Actually, horses only shed a few times a year—outside of those times, they don’t really distribute much hair. Would be far more worried about Lucy breaking a leg when she slips in the tub…if she wasn’t a cartoon.
I didn’t like either party and who they ran. We should have postponed the election for a year and get some good candidates in, after being given; polygraphs, sanity tests, IQ tests and health check ups to make sure that who ever wants this highly honored position would be filled by someone who can pass those tests. These tests should be mandatory from now on. Except the Powers That Be pull the strings, and they love to have puppets representing Their POV.
Sanity tests? How about empathy? Though some-but-not-all of our Founders thought their Electoral College would be the buffer between the crass, poorly educated masses and their few elite well educated land owners.
Kymberleigh about 7 years ago
Well, at least Lucy isn’t like Hobbes and turns into a stuffed animal when there are adults around.
Watcher about 7 years ago
And Danae is protesting. Something is wrong with her, take her to the hospital.
Masterskrain about 7 years ago
Uh-Oh. This does NOT bode well…
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member about 7 years ago
Lucy gets showers in the yard with a hose.
cmo2495 Premium Member about 7 years ago
So that’s what bigots are! Anti-whatever advocates.
Kilrwat Premium Member about 7 years ago
But, apparently, the bed is OK.
Ermine Notyours about 7 years ago
If Danae wants to bathe with Lucy, they can both get hosed down outside, in Mane in December.
Richard S Russell Premium Member about 7 years ago
Equinism! Equinism at its worst!
loveabulldesign about 7 years ago
Actually, horses only shed a few times a year—outside of those times, they don’t really distribute much hair. Would be far more worried about Lucy breaking a leg when she slips in the tub…if she wasn’t a cartoon.
xSigoff Premium Member about 7 years ago
I can’t believe it! No anti-Trump trolls dragging the comments down into the muck!
RonBerg13 Premium Member about 7 years ago
That can be arranged if you want it.
pearlsbs about 7 years ago
Hair isn’t the only thing that horses drop.
mr_sherman Premium Member about 7 years ago
@PearlsBS: Evidently Lucy is housebroken.
johnschutt about 7 years ago
A perfect example of how leftists act today.
pam Miner about 7 years ago
I didn’t like either party and who they ran. We should have postponed the election for a year and get some good candidates in, after being given; polygraphs, sanity tests, IQ tests and health check ups to make sure that who ever wants this highly honored position would be filled by someone who can pass those tests. These tests should be mandatory from now on. Except the Powers That Be pull the strings, and they love to have puppets representing Their POV.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] about 7 years ago
Sanity tests? How about empathy? Though some-but-not-all of our Founders thought their Electoral College would be the buffer between the crass, poorly educated masses and their few elite well educated land owners.
Wiley creator about 7 years ago
Seriously? People are going to drag politics into THIS cartoon? Please give it a rest…and get a life.
Nuliajuk about 7 years ago
I always assumed that Lucy was a toy. Is she actually a miniature horse? Surely nobody would want even a small mini horse in bed with them?