Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for July 25, 2016
Lupin: Wicket has landed, narrowly missing Natasha's totally awesome jacket. Wicket: This is not the Golden Mouse. Natasha: No, but I brought the horn to summon her. Wicket: This will call her back? Natasha: The Golden Mouse knew your screech well. Legend has it one long screech will call her back to you. Lupin: Is that true, Agnes? Agnes: Technically. Wicket: SCREEEEECH! Agnes: It's filled with her ashes. Wicket: Choke! GASP! COUGH! Alice: DINNER IS SERVED- Natasha: ALICE, RUN! Puck: Beatrix? Beatrix: Almost! Agnes: PUFF FROM ABOVE! Beatrix: MAY I TAKE YOUR HAT, SIR?! Tommy and Sophie's Woman: GOTCHA! So, you're the one who's been making all that racket! It's okay, little old man. Deep breaths. Have some water. I gotcha. Wicket: Oh, thank you.
deadheadzan over 8 years ago
Awesome!! Absolutely amazing wrap up by the mice, the July bug and finally Wicket caught in the net by the lady that works in the cat shelter. Wicket has come full circle as far as finally getting help from the cat shelter people, from hurting his wing 30 years ago to being choked by the Golden Mouse ashes. As she points out in the second to last panel, a 30 year old owl is a little old man and he is grateful for a drink of water. The jubilant mice in the last panel is priceless!
ekw555 over 8 years ago
the Junebug !?!?!?
Kalkkuna over 8 years ago
Denny Wheeler Premium Member over 8 years ago
July Bug shows up, as foreshadowed by Pucky’s calendar!
gloriasfig over 8 years ago
OMC!! so much to see and take in, love, love, love it Georgia! Alice having to be dragged by Natasha, the June/July bug I love how we heard him before we saw him, Beatrix, the boys’ horror, Wicket’s rescue by Tommy & Sophie’s woman and him playing the injured party again (as in here we go again) and the jubilant Natasha in the last panel! An amazing, almost conclusion!!
Clearstream over 8 years ago
I love Elvis’s OMCOMCOMC moment! So funny and cute! I also love the “have some water” moment.
SunflowerGirl100 over 8 years ago
Wonderful! Too many details to take in all at once. This will reward many rereads. And the little bonus that there will be one more on Thursday!
lopaka over 8 years ago
Then there are the handlebars and the goggles on the July bug. Georgia – you are a fantastic story teller.
Brein43 over 8 years ago
I love Wicket accepting the water with his wing, just like a hand.
scaeva Premium Member over 8 years ago
What a stirring conclusion!
stampaniblock87 over 8 years ago
Oh Georgia……you are so amazing!!
Meesha'sMom over 8 years ago
I couldn’t scroll fast enough! ! ! AWESOME!
ineza over 8 years ago
Woooo!!!! Indy action musicin background… LolToo Good.. Thanks Georgia!
T_Lexi over 8 years ago
: D
dogday Premium Member over 8 years ago
Georgia, I’m whispering this, so lean in a little: You realize of course that with your story-telling and ability to create a reality, and with the right voices, your stories really lend themselves to…ssshhhh…animation.
DessaLu over 8 years ago
YAY!!!! No one is hurt, and everyone is safe!
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member over 8 years ago
WHY ISN’T THIS A BOOK? I COULD READ IT TO MY GRANDCHILDREN! Georgia? Pleas submit this to a book agent, please.
Vet Premium Member over 8 years ago
The big owl that lives out by my apartment approves of this story……
roberta.forbes.pyle over 8 years ago
And predictions made by the readers come true! The July Bug makes his heroic appearance! Between ashes, flour, and the brighter light from the porch I think poor Wicket was flying blind…. Great special effects, Georgia!
fuzzybritches Premium Member over 8 years ago
I am TOTALLY picturing the July Bug as some WWII bomber!
Tonksquawk over 8 years ago
Wonderful, Georgia!! Thank you !!
ineza over 8 years ago
PS can’t wait for next book!! Got the other one
Jayneknox over 8 years ago
This is wonderful in so many ways. :)
bearbri over 8 years ago
So many threads woven together! Such drama!
bjy1293 Premium Member over 8 years ago
So beautiful, thanks Georgia. ; )
Courage the Cowardly Dog! over 8 years ago
OMC OMC OMC!! LOL! Simply superb!
bonita.eley over 8 years ago
Wonderful!! love the conclusion and the scene where woman is giving the owl a drink – a compassionate victor (well actually the mice did it all) is always a good ending!!
RH3 over 8 years ago
So why does Beatrix take the top off the lamp? To attract bugs?
And who is guarding the books? Who is greeting customers, and being especially friendly with those who are allergic to cats?
Denny Wheeler Premium Member over 8 years ago
@ Robin Harwood: The top off the lamp is to attract one particular bug—the July Bug! I think Trevor is guarding the books while Beatrix performs as Adventure Kitten.
If Tommy’s Woman is involved, will Tommy show up tomorrow? Stay tuned.
RH3 over 8 years ago
Thank you, Sunflower Girl and Denny Wheeler. I’m trying to remember who Trevor is.
RH3 over 8 years ago
I cannot join in with the general rejoicing. I know that Wicket was a cad, trifling with a lady’s affections. (But then, quite a few of us have, in our salad days, been somewhat cavalier with the tender feelings of the fair sex. And it has to be admitted that young ladies are sometimes less considerate of the hearts of their gentlemen admirers than they should be.)
But I have to say that I find it outrageous that an elderly gentleman should be so cruelly and humiliatingly treated, and especially at the paws of those larcenous and disrespectful mice who should, by rights, have been his dinner.
No, this was simply wrong.
Georgia Dunn creator over 8 years ago
I apologize, the strip will be a little late today! I had a bit more painting to finish on it than I realized, and here it is half past midnight and my head has begun to droop. Hopefully it will be up by the afternoon, I thank you for your patience!
Argulus over 8 years ago
@Robin Harwood – Trevor is the dog we met a few months back – he’s often around Quinn Farms with Burt and Baba.@Georgia Dunn – I’m amazed you manage to do what you do when you do it anyway – BCN is always a treat whenever it arrives!
prairiedogdance Premium Member over 8 years ago
Okay! see you then. More painting is always better than sick kid, or earthquake.
Georgia Dunn creator over 8 years ago
Hahaha!! I agree! I am happy to say, I’m just waiting for it to upload now! Thank you, everyone for your patience! I think you will see what I meant about “a little extra painting” than I had expected… I painted this entire next strip in 24 hours, and I’m both proud of that and hope to never do that again, ha! I feel like it was worth it though, and I hope everyone agrees once it posts.
SuperCharged5- about 5 years ago
The Julybug has returned!
《Lily》 Premium Member about 4 years ago
Is it just me or does this strip remind anyone of home alone?