The Big Picture by Lennie Peterson for May 19, 2017

  1. Shilo s first year 002  2
    MY DOG IS MY CO PILOT  almost 8 years ago

    Well this reader thinks that you should just leave the negative thoughts with negative people and just enjoy life. There’s more to life than what people think of you. You do a brilliant strip and you’re obviously very talented so make the most of it and be happy. â˜ș♄â˜ș♄â˜șâ˜ș♄â˜ș♄â˜ș♄â˜ș♄â˜ș♄â˜ș♄â˜ș♄â˜ș♄â˜ș♄â˜ș♄â˜ș♄

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    katina.cooper  almost 8 years ago

    You know what you can tell those people. I’d say what it is, but it would get me banned.

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    morningglory73 Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    Keep up the good work Lennie, a lot of us enjoy your comic strips.

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    Russell Sketchley Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    This is always a great strip. Besides, anyone who thinks Pastis (who I also love, by the way) has a monopoly on word play obviously doesn’t read a lot of strips. Brevity and Break of Day come to mind immediately.

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    ladykat Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    Lennie, I love your strip. Please don’t stop because of a few narrow-minded people.

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    kimodb Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    Oh no you don’t – you’re not leaving us again!!!

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    Malcolm Hall  almost 8 years ago

    I just went back and read the comments re the prior strip. I think the “Wright, right rite etc” riff was well constructed and amusing. However, if you re-read the “Pastisitis” comment c, I think you’ll see the commenter was not diagnosing YOU with the disease but objecting to a previous comment to the effect that you were treading on Pearls territory. (Which is baloney of course.) Note commenter also made a feeble attempt at a joke of his/her own, saying your joke was “right-wing.” It’s very easy in the course of writing a comment or an email and inadvertently hit a wrong tone and come off as insulting.

    Your strip stands out because it consistently relies on observational humor as opposed to set-up/punchline gags. Please keep it up. You have a lot of fans out here.

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  8. Grand canyon picture
    Ricky Bennett  almost 8 years ago

    There’s a disease out there called Lackus Humorum that some people have. These people that they have a right (oops!) to complain about a comic strip author when that author turns out something better than the other comic strip author. The other author (which I read every day) puts out material that I glance over and go on to the next one. Your comic (which I read every day) makes me think and I also enjoy trying to find Ginger, so I spend more time on your comic than I do his. And yes, you should retire to your palm tree hammock and draw tomorrow’s comic for us. Thanks for your strip, it’s well appreciated!

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    mggreen  almost 8 years ago

    Lennie, NEVER take what I say seriously! After all, this is a humor platform and any comment posted should be taken lightly. I come from a family of wordsmiths like yourself and others.

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    amaryllis2 Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    I know, wright?

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    paullp Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    Lennie, I’m glad that you read the comments and pay attention to your audience. I appreciate the talent and creativity it takes to construct a good joke or gag, so I tend to nitpick when I don’t think they’re at their best (blame it on a logical mind and a past life as a proofreader). In this case, I was trying to match the gag in yesterday’s panel two to the question, as posed in panel one, and couldn’t make it work. That was the basis for my comment.

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    ottod Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    I enjoy the ones that make me stop and think. I did. I liked the strip. Don’t retire.

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    hendelca Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    Please add my name to the list of those pleading with you to stay. I look forward to every new strip – and enjoy every one!

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    Naomi Dunbar  almost 8 years ago

    No retirement! I was pleased as all get out (yes, that is a legitimate phrase I learned from my Dad , who knew all the phrases!) that you decided to return to drawing comics. There are people in the world who have little to contribute to the world other than complaints. The trick is to remember to not feed the trolls.

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    ValancyCarmody Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    No, no, PLEASE don’t retire! I was SO happy when you came back. Don’t pay attention to the trolls.

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    tracybsmith  almost 8 years ago

    I think you’re, your, ur funny!! Please don’t leave. You could always just have the comments thingy disabled.

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    BlueIris Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    Lenny, I live with a musician — I know you guys are sensitive to criticism, but please understand that when you put your work out there and have 11,000+ subscribers, that you really can’t take what 2-3 of them say too seriously!

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  18. Scorpleopard
    Diana Gregory Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    And look – this one, hinting at no more TBP, garnered more than twice the comments of yesterday’s. Add me to the “Please Don’t Go!” group.

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