Arlo and Janis by Jimmy Johnson for February 21, 2017

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    KenTheCoffinDweller  about 8 years ago

    Maybe it is because I don’t do coffee, but I am confused here. The last one looks to be an old style 3lb. can of pre-ground coffee like my parents used to get.

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    ralphyork666  about 8 years ago

    Did anybody notice that Janis’ hair style and outfit changes from panel to panel? Is this JJ’s way of testing us as to our visual acuity?

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    The Pro from Dover  about 8 years ago

    It’s probably just fondly remembering the past but I think the old Maxwell House coffee we made in a percolator was the best!

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    AliceHunter  about 8 years ago

    I wish I had moms old percolator it made good coffee. I gave up on the single cup ones.

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    patvinshawl  about 8 years ago

    After trying everything else, eventually you just buy some ground coffee

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    SusanSunshine Premium Member about 8 years ago

    Right, Patvinshawl….

    And this is selected moments of their history….

    Young married couple, buying into the late 70’s – early 80’s coffee mystique…

    Eventually, evolved into a serious morning undertaking….

    while Arlo, as I used to do, waits for the rituals of the grinder and the french press.


    We’ve probably fast-forwarded here through other pots…. electric or manual… as they get older, and more inclined to just grab a faster cup….

    till they fall for the wastefully expensive and un-ecological single cup system….

    And finally…. the easy path…. gloating in a bargain on … yes, a “three pound” can…. which these days actually weighs about 30 oz… probably for their Mr. Coffee electric pot.


    Though I have to say, Janis… I just paid $7 for Folgers so called “French Roast.”

    Bwah ha ha!

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  7. Badgerhelmet
    Jim   about 8 years ago

    L♥VE IT! My wife and I went thru the same coffee phases… 1st, regular coffee, then Melitta, followed by a coffee press to one-cup-at-a-time Keurig to the current 8 O’clock can.

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  8. Grumpy bear by capsicum
    DDrazen  about 8 years ago

    Coffee: the evolution.

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    Varnes  about 8 years ago

    I love a good pot of coffee….Not fussy about the brand….However, I usually just spoon some Taster’s Choice in a cup, add some cream and sugar, and some hot water, and call it good….It really isn’t that bad….Yup.

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    Dani Rice  about 8 years ago

    Hey, Susan! Welcome home!

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  11. Tyge
    Tyge  about 8 years ago

    I think it shows that the old ways not only become the new fad, they were also the most economical. P.S. I never went thru the grind it yourself phase. But the one-cup-at-a-time is all I need.

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    Sportymonk  about 8 years ago

    I think the point is they have spent lots of money over the years trying to find a good cup of coffee and after all the fancy gizmos, it is a simply can or pre-ground coffee. BTW – Trader Joe’s Dark Italian Roast whole bean is yummy.

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  13. Ron guitar avatar
    StratmanRon  about 8 years ago

    Good summary, SS! BTW, I react the same way as Arlo in each panel, save the last. I am a grind/French Press kind of person.

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    Thanksfortheinfo2000  about 8 years ago

    ah, coffee, the socially acceptable addiction….

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    Pipe Tobacco Premium Member about 8 years ago

    Ha! For me, it has always been easier…. my wife abhors coffee, and I abhor MAKING coffee. For me, it is whatever I get at either 7-11 or Starbucks, or if my driving route to the University is a bit divergent, whatever is at the coffee shop I pass by.

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    nggt413  about 8 years ago

    If I’m just making 1 cup to go, k-cups are fine. Otherwise, I can make 2 pots of coffee for the cost of 1 k-cup. Starbucks? Forget it. Do people realize how much money they are throwing away in these places? It’s insane.

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    Hippogriff  about 8 years ago

    Keurig has publicly denounced his invention and apologized for the environmental damage it has caused.

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  18. Nameambi
    stefaninafla  about 8 years ago

    I never liked coffee, and my mother has gone to a pour-over filter and hand-ground coffee. I bought her the coffee grinder last year…lol

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    Dr_Fogg  about 8 years ago

    Best not to start at all. :-)

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  20. Butterfly
    QuietStorm27  about 8 years ago

    Welcome back Susan!

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  21. Triumph
    Daeder  about 8 years ago

    Of course it tastes burnt. All coffee tastes burnt!

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    beammeup1701 (Bozo by Foxo makes everyone happy!)  about 8 years ago

    Where is Doctor Toon and his nuclear coffee?

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  23. Eyeball
    commerce1943  about 8 years ago

    Luddites are extremely fashionable on these pages.Good for you.

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  24. Goldbeat
    ahnk_2000  about 8 years ago

    Unlike his taste in wine, it appears that when it comes to coffee Arlo will settle for “the house plonk”.

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