded him with great fund$, and had his most persuasiveoperative school him in ‘how’ America could be conquered
and when he got back to America, Freddie set to work. Alienate citizens from government(done) by controlling much of the media(done, talk radio, Fox, etc)

    ANY decent bio of Freddie has the essential truth of these assertions. Check. I know what I’m talking about.

    Or google Koch and’s there too. Traitors, all of them, working for a dead genius’s plan.

    Bear with me on this one.

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