The fact that a human being has to tell you about the existence of God, proves that there is no God. If there were proof that a God exists, you wouldn’t ‘believe’ in it, you’d have ‘knowledge’ of it. You wouldn’t need ‘faith,’ because you’d have ‘facts.’ These facts could then be proven to anyone else. they could be repeated, tested, and demonstrated. What you have, is a fiction that you want to believe. That’s it.
Explaining God is like in a movie where a man asks for an explanation of something and the scientist grabs a fly, holding it in front of a television. He turns to the man and tells him to explain to the fly television and what he is seeing. God is far bigger than our understanding.
The fact that a human being has to tell you about the existence of Donald Trump, proves that there is no Donald Trump. If there were proof that a Donald Trump exists, you wouldn’t ‘believe’ in it, you’d have ‘knowledge’ of it. You wouldn’t need ‘faith,’ because you’d have ‘facts.’ These facts could then be proven to anyone else. they could be repeated, tested, and demonstrated. What you have, is a fiction that you want to believe. That’s it.
Pharmakeus Ubik over 7 years ago
Facts not in evidence. Case dismissed.
Varnes over 7 years ago
Oh, gosh, call me Varnes, Arlo…
WaitingMan over 7 years ago
Anyone who has read the Old Testament knows that god is much more dangerous than saturated fat.
jarvisloop over 7 years ago
Sophrosyne, Arlo. Sophrosyne.
joedon2007 over 7 years ago
Where is this going? Never seen this A&J story line before.
stabilpa over 7 years ago
I think Arlo just wants a burger, some bacon and eggs. :-)
(Testify, Arlo! Testify!)
MeGoNow Premium Member over 7 years ago
Yeah. Who is this God person, anyway?
kathybholland over 7 years ago
New purpose in life: “Ask Janis-She’ll tell ya like it is!” (Estrogen goes down and women get more vocal)
I was FRAMED!!!!!! over 7 years ago
The fact that a human being has to tell you about the existence of God, proves that there is no God. If there were proof that a God exists, you wouldn’t ‘believe’ in it, you’d have ‘knowledge’ of it. You wouldn’t need ‘faith,’ because you’d have ‘facts.’ These facts could then be proven to anyone else. they could be repeated, tested, and demonstrated. What you have, is a fiction that you want to believe. That’s it.
Tyge over 7 years ago
Never start philosophical discussions with your wife. Nor with most of the commentators above (and, possibly, below).
grainpaw over 7 years ago
What do you get when you cross an agnostic, an insomniac, and a dyslexic? Someone who lies awake at night wondering if there really is a Dog.
Sportymonk over 7 years ago
Explaining God is like in a movie where a man asks for an explanation of something and the scientist grabs a fly, holding it in front of a television. He turns to the man and tells him to explain to the fly television and what he is seeing. God is far bigger than our understanding.
Rcwhiting over 7 years ago
Saturated God – Roman Catholics, Orthodox Jews, Muslems. Low fat God – Unitarians, Methodists…
jbmlaw01 over 7 years ago
The fact that a human being has to tell you about the existence of Donald Trump, proves that there is no Donald Trump. If there were proof that a Donald Trump exists, you wouldn’t ‘believe’ in it, you’d have ‘knowledge’ of it. You wouldn’t need ‘faith,’ because you’d have ‘facts.’ These facts could then be proven to anyone else. they could be repeated, tested, and demonstrated. What you have, is a fiction that you want to believe. That’s it.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 7 years ago
Really Jimmy? You’re going there?
awesomesteeler over 7 years ago
I’m a Believer!