For those of you out there who might be thinking things like, “Wouldn’t a dentist, whose business depends on being able to maintain his finely precise manual dexterity, avoid doing a kitchen remodel for fear of wrecking his hands?” Fear not. John Patterson is a manly, man’s man and he is going to take a sledgehammer and have a good, old time destroying some old flooring, walls and cabinets all by himself.
Bad idea. I knew a doctor with the same attitude. His daughter’s cat needed neutering, and he groused that the veterinary fees were a ripoff. Then he decided that since he was a doctor, he could just do it himself. What he failed to realize that human anatomy and cat anatomy are quite different, and his do-it-himself neutering killed the kitty. Then he had another price to pay, with his upset little girl!
My husband was certainly capable of remodeling the kitchen, but it might have taken years. In order to keep the marriage stable, we decided to get help. The dismantling, however, we did ourselves.
He might have some skills and knowledge, but he probably doesn’t have the time and he most likely doesn’t know the latest standards and code requirements. I’m always wary of buying a house where the owners did most of the work themselves in their spare time.
What a first class jerk. Honestly how did Elly marry this nitwit? I’m surprised he even stays in his dental business. He must have lawsuits up the yahoo. Elly better tell him NO WAY!!! RIGHT NOW otherwise she’s going to end up with a kitchen she can’t use. I’ve heard this story many times about men who start a bathroom renovation and then lose interest and there it sits unusable, but they at least have another bathroom. The wife nags him to finish but he’ll get to it “someday.” But you only have one kitchen, so tell him to forget this utterly brainless stupid idea!
It’s actually more fun to try to figure the age, maturity and martial status of the people posting comments than the cartoon itself provides, at times. I am a 70 year old male and have been ‘happily married for 39 years (and, no, that’s not a Henny Youngman joke!) I speak with a certain amount authority that, unless you are a licensed contractor, you are deluding yourself, but probably NOT your spouse, when you say," I can do this, how hard can it be?"
The cost analysis is as follows: Cost of Renovation by Homeowner + Cost of Repairing Attempts by Homeowner + Cost of Actual Renovation + Usual 25% overrun on Estimate by Professional = Total Cost! Added to that, on occasion, is “Cost of Marriage Counseling/ Divorce”.
More divorces resulted from Home renovations than from infidelity, in my humble opinion – it’s just that the courts don’t allow “Stupidity” as an argument for divorce, usually.
My husband was certainly capable of remodeling the kitchen, but it might have taken years. In order to keep the marriage stable, we decided to get help. The dismantling, however, we did ourselves.
All problems aside, he is fortunate to have married Elly. He could have married some trophy wife who would say something to the effect of “I don’t care if you need the kitchen remodeled, I must have the dress, I must have the cosmetics, I must have the jewelry.”"
Templo S.U.D. over 7 years ago
“How hard can it be,” asks John.
howtheduck over 7 years ago
For those of you out there who might be thinking things like, “Wouldn’t a dentist, whose business depends on being able to maintain his finely precise manual dexterity, avoid doing a kitchen remodel for fear of wrecking his hands?” Fear not. John Patterson is a manly, man’s man and he is going to take a sledgehammer and have a good, old time destroying some old flooring, walls and cabinets all by himself.
Odd Dog Premium Member over 7 years ago
Famous last words before they realize they just spent $40,000 for a pro to fix the project they’ve already spent $20, 000 on.
Enter.Name.Here over 7 years ago
Those three dreaded words…“I got it.”
mkd_1218 over 7 years ago
Put you foot down, woman!!
naplllp over 7 years ago
So was the father on “Family Matters”.
NeedaChuckle Premium Member over 7 years ago
Used to be a show on TV about a group of professionals that would go in and finish remodeling jobs that people started years back and never finished.
jackianne1020 over 7 years ago
Run, Ellie…just run.
Tyge over 7 years ago
Elly. You’re in for it now!
