It’s a bit more complicated than that, Boody. It is a BIG change over which the dying person has no control. Even those who are aware that it is just a transition may feel some anxiety. But I know many receive some last minute comforting.
Like Sir Dudley, I am fortunate to have a friend who has made that trip, and returned to tell about it.
A wonderful story, Justin, deliciously drawn, carefully crafted, delightful dialog, wittily written, and artfully acted. I needed a hanky more than once. How can some static “scribblings” (you know what I mean) on a flat screen create such powerful emotions?
I think Mythtickle is a superb example of the art of cartooning. It is high art combining literature, theater, and all the graphic arts. Imagination is a wonderful thing.
Thank you, Justin, for bringing us Mythtickle and sharing your creative genius.
This IS my afterlife. My heart had to restarted after going into anaphylactic shock after an allergic reaction to a bee sting. It took two shots of adrenaline and a defib to bring me back. That happened when I was 8 years old. Don’t remember seeing anything on the other side, but that don’t mean it isn’t there.
While we’re on the subject of books, I love Mythtickle One, but permit me to make a technical recommendation: In your next book (and if you do a new edition of the first one), please set a wider gutter at the binding edge of the pages so that the art doesn’t get buried in the binding.
Isn’t that pretty much the definition of “getting” the Tao? I’m pretty sure the Tao te Ching begins by saying “The Tao that can be described is not the true Tao,” or something like that… but I’m too lazy to get up and find the text.
Yes puddleglum, you are right. Zen, Tao,… ‘Don’t even think about it!’
Me_Again: Really, who am I to tell you that something doesn’t exist? Believe in it and it’ll happen. Do what I do, take the other apple sicker that comes with anything Apple you buy, and cut a Pi symbol out of it and put it next to the Apple logo on your computer. Then it WILL exist.
Heck, we could start a movement!
Just tell people where ya’ heard it, OK?
Sisyphos over 14 years ago
Awww! Gruff Sir Dudley has a heart after all!
Great arc, Justin!
Joe_Minotaur over 14 years ago
Hel of a good story, Justin!
TheSkulker over 14 years ago
Yes, wonderful story. Wonderful closure!
(And a tribute to an artist who can elicit empathy towards a tin can and a flag.)
mhs1075 over 14 years ago
It’s a bit more complicated than that, Boody. It is a BIG change over which the dying person has no control. Even those who are aware that it is just a transition may feel some anxiety. But I know many receive some last minute comforting. Like Sir Dudley, I am fortunate to have a friend who has made that trip, and returned to tell about it.
j2p2 over 14 years ago
Lovely sentiments, Boody. And Sir Dudley no doubt has something in his eye…
Wonderful story, Justin!
gary wolner over 14 years ago
Silentknight7 over 14 years ago
Congratlations on wrapping up the story so nicely.
I have loved this story from the begging to the end.
As a possible cartoon, I think you could do something with the story in the link below
LEopardGEcko over 14 years ago
Careful not to rust yourself with those tears, Dudley.
Xane_T over 14 years ago
Great ending to a great story, Justin. Sir Dudley has a heart after all. Of course I wouldn’t expect him to stop teasing Boody either.
So, how many times did you forget to draw the wings?
autumnfire1957 over 14 years ago
Can’t wait for Samhian
Rakkav over 14 years ago
A little different from culture to culture?!
Uh, no.
celeconecca over 14 years ago
lo-o-o-o-oved this arc. love you, too, justin, for your talented mind and art.
Plods with ...™ over 14 years ago
Me too. Not much I can add. Sniff
ame_baby over 14 years ago
Justjoust Premium Member over 14 years ago
For those who want to argue with Boody on his views, please remember that he is…. simple. Happy and simple. (he ‘gets’ the Tao but doesn’t know it)
my_discworld over 14 years ago
oh no. more rusting of the can.
TheDOCTOR over 14 years ago
JUSTIN - Brilliant.
oranaiche over 14 years ago
Justin, great story!
Jml58 over 14 years ago
This was a great story Justin.
