Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for March 21, 2017
Lupin: Elvis fell asleep with his eyes open. Puck: Puck here, live ont he scene and feeling uncomfortable. Lupin: Are we sure he's asleep? Puck: Oh, there's no doubt. CN News...should we wake him up? Lupin: CN News, dare me to boop his nose? Puck: I feel like he would want us to wake him up. Lupin: I feel like he would want us to never acknowledge this, or ever bring it up. Elvis: I haven't been to math class all year! What's going on? Puck: ...Were you dreaming about People school? Elvis: Why do my eyes feel tight? Lupin: We shrunk your eyelids!
kittymelonmeow almost 8 years ago
Lupins ideas are weird and nice drawing at the top
ctlum almost 8 years ago
This is another one of my favorite BCN strips from last year! I certainly can empathize with Elvis; I too have dreams of missing class all year and suddenly I have my end-of-the-year project due tomorrow!!! Then, I wake up and realize that the last time I was in school was 40 years ago ……!
Lady Bri almost 8 years ago
Panel four cracks me up! Ha! I’m always dreaming about being back in school and missing a class or being late to one (which I NEVER was), or having a mid-term or final and I never studied for it, or something to that effect. It’s really odd because I haven’t been in school in over a decade.
Space_cat almost 8 years ago
Boop his nose! Boop his nose!
dadoctah almost 8 years ago
I’ve never known a cat that fell asleep with his eyes open. Yang, however, did used to fall asleep with the tip of his tongue poking out. You could tickle it and he’d swallow and draw it back in, without ever waking up.
Sabrina17 almost 8 years ago
Elvis and I have the same nightmares.
A R V reader almost 8 years ago
Was Elvis watching a ‘’Saved by the Bell’’ marathon or something?
Brein43 almost 8 years ago
The “math class face” is just perfect-I can see that look of confusion at momentarily NOT being hyper-responsible, fully prepared, in control. I also see Lupins’ playful personality coming through “dare me to hoop his nose”
Brein43 almost 8 years ago
Our elderly lab falls asleep like that, with her eyes open. A little creepy but we got used to it. Love the vivid colors in the new banner heading ? Not sure that is the term, but Tommy and his vivid shirt certainly come through. The new deeper black will take a little getting used to, but it all looks really sharp. T-minus six days to NEWSPAPER LAUNCH !!!!!!
ladykat almost 8 years ago
Loving Elvis’ look of panic in panel 6!
Nuliajuk almost 8 years ago
One of my brothers could fall asleep with his eyes open. You’d walk into the living room and start talking to him and then notice he was just staring into space.
roberta.forbes.pyle almost 8 years ago
I think I did something like that back in college math class…zone out with my eyes open! Usually my “school nightmares” involve wandering maze-like halls in my underwear, trying desperately to find a functioning bathroom! (eventually I wake up and realize that I REALLY DO HAVE TO GO….)
SunflowerGirl100 almost 8 years ago
Hooray! Much as I’ve enjoyed the reruns, Friday will be the last. Georgia just revealed on Facebook that, while the new strips begin Monday, she will show the reporters reacting to the news on Saturday and Sunday.And much earlier, she revealed she not only has a big backlog of strips, she has a story arc. Since BCN began almost by accident, this time she’s going to start at the beginning so as to have stories about moving into the Big Pink House, etc. It’s only Tuesday. I can’t wait!!!
addijones01 almost 8 years ago
Rabbits always fall asleep with their eyes closed. It’s really funny.
serenasakitty almost 8 years ago
Love the puffy tail. I feel that way also when I have dream like that. I haven’t been in school for nearly 50 years so I guess I am really late.
Coyoty Premium Member almost 8 years ago
I’m assuming the birds in the banner will be new characters.
dogday Premium Member almost 8 years ago
When I was freshman I actually did wander into the wrong classroom. There was no instructor there and everyone was just chatting so I promptly fell asleep and only woke when everyone decided it was time to go to study hall. That’s when i found out it wasn’t freshman French but a senior math class..
bonita.eley almost 8 years ago
I’ve had those dreams – didn’t know cats got them!!
catte.west almost 8 years ago
Love all the many faces of Elvis!!
jwknick over 7 years ago
Those of us who teach have similar dreams: showing up at the end of the semester at a class I had no idea I was assigned to teach. Plus of course, the blackboard is the size of a clip board and is cracked, the whole room is covered in crumbling wall-board, and so on. Fortunately. my orange and white tabby, Nero Wolfe, helps me prepare my lectures and never would let me forget what and where I am teaching!