Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for October 18, 2010
Kate: Lucy says Ekert is pretty small now, Captain Eddie, so where are we gonna hide him? Captain Eddie: In a special containah that'll be in plain sight. An ancient sect of Ekert gawding devised a natural containah that protects him from the anti-Ekert... thousands of containahs wah made every year, then they scattahd 'em all ovah. That way, no one knew which one held the Ekert and ensured the whole universe wouldn't implode. Flo: Wait... what was that last night? Captain Eddie: Oh... did I fahget to mention it's happened befah? Physicists call it the Big Bang... Danae: See? I told you it could get weirder.
dataweaver over 14 years ago
Touching would be bad for business; got it.
weasel_monkey over 14 years ago
Yesterday there is a surgical strike against the religious masses. Today a glib reference to the highly disputed Big Bang…
Wiley, are you deliberately poking the ants nest to see what spills out?
Oh… you are?
Cool. :-) Carry on!
Sisyphos over 14 years ago
It’s getting weirder…. But, then, those Downeasters are pretty weird-seeming to others.
grapfhics over 14 years ago
It’s dirty job, but somebody has to do it.
Coyoty Premium Member over 14 years ago
Except in the case of the universe imploding, it would be a Big Suck.
cdward over 14 years ago
We will all go together when we go! (thanks, Tom Lehrer)
Allison Nunn Premium Member over 14 years ago
I’m trying to figure out what the container is! Genie in a bottle???
twj0729 over 14 years ago
What a jaundiced view everyone seems to have of the human race! I don’t think we are any better or any worse than we were 3000 years ago. The only thing that has changed is the sophistication of the weapons that we use to kill and maim each other with! And it doesn’t look as if it’s going to get any better (or worse).
js305 over 14 years ago
Well, last time it looked like an outhouse…
ImaginaryFriend over 14 years ago
Special House of Ekert Disappearance = SHED
pdchapin over 14 years ago
“highly disputed big bang”? Highly disputed by whom? Among people who actually know what they’re talking about it hasn’t been in dispute for years.
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
I’m getting a big bang out out of this.
rumplesnitz over 14 years ago
pd chap - well then suppose you lay it all out in detail for us…
peter0423 over 14 years ago
I think we tend to have an wildly overinflated sense of our own importance when it comes to whether or not we “believe in” something.
“Big Bang” is a verbal shorthand for something a lot more complicated – see In any case, it’s either a correct hypothesis or it isn’t; our belief one way or the other changes nothing about it, and doesn’t matter to anyone but ourselves…reality doesn’t care.
”Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn’t go away.” – Philip K. Dick
rumplesnitz over 14 years ago
“In the beginning, nothing exploded, and created everything…”
By definition, a supernatural event.
I’ll trust the account of The One Who Was There versus the Monday-morning quarterbacks.
FlashfyreSP over 14 years ago
Quote: “I’ll trust the account of The One Who Was There versus the Monday-morning quarterbacks.”
Ahh…you mean the account written by mortal men, who were not there, but who claim to have been told by “The One Who Might Only Be In Their Warped Minds” that it was so.
Right. Gotcha. No science-y thingy for you, eh?
steverinoCT over 14 years ago
Sounds like the intro to “The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Universe”– to paraphrase, some believe the universe will collapse and regenerate into something even wierder. Others believe this has already happened.
And digital watches are cool.
Justice22 over 14 years ago
Jack,,, I think I may agree with you on this one.
“The Lord works in mysterious ways.” ??????
timbob2313 Premium Member over 14 years ago
massive change of subject. Wiley, way back before the 2000 census you did a sunday strip about Obvious Man and how people complained about the govt but had no idea who their reps were. Right about now would be a very good time to resurrect O man and make comment about the tea party people and others who speak without knowing what they are talkng about wouldn’t it? The classic with the older woman who screams at a town hall meeting,”Keep the govt out of my medicare” is beyond parody, but symptomatic of the crazy now infecting our country. In any case I have been a fan since your first strip, many years ago. Keep up the great work. Tim Richley
freeholder1 over 14 years ago
RECORDED by mortal men, Grogsie. RECORDED by them.
And the BBs indeed disputed, has been for twenty years at least, Starting with Guth from Princeton (non Christian) Who suggested an expanding universe since the BB doesn’t account for the equal distribution of matter in the universe( a BB would have scattered it haphazardly) and offers no real explanation for the formation of light as our speed limit. (Someone explaining so anyone would understand centuries later in a general reading book might say that the creator said “Let there be Light.” as a clue for the bookish who would later think themselves better than anyone because of their “theories” and create their own mythologies) And Absoluterly anyone who knows anything knows that.
Too science-y for you Groger? Incidentally, your nom de plume comes from a Christian comic so you may want to change that, too. Unless your into hypocrisy.
Wiley creator over 14 years ago
Tim- Go back and read the 10-4 edition.
OLDDOG82 over 14 years ago
Wiley should be running the country he gets plenty of advice about how to do thngs from all his readers who would probily be enough to get him elected if he chose to run,,i for one would definately vote for him
MatureCanadian over 14 years ago
“We has seen the enemy and he is us.” Pogo
I bet the Ekert winds up in a television, then he can watch us watching. One in every house just like the politician’s chicken!