Thanks for sharing it.
Me_Again over 14 years ago
Aww. Thanks, Justin.
screamingdolai over 14 years ago
I have something in my eye, dammit.
enchantedtk over 14 years ago
Such a nice arc Justin. Just wonderful.
uniqueknitter over 14 years ago
screamingdolai - Must be going around, I do too.
Great job, Justin…
whitecarabao over 14 years ago
A wonderful story, Justin, deliciously drawn, carefully crafted, delightful dialog, wittily written, and artfully acted. I needed a hanky more than once. How can some static “scribblings” (you know what I mean) on a flat screen create such powerful emotions?
I think Mythtickle is a superb example of the art of cartooning. It is high art combining literature, theater, and all the graphic arts. Imagination is a wonderful thing.
Thank you, Justin, for bringing us Mythtickle and sharing your creative genius.
Justjoust Premium Member over 14 years ago
Wow, thanks everyone! whitecarabao, can I use that as a review for my next book?
New blog is up about the closing of this big story.
Charles Weir over 14 years ago
A truly wonderful ending.
Dorian over 14 years ago
I will echo the “great story” senitment wholeheartedly and am glad that Boody got his wings back!
…is that a bell ringing? :)
pschearer Premium Member over 14 years ago
Much as I love Mythtickle and the wonderful characters, I still don’t believe in an afterlife.
Joe_Minotaur over 14 years ago
aircraft-engineer/pschearer This IS my afterlife. My heart had to restarted after going into anaphylactic shock after an allergic reaction to a bee sting. It took two shots of adrenaline and a defib to bring me back. That happened when I was 8 years old. Don’t remember seeing anything on the other side, but that don’t mean it isn’t there.
Justjoust Premium Member over 14 years ago
You guys do realize you’re arguing with a dragon, right? =)
Bigby65 over 14 years ago
That last panel says pretty much everything that needs to be said….
Coyoty Premium Member over 14 years ago
Justin, they’re just dragon it out because they don’t want their story to end.
Jml58 over 14 years ago
Never argue with a dragon beacuse you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.
mntim over 14 years ago
Not to change the subject, but I am.
I’m racking my brains, trying to figure out where bamboo and cattails grow side by side. This must truly be a magical place.
Justjoust Premium Member over 14 years ago
Well ‘rack’ no more mntim. The scenery in this comic strip is no more real to our world than magic hammers or Apple Pi computers.
whitecarabao over 14 years ago
Yes, Justin, you may quote me.
While we’re on the subject of books, I love Mythtickle One, but permit me to make a technical recommendation: In your next book (and if you do a new edition of the first one), please set a wider gutter at the binding edge of the pages so that the art doesn’t get buried in the binding.
Thank you, Justin!
Me_Again over 14 years ago
bleeep it Justin, I was looking EVERYWHERE for an Apple Pi computer! And now you tell me it doesn’t exist!
(Did I sound too serious to be funny there?)
Me_Again over 14 years ago
WTF? They bleeped “darn”?
puddleglum1066 over 14 years ago
Justin: “(he ‘gets’ the Tao but doesn’t know it)”
Isn’t that pretty much the definition of “getting” the Tao? I’m pretty sure the Tao te Ching begins by saying “The Tao that can be described is not the true Tao,” or something like that… but I’m too lazy to get up and find the text.
Justjoust Premium Member over 14 years ago
Yes puddleglum, you are right. Zen, Tao,… ‘Don’t even think about it!’ =) Me_Again: Really, who am I to tell you that something doesn’t exist? Believe in it and it’ll happen. Do what I do, take the other apple sicker that comes with anything Apple you buy, and cut a Pi symbol out of it and put it next to the Apple logo on your computer. Then it WILL exist. Heck, we could start a movement! Just tell people where ya’ heard it, OK?
bmonk over 14 years ago
aircraft-engineer and pschearer
I still do believe in an afterlife–if only so that we can truly love as deeply and as long as love deserves–only it’s not exactly Boody’s.
Trisha_Evenstar over 14 years ago
Perfect ending :)