For Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston for August 06, 2017

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  over 7 years ago

    As a dentist, John, you should talk to El about her teeth grinding when she sleeps. (I guess this is why Ricky and Lucy slept in separate beds; no one will pull the blankets off the one bed.)

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  2. Americauna chicks 1 week 003
    howtheduck  over 7 years ago

    I was looking at those heavy sheets and blankets for summertime, and then I remembered that Lynn Johnston lived in North Bay, Ontario, where the lows are in the low 50s °F to low 10s °C around this time of year.

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  3. Tumblr mbbz3vrusj1qdlmheo1 250
    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  over 7 years ago

    Vaseline on the teeth!? Yuck!

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    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  over 7 years ago

    Lynn’s Notes:

    King-sized beds were invented for a reason. Our bedtime habits truly establish our tolerance threshold. If you are OK with your partner’s sack-time etiquette (or lack thereof)
then you might be destined for a long lasting relationship. If not, you are doomed. King-sized beds and separate bathrooms have been touted as saving graces. I wouldn’t have dreamed of separate bathrooms until this luxury presented itself in my most recent living space. Yes
give me a home where the buffalo roam, but make the privy a two-holer!

    The strip you see here was inspired by a friend of mine. He once complained to me about his wife’s ability to swipe all the blankets in her sleep: she would roll toward him, tucking the blanket under her side. Then she would clutch the top of the remaining blanket and roll the other way, pulling everything with her. He called it “The Russell roll.” (Russell is her maiden name). I thought it would make a great strip
but this is how the muse made it turn out.

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  5. Gocomic avatar
    sandpiper  over 7 years ago

    I’m there

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    M2MM  over 7 years ago

    I love their expressions in the last panel.

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    dlkrueger33  over 7 years ago

    If you travel to Germany, for example, in the hotels the “king” bed is two smaller beds pushed together. And there are two small down comforters; one per person. Here in America, if you have the luxury to do so, separate bedrooms and separate bathrooms are the way to go. Sleep and sex are two different entities!

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  8. Hildigunnur a  vox
    hildigunnurr Premium Member over 7 years ago

    I’ve never understood the concept of a double quilt! I need my own thankyouverymuch! We have a double bed and I wouldn’t want to sleep in a separate bedroom to my husband but share a quilt? nooo!

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  9. Can flag
    Alberta Oil  over 7 years ago

. is not something that most couples think about when considering living together. And.. things change as we get older. Twin beds soles the blanket hogger.. Loud breathers.. nothing to help there short of seperate rooms

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  10. Dragon
    Asharah  over 7 years ago

    I guess having the house to themselves with the kids at camp isn’t as romantic as you might think.

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  11. Dd donovan.1
    mggreen  over 7 years ago

    I swear, Lynn, you have a camera in our bedroom! This is my wife and me to a TEE! I LOVE your strip!!!

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  12. The boondocks huey 5
    Mijo94  over 7 years ago

    Elly, you and John are made for each other

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  13. Peam thumb
    Peam Premium Member over 7 years ago

    This is why my parents encouraged us to ‘practice’ before marrying. Worked a treat for 46 years so far!

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