Love it Wiley, stir the pot again.
halavana over 14 years ago
Looks like it’s back to the tool shed in the forest for little Ekert…
autumnfire1957 over 14 years ago
Is that Recovering Catholic Minor? If you can’t handle this ark now you’ll have have a hard time again come Thanksgiving.
AKHenderson Premium Member over 14 years ago
Is there a third ingredient?
Ctrl = Ekert Alt = anti-Ekert Delete = ?
cdward over 14 years ago
MatureCanadian said, “I bet the Ekert winds up in a television, then he can watch us watching.”
Maybe he turns into Max Headroom! They seem to serve roughly the same function.
Nebulous Premium Member over 14 years ago
Just because an Ekert and a trekE might combine to make a Big Bang and a daughter Universe doesn’t mean that it would cause any significant harm to THIS Universe. google for Chaotic Inflation Theory.
lin4869 over 14 years ago
RocknGolfer, please advise what is shown in your avatar. Just curious. :-)
ChukLitl Premium Member over 14 years ago
I’ve always wondered what would happen if you made a big bang within an existing universe & if it could have happened before. Eden was a shiney, new universe that God made for us, 6000 years ago. But we wouldn’t follow his rules so he threw us out, to really find out about good & evil in this rotten, old, dirty one. If we’re good he might let us back in. If we’re not, but we’re lucky, he might send us back for anouther try. Send your checks to “Starting Your Own Religion for Fun & Profit.”
Religions like to write in pen, for all posterity. Science likes pencils, & computers so you can edit & delete as you learn more, or rethink.
bmonk over 14 years ago
The reset has been done before–Chalker’s Midnight at the Well of Souls ended with a cosmic reset. And how do you top that in the sequel? (That was actually Chalker’s problem: how to write a sequel to a book that left little room for one, with a main character already established as being as powerful as god?
peter0423 over 14 years ago
And yet, we still keep spouting our opinions, as if reality cares what we think one way or the other. It’s sad.
HabaneroBuck over 14 years ago
The Second Law of Thermodynamics dictates that there could never be an infinite number of Big Bangs without an external (supernatural) source of energy.
So I highly doubt that Wiley’s flying elephant caused a Big Bang. I would complain about this type of tripe littering my funny pages, but reruns of For Better or For Worse are running as well, so what can you do?
Auslander47 over 14 years ago
“Why exactly would you want to be involved in a huge interstellar crash that involves killing everyone on every planet orbiting every star in every galaxy in every cluster in every supercluster in our Universe?”
It’s the most difficult question to ask: how do you survive the Big Crunch? (No, it’s not with a fancy meal.) This is the most difficult part to explain, partly because it involves advances in future theoretical physics and because we don’t even have the knowledge. We are, however, certain that future theoretical physics will (have) allow(ed) the construction of the Restaurant.
In reference to Douglas Adam’s Restaurant at the end of the Universe
rockngolfer over 14 years ago
@lin4869 It is a full size reproduction of the skull of a Smilodon californicus, also known as a Saber-tooth tiger. I bought it about 20 years ago. My real estate agent made me put it away because it might scare customers(lol)
Back to cartoon comments:
The base is under a salt
NaCl ——– NaOH
rockngolfer over 14 years ago
How about a “make you feel small” clip
The size of planets and stars.
turn on speakers
runninanreadin over 14 years ago
Refresh my memory…didn’t this start with a shed in the woods with a board against the door? (It’s STILL scary where that man’s mind wanders off to, huh?) lol
andymeijers over 14 years ago
Cap’n Eddie related to Thorax, by any chance?
Joseph Krois over 14 years ago
Oyster shells? Grains of sand? Comets? Ice bergs? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My brain hurts! Hmmm… Ice bergs?
Downundergirl over 14 years ago
I often wonder if any of Wiley’s strip ideas are kick started by some of the crack pot ideas expressed here on these replies.
(crack-pot? who? Me? nah, its the OTHER guys)
another winner Wiley.
vldazzle over 14 years ago
I immediately assumed it is a seemingly innocent looking shed - just like the one the girls originally opened when they found the Ekert. I think it would be a shame, though, to have it put away again.
freeholder1 over 14 years ago
Funny how religious me is the only one citing ACTUAL science references, while others repeat myths of science discredited but repeated over and over, the Big Lie as opposed to the Big Bang. The assumption is that the theory is accepted as fact and must be so, it is “proved” yet as so many of you point out, that’s a RELIGIOUS attitude. Every “proven” fact must stand up to every test to be scientific fact and the Big Bang and evolution, as mentioned yesterday, both clearly fail and need revision.
The idea that every Christian believes in 6 literal days of creation or rejects the thesis of the original compacted universe held together by the unified field is something that has crept into the heads of so many ill-informed atheists that pop up in ether-space….In fact, the notion of the unified field being torn apart by God to create light would be a perfect interpretation of “let there be light.” Stated thousands of years before your poor science.
harmgb over 14 years ago
@andymeijers kind of what I was wondering. I think they’d understand each other better than us mortals do, LoL