For Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston for December 10, 2016

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    Templo S.U.D.  over 8 years ago

 all winter

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    Argythree  over 8 years ago

    Thus the hat

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    I Quit  over 8 years ago

    Reminds me of the 924 I used to have: yellow and everything. It was actually a pretty good winter car. Did well in the snow and was warm.

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    Can't Sleep  over 8 years ago

    And I hope it’s comfy, ‘cause you’ll be sleeping in it, too. All winter long.

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    charliefarmrhere  over 8 years ago

    Nothing wrong with Winter driving a sports car. With the smaller cabin, they actually heat up a lot quicker inside & drive no worse than any other vehicle on Winter roads. I have driven NY Winter roads in a number of sports cars I owned, including Corvettes.

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  6. Mr haney
    NeedaChuckle Premium Member over 8 years ago

    I saw a Corvette in ’69 a ’70 model for 5500 bucks and wondered who would pay that much for a car!

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  7. Balloon32
    freewaydog  over 8 years ago

    She gotcha, John

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    USN1977  over 8 years ago

    Will Elly buy an expensive luxury for herself?

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  9. Tyge
    Tyge  over 8 years ago

    Sounds like a good deal to me. Why do you think he bought the get-up?

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  10. Pirate63
    Linguist  over 8 years ago

    Had a ‘69 Triumph Spitfire that the convertible top wouldn’t go up. I drove it wearing an Army poncho – which also doubled as a tonneau cover.


    I found that if I drove a steady 62 mph the rain would go over the windscreen, rather than down in my face.


    When winter weather with snow, sleet and ice set it, I finally broke down and traded it in for a more durable car.

    . I had a Nissan 1971 240 Z on order but opted for buying a brand new AMC Gremlin X ( with the mag wheels and 258 cc 4.2 engine etc. )

    It was only supposed to be a “temp” vehicle until the 240 Z came into the dealership ( it had been a special order ).

    However, I loved driving that Gremlin so much that I cancelled the Nissan. I put over 200,000 miles on the Gremlin X and still sold it for $800 !

    Not bad, considering I’d only paid $1,350 for it, after trading my Triumph !

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  11. Silverknights
    JanLC  over 8 years ago

    When my husband was working in England, he loved to visit the local pubs for the atmosphere (and the beer). He had bought a hat like John’s because he liked it. (and he still has it) He learned at one “working man’s” pub that that particular style of tweed hat is seen as a “lord’s hat” and the men in the pub weren’t happy that Michael was there wearing one. That is until they figured out he was an American, and forgave him because he didn’t know any better. He had more fun at that pub than any other he went to.

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  12. Seafox02
    SeaFox10  over 8 years ago

    Not a problem!

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  13. Catinma
    BeniHanna6 Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Hope he drove a hard deal. Dealers of sporty rear wheel drive cars have a hard time selling them in the winter months.

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    scribbly  over 8 years ago

    How are they going to fit the whole family into it?

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    hillsmom  over 8 years ago

    This sort of takes me back. I had a red 356C cabriolet which I drove for years. It was a wedding present. (I had a VW Bug with the sliding vinyl top at the time). After about 7 years, I traded it in for a 911 E Targa because I couldn’t fit my nursery school passengers in the old one. Those were the days before everyone had to have a seat belt. (The E was a mistake, and eventually we put in an S suspension, and a full body restoration. They did tend to rust) Those rear engine cars would really get around in the snow, unless it got too deep. The Porsches today just don’t seem the same
and the price! Fun while it lasted, but now have an Outback Subaru which is getting old, but still prefer stick. TMI?

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    Ninette  over 8 years ago

    Turn your back, hon’. I love you so.

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    USN1977  over 8 years ago

    Didn’t Lynn Johnston have a Lexus?

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    Astroman007  over 8 years ago

    Elly’s playing it cool; and John’s sports car may not even have a functioning heater in it! And, those small holes in the floorboard will soon provide air conditioning, good for the summer, but not what he wants in winter!

    Not sure what a previous poster is referring to
 Elly has a versatile, excellent job set! She was a dental assistant, writer. bookstore owner, and a working housewife— and is well read! Thank goodness for public libraries and for Elly’s multiple contributions, too!


    “On occasion she fills in for one of John’s dental assistants, takes English classes, and takes a volunteer job writing for the local paper. She later works in the town library, then a local book store. John and Elly eventually buy the book store, expanding its inventory to include classic toys and model railroad kits. When Elly retires, she sells the title to the bookstore to Moira, an employee of hers. Elly was based on creator Lynn Johnston, who named the character after a late friend of hers.”

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    euvnrutas  about 8 years ago

    SHE gets to drive it in the SUMMER!!!

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  20. Ivymucha
    rowena28 Premium Member about 8 years ago

    Elly, it’s either letting him have the car or letting him fark other women so you’re better off letting him have the car. It’s a stark choice but that’s marriage.

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