people have bred goldfish into many different varieties(fancies) from different colors to double tail, to ones with eyes that can only look straight up-never figured out how they could get around without bumbling into things and how they could find food
Randallw over 7 years ago
A rare Pygmy Stout-Nosed Green Leaving to be exact.
DanFlak over 7 years ago
I’d say the same thing about Congress-critters, but goldfish have a backbone and are a lot cuter.
sandpiper over 7 years ago
Somebody doesn’t like a certain cute – or is it acute – video animation
flagmichael over 7 years ago
I’m hoping this is not an arc… I don’t see much future for Goldie. Even the archeopteryx is a bit of a bore.
timbob2313 Premium Member over 7 years ago
people have bred goldfish into many different varieties(fancies) from different colors to double tail, to ones with eyes that can only look straight up-never figured out how they could get around without bumbling into things and how they could find food
carlzr over 7 years ago
I hope there isn’t a Walt Disney lawyerfish swimming nearby.
tcayer over 7 years ago
Well, the goldfish will not remember being dissed!
ellisaana Premium Member over 7 years ago
That little goldfish might grow to be a reasonably sized carp.
Germanshepherds4ever over 7 years ago
Funny one for a change!!! LOL
mr_sherman Premium Member over 7 years ago
Actually there was a Mythbusters show about goldfish memory and Jamie was able to get several goldfish to go through a maze to get to the food.
Of course, they all died soon after from overfeeding.
Lyons Group, Inc. over 7 years ago
That’s I would do to, leave. I rather be around those with long term memories.
tad1 over 7 years ago
Not all goldfish have puffy eyes.
KISSARRAH about 7 years ago
This is a myth. Goldfish (and fish in general) can remember things for months.