RonnieAThompson Premium Member over 7 years ago
This will not end well.
derdave969 over 7 years ago
John has just come up with a brilliant way to get out of the remodel.
USN1977 over 7 years ago
Bad idea. I knew a doctor with the same attitude. His daughter’s cat needed neutering, and he groused that the veterinary fees were a ripoff. Then he decided that since he was a doctor, he could just do it himself. What he failed to realize that human anatomy and cat anatomy are quite different, and his do-it-himself neutering killed the kitty. Then he had another price to pay, with his upset little girl!
Mumblix Premium Member over 7 years ago
Lynn’s Notes:
My husband was certainly capable of remodeling the kitchen, but it might have taken years. In order to keep the marriage stable, we decided to get help. The dismantling, however, we did ourselves.
ladykat Premium Member over 7 years ago
Unless John has hidden talents we are not privy too, I see no way in which this can end well.
GirlGeek Premium Member over 7 years ago
No your not, don’t lie because you want to be cheap
lightenup Premium Member over 7 years ago
He might have some skills and knowledge, but he probably doesn’t have the time and he most likely doesn’t know the latest standards and code requirements. I’m always wary of buying a house where the owners did most of the work themselves in their spare time.
CoffeeMom over 7 years ago
Great, if the sink gets a toothache, you’re the one to call all right . . LOL!
joefearsnothing over 7 years ago
If their is a leak, do a “roof canal”!
Linguist over 7 years ago
This comes under those famous Tombstone Last Words like: “Trust me, I’m a professional !” and “Hold my beer and watch this !”
planostanton over 7 years ago
I’m a professional accountant. That doesn’t mean I’m about the fix the electricity!
alondra over 7 years ago
What a first class jerk. Honestly how did Elly marry this nitwit? I’m surprised he even stays in his dental business. He must have lawsuits up the yahoo. Elly better tell him NO WAY!!! RIGHT NOW otherwise she’s going to end up with a kitchen she can’t use. I’ve heard this story many times about men who start a bathroom renovation and then lose interest and there it sits unusable, but they at least have another bathroom. The wife nags him to finish but he’ll get to it “someday.” But you only have one kitchen, so tell him to forget this utterly brainless stupid idea!
whiteaj over 7 years ago
I always figured dentists were just like woodworkers except on a tiny scale.
wellis1947 Premium Member over 7 years ago
It’s actually more fun to try to figure the age, maturity and martial status of the people posting comments than the cartoon itself provides, at times. I am a 70 year old male and have been ‘happily married for 39 years (and, no, that’s not a Henny Youngman joke!) I speak with a certain amount authority that, unless you are a licensed contractor, you are deluding yourself, but probably NOT your spouse, when you say," I can do this, how hard can it be?"
The cost analysis is as follows: Cost of Renovation by Homeowner + Cost of Repairing Attempts by Homeowner + Cost of Actual Renovation + Usual 25% overrun on Estimate by Professional = Total Cost! Added to that, on occasion, is “Cost of Marriage Counseling/ Divorce”.
More divorces resulted from Home renovations than from infidelity, in my humble opinion – it’s just that the courts don’t allow “Stupidity” as an argument for divorce, usually.
Sue G over 7 years ago
The money you save doing it yourself, will be spent, along with even more, to have someone else fix your mess.
Iwa Iniki over 7 years ago
But wrong profession.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 7 years ago
Lynn’s notes:
My husband was certainly capable of remodeling the kitchen, but it might have taken years. In order to keep the marriage stable, we decided to get help. The dismantling, however, we did ourselves.
Ed Brault Premium Member over 7 years ago
USN1977 over 7 years ago
All problems aside, he is fortunate to have married Elly. He could have married some trophy wife who would say something to the effect of “I don’t care if you need the kitchen remodeled, I must have the dress, I must have the cosmetics, I must have the jewelry.”"
sperry532 over 7 years ago
This will not end well.