Frazz by Jef Mallett for July 08, 2016
Mrs. Olsen: That does it. My idiot neighbors' fireworks broke my best garden gnome. Frazz: Uh-oh. Mrs. Olsen: I'm hauling out my... Frazz: NO! Mrs. Olsen: Sewing machine. Wizard: What are the odds they'll be scared by the ghost of busteddorff? What are the odds people who have been shooting off fireworks for five days have been drinking five days?
Randy B Premium Member over 8 years ago
My best guess: Her best garden gnome that was broken (busted) was named “Dorf”, probably after Tim Conway’s character.
Randy B Premium Member over 8 years ago
(The image is a link to the XKCD page. No, I’m not the author.)
Olddog1 over 8 years ago
Looks like Jef is getting a little annoyed with his neighbors.
John C. over 8 years ago
The Black Knight in “Monty Python and the Holy Grail” did not yield to King Arthur, but did yield to Gnome Ann.
Robert Craigs over 8 years ago
Busteddorff?? It sounds similar to Dumbledore. (of Hogwarts)
Pipe Tobacco over 8 years ago
NG, I am not making any sort of judgement on alcohol, tobacco, or marijuana….. but your statement of “high off the carcingenic cigarettes” has me confused.Never having sampled marijuana myself… I cannot fully understand what being “high” means…. but I have presumed the term referred to being intoxicated in some fashion.As a pipe tobacco smoker myself, the term “high” as in intoxicated, does not really fit as a descriptor in my understanding of tobacco use. So, I guess I am asking for clarification of what you are meaning by your statement.
Wilde Bill over 8 years ago
Of course it is just as likely that your neighbor used a rock, rather than a firework, to break your gnome.
Thomas & Tifffany Connolly over 8 years ago
My wife, the pathological knitter, accepts that challenge with an army of knitted bears!!