Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for September 26, 2010

  1. V  9
    freeholder1  over 14 years ago

    Report on a Daley basis.

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  2. V  9
    freeholder1  over 14 years ago

    Bad Bad Red Rascal Brown, Baddest Cat in the whole d..n town.

    To the Jim who crashed and burned with ā€œReal Legendā€ on his resume.

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  3. Dataweaver 80
    dataweaver  over 14 years ago

    Chicago will never know what hit it.

    Seriously. He wonā€™t make enough of an impact.

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  4. Deficon
    Coyoty Premium Member over 14 years ago

    Chicagoā€™s a helicoptā€“ er, target rich environment.

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  5. Andy
    Sandfan  over 14 years ago

    At least heā€™ll have some good pizza before heā€™s killed.

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  6. Soldier  edit
    Kosher71  over 14 years ago

    Would he parachute in ?

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  7. Photo  1
    thirdguy  over 14 years ago

    at least they have some hot doctors in the ā€œERā€

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  8. What has been seen t1
    lewisbower  over 14 years ago

    In 68 those police needed protection

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  9. Red rascal
    nickmangieri Premium Member over 14 years ago

    auh oh

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  10. June 27th 2009   wwcd
    BrianCrook  over 14 years ago

    Hey, Lew, the police did their job in 1968. They ā€œpreserved disorderā€, as Mayor Daley said.

    What the nation needed in 1968 was to treat civil disobedience with respect and to remove itself from imperialistic incursions into foreign lands.

    Unfortunately, the lessons of the Vietnam War were lost on wealthy powerful chickenhawks like G.W. Bush & Dick Cheney, so we have had to go through the entire mess again, twice.

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  11. Asa
    asa4ever  over 14 years ago

    Twice? If the Palestinians and Israelis canā€™t reach an agreement on Israeli settlements by September 30th according to King Abdulla ll of Jordan on The Daily Show, I only get my news from it and the Colbert Report, we may be fighting on at least 5 fronts. At least 2 more this year.

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  12. Possum
    Possum Pete  over 14 years ago

    Screw the Middle East. Let them all kill each other and then weā€™ll go in and beat up the winner.

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  13. Ip1
    IncognitoPenguin  over 14 years ago

    ā€œItā€™s 106 miles to Chicagoā€¦Heā€™s got a full tank of B.Sā€¦half a mag of ammo..heā€™s dumb and heā€™s wearing sunglasses.ā€

    Hit it.

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  14. Logo
    cdhaley  over 14 years ago

    The Chicago police not only were commended for having ā€œpreserved disorderā€ in 1968; they were also acquitted in their trial a few years later. The chief of the Patrolmanā€™s Association was ecstatic. ā€œI am elated,ā€ he said. ā€œThis shows that Lady Justice is not blind.ā€

    Maybe Jeff Redfern knows who (or what, besides an inveterate contempt for justice) still protects the Chicago police.

    Ps. @ BrianCrook

    Sounds like Willie X. Lin took the advice you gave a few weeks back to read Mrs. Dalloway. Is he one of your students/colleagues?

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  15. Logo
    cdhaley  over 14 years ago

    ā€¦ or feed upā€”-with fat bribes.

    A doctor I knew went to complain to a towing service that his car had been towed illegally. When the garage owner refused to let him have his car back unless he paid up, the doctor made the garage call the Chicago police. A local policeman arrived in two minutes. After listening to the doctorā€™s complaint, the policeman threw him down the stairsā€”-breaking his leg.

    The doctor was unable to get a report of the incident and he had to pay to mend his leg as well as retrieve his car.

    Chicago justice, 1968 or 2008. Youā€™d be better off living under the Taliban, if not under Karzaiā€™s corrupt regime (whither Jeff Redfern may be returning).

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  16. Missing large
    puddleglum1066  over 14 years ago

    Actually, the finger landed on Berwyn.


    (inside joke for Chicago bad-horror-movie fans)

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  17. Missing large
    Prof_Bleen  over 14 years ago

    Chicago? Look at that globeā€”heā€™s much closer to Hershey, PA.

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  18. Bla   version 2
    FriscoLou  over 14 years ago

    Speaking of Karzai, if the Taliban get too hot to handle, he can always get a gig as a ā€œbody doubleā€ for Overkill.

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  19. Lady dragoncat
    Dragoncat  over 14 years ago

    SLIPPED?! Was he hoping for New York?

    Canā€™t you see it nowā€¦? RED RASCALā€¦The Musical.

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  20. June 27th 2009   wwcd
    BrianCrook  over 14 years ago

    Drome, the story about your friend the doctor is horrifying. In re Mrs. Dalloway, I did not teach Willie Lin nor do I work with him, but I agree with him about the novel. This whole op-ed, though, pontificates quite a bit, doesnā€™t it? in addition, I am sorry to see the ā€œPh.D. student in English and American Literatureā€ misuse ā€œwhomeverā€.

    I cannot recall recommending Mrs. Dalloway, but I am happy to recommend it at any time.

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  21. Logo
    cdhaley  over 14 years ago

    Brian, That particular mistakeā€”-treating ā€œwhomā€ as the immediate object rather than making an object of the entire ā€œwhoā€ clauseā€”-has become almost universal. I frequently see it in the NYT, though less often in WSJ articles, which tend to be as conservative with the English language as they are in politics.

    Maybe Wm. Safire was our last George Orwell, but I have to think the problem has deeper roots than just the 20th-c. totalitarian state. The founders of modern proseā€”-Dryden, Swift, Addison, Steeleā€”-constantly analyzed their syntax. To paraphrase Dryden, ā€˜The only way I can tell whether my English makes sense is to run it into Latin.ā€™

    My own Latin is not good enough to let me do that, so I try to listen to Addison instead, taking Dr. Johnsonā€™s advice: ā€œHe who would form a just prose style must give his days and nights to reading Addison.ā€ (In any event, I doubt that Lewreader and others in the forum will take the trouble to make their syntax support their argument. Most commenters on Doonesbury donā€™t venture beyond a sentence and donā€™t present arguments.)

    Ps. Since youā€™ve mentioned you write from St. Louis, I thought you might know something about the Washington U. writing program.

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  22. Jollyroger
    pirate227  over 14 years ago

    Itā€™s safer in Afghanistan.

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  23. Turkey2
    MisngNOLA  over 14 years ago

    Chicago, what a perfect place for a legend to earn his chops building his non-existent resumeā€™ and becoming more famous until he becomes able to read a teleprompter and becomes the most powerful man in the world.

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  24. Cicada avatar
    Dirty Dragon  over 14 years ago

    (Sorry, I was on vacation)

    For the record NOLA, Ronald Reagan got his start in Dixon, Illinois - not Chicago.

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