Nancy by Olivia Jaimes for February 14, 2018

  1. Blunebottle
    blunebottle  about 7 years ago

    …a looooooooooooooooooong time ago!

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  2. Kat 1
    katina.cooper  about 7 years ago

    You needed just one more panel where he says, “Will you make my Valentine’s Day fantastic? Will you marry me?”.

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  3. Rankin badge   tartan 2
    jrankin1959  about 7 years ago

    There are precedents in nature, Fritzi. The giant eelbirds of Regulus Five, once each eleven years they must return to the caverns where they hatched. Here on Earth, the salmon. They must return to that one stream where they were born, to spawn or die in trying… but I digress.

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  4. Ignatz
    Ignatz Premium Member about 7 years ago

    Guy is giving the readers an artistic treat before his tenure (and I suspect the strip) ends. Nice.

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  5. Major matt mason315
    Major Matt Mason Premium Member about 7 years ago

    @Sam Hallmark: Sorry to disappoint you.

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  6. Missing large
    david_42  about 7 years ago

    My wife proposed to me, three times. She was concerned because I didn’t have health insurance.

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  7. Ray helvy
    Ray Helvy Premium Member about 7 years ago

    After all this lead-up, she’d better not say “No.”

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  8. Large blue morning
    Yakety Sax  about 7 years ago

    A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person. Mignon McLaughlin

    Happy is the man who finds a true friend, and far happier is he who finds that true friend in his wife. Franz Schubert

    The secret of a happy marriage is finding the right person. You know they’re right if you love to be with them all the time. Julia Child

    My most brilliant achievement was my ability to be able to persuade my wife to marry me. Winston Churchill

    After about 20 years of marriage, I’m finally starting to scratch the surface of what women want. And I think the answer lies somewhere between conversation and chocolate. Mel Gibson

    Let the wife make the husband glad to come home, and let him make her sorry to see him leave. Martin Luther

    After 45 years of marriage, when I have an argument with my wife, if we don’t agree, we do what she wants. But, when we agree, we do what I want! Jacques Pepin

    Marriage has no guarantees. If that’s what you’re looking for, go live with a car battery. Erma Bombeck

    Marrying for love may be a bit risky, but it is so honest that God can’t help but smile on it. Josh Billings

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    Bobtul07110  about 7 years ago

    Neither my wife or I proposed to the other. At the end of our first sate, I asked her “Well, how many kids do you want to have?” and she replied “Oh, I think 2 would be just right.” And, here we are 2 kids (+2 grandkids) and 43.5 years later.

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  10. Img 20230721 103439220 hdr
    kaffekup   about 7 years ago

    Who wouldn’t fall in love with Fritzi? Especially in that sweater…

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  11. Menew
    Thomas Scott Roberts creator about 7 years ago

    I proposed at the duck pond/public park that we both grew up near.

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