Henry Payne for December 17, 2016

  1. Doc and fifi
    BWR  over 7 years ago

    It’s ‘Climate Change’ now, so no matter what happens, the left can blame white males for more rain, less rain, more storms, fewer storms, warmer weather, colder weather…

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  2. Sammy on gocomics
    Say What Now‽ Premium Member over 7 years ago

    ‘Hey look; it’s cold outside! Global warming is fake!’ Just wow; how can anyone still use this argument?

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  3. Black lion
    PICTO  over 7 years ago

    Does Mt. Everest appear to be getting shorter?

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    Martinthek  over 7 years ago

    The Sierra Nevada Snow pack is 55% of normal for this date you ignorant damned tool.

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    Michael Peterson Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Henry has set a bar for ignorance that makes it hard for him to outdo himself, but this is a very good attempt.

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    Moxie  over 7 years ago

    Ignorance is always good for a giggle, although being deliberately obtuse is wearying.

    While a degree or three doesn’t make a noticeable difference in your flat, on a global scale it affects how things work- not just how you feel.

    Think of heat as energy- if you add energy to the system, the system functions more energetically. Now add energy on a global scale- a little goes a looong way. Storms become more powerful. Short term temperature changes become more acute. Species of flora & fauna which evolved over millennia & whose adaptions are triggered by length of day are now out of synch with the environment.

    Whether or not global warming is real isn’t the question; to what degree mankind is responsible & how quickly these changes have taken place in the past is. Given that the planet has been through dozens, perhaps scores of climate changes in it’s long history (4.5 billion years) for which the humano-form has only been around for 2.5 million & homo sapiens for 600 thousand… Sagan & de Grasse-Tyson had really good explanations in their Cosmos programmes.

    But I digress.

    The fact is it’s happening. The only unknowns are how quickly\rapidly\drastically & how much humanity has contributed with the industrial revolution & internal combustion engine.


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    jespence97  over 7 years ago

    This is what happens when you fail science in high school. It’s climate change.

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    docrucker Premium Member over 7 years ago

    wow, rare to brag about one’s ignorance

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  9. Wtp
    superposition  over 7 years ago

    It’s elitist attitude not science or intelligence that creates the dispute?



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    kaffekup   over 7 years ago

    “Nobody cares about global warming”. Ergo, republicans are nobody.

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    Arthur Weiler  over 7 years ago

    Once again the cartoonist shows that he is too ignorant to know and understand the difference between weather and climate.

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  12.  chevy
    Lyman Elliott Premium Member over 7 years ago

    This strip, and some of the comments, makes me think of the last few day of the Baldo strip where the daughter is starting her own news site, and the interchange between her father and herself yesterday.


    Father: Gracie, the sky is blue. As a journalist, you should know that.

    Gracie: But Papi, at night, the sky is black! During a storm, it can be gray! And at sunset, it’s a fiery orange! Sometimes, questions don’t have simple answers.


    The last statement is something far too many people are either incapable of understanding or just do not want to understand.

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    lonecat  over 7 years ago

    I fear that the incoming administration is no better informed than Payne.

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    Tue Elung-Jensen  over 7 years ago

    Someone here doesn´t know what global warming means …

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  15. Wtp
    superposition  over 7 years ago

    “Brace yourself, the polar vortex is shifting

    Winter is coming.


    5 NOV 2016"




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    lg  over 7 years ago

    when will climate deniers learn the difference between - weather – the current conditions and climate - the long term average of the daily weather. You might not be a scientist but you can probably read the dictionary

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  17. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  over 7 years ago

    It isn’t just ‘Global Warming" it is more like “Climate change” Tho in the past 15 years the USA had gotten warmer each year hotter than the year before.the glaciers are melting faster than other regions of the world.something is changing.Take out the EPA, and things will become faster.If you look at a picture of L.A. in the earlier 70’s with smog so thick and compare with recent pictures, the Air is cleaner now thanks to the EPA taking a stand for the Earth, imagine it worse, what will happen.

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  18. Sammy on gocomics
    Say What Now‽ Premium Member over 7 years ago

    I love the comics and cartoons. Cartoonists are the most creative of all artists, but not necessarily the smartest.

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    Baslim the Beggar Premium Member over 7 years ago

    ^ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atmospheric_methane

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    stevek Premium Member over 7 years ago

    The gentleman has his head stuck in the sand.

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    lonecat  over 7 years ago

    Good point. But Trump has a really good brain. We know because he told us.

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    Baslim the Beggar Premium Member over 7 years ago

    No unusual warming! Right!


    And stepping off the top of a 200 ft roller coaster is no different than riding the coaster down… well if you ignore the fact that rate of change of velocity is much different in the two cases.


    It’s about rate of change, a 90ppm increase CO2 in 50 years vs a similar change in CO2 in several thousand years in the natural cycle. Oh, right, no difference at all. No worries about the fact that plants and animals have to adapt to very rapidly changing conditons.

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    Scoutmaster77  over 7 years ago


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    tauyen  over 7 years ago

    You can lead a horse to water but unless you see the bubbles you don’t know if it actually drank.

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  25. Lifi
    rossevrymn  over 7 years ago

    There it is, the annual, weak-ass Payne, wait for a col’ front, piece. #maileditinyearsago.

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    lonecat  over 7 years ago


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    lonecat  over 7 years ago

    alternatives are competitive.

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  28. Tor johnson
    William Bednar Premium Member over 7 years ago

    I thought cartoons were supposed to be funny and not stupid. My mistake.

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    keith w boone  over 7 years ago

    according to California gorebull warming is being caused by cows farting, no joke.

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    nathanfrigerio  over 7 years ago

    I bet Drumph’s cabinet could testify that pollution isn’t all that bad.Just some liberal plot.

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