Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for April 01, 2018

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    somebodyshort  almost 7 years ago

    LOL Wiley, I love it. This is going to stir up the rabble

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    Dtroutma  almost 7 years ago

    Best play on Easter ever. On April Fools Day too boot!

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    Zev   almost 7 years ago

    Nah, he won’t believe it unless he sees it on Faux News.

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    thirdguy  almost 7 years ago

    I was wondering when that was going to start happening. I give Wiley credit, he beat Colbert to the punchline.

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    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  almost 7 years ago

    Rapa Nui or Easter Island was a designated emergency landing area for the space shuttle. those figures are not just heads, they have bodies. The Moi represented gods and every year each group would see who can fancy up their icons over the other. In the end the cut down every tree of the now long gone forest. They had a population crash with it.

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    braindead Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    Trump Disciples don’t even bother to defend him much any more. Maybe a random Obama or Hillary comment here and there.


    Once you accept the treason, there’s not much left. Hard to tell whether they are proud or ashamed.



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    pam Miner  almost 7 years ago

    Wiley draws such cute bears, but These are not cute rabbits. Seems odd. I would have expected cute bunnies. But the trump part is sure right. Tweets away.

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    Richard S Russell Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    Happy April 1, everybody!

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    sandpiper  almost 7 years ago

    After eons of studying earth, any sensible alien would have chosen another planet to visit.

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    matjestaet  almost 7 years ago

    Brilliant ! And, best of all : Satire relieves the pain a bit… ;-)

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  11. Hobbes
    MDMom  almost 7 years ago

    . . . this is a little bit too close to home . . . isn’t something suppose to fall out of the sky, today? :o

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  12. Bluedog
    Bilan  almost 7 years ago

    The downside is that 40% of the U.S. will believe his tweet.

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    bkybl  almost 7 years ago

    Anyone notice the tie in the last panel?

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    lopaka  almost 7 years ago

    It is Easter and we also have a Fool in office – good and bad

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    Lyons Group, Inc.  almost 7 years ago

    Oh, how I am waiting for 2020 to come.

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    Plods with ...™  almost 7 years ago


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    Brass Orchid Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    I’m quite frankly surprised that the deep state would inform the President of The Easter Island Defense Initiative.

    It is top secret and on a need-to-know basis.

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  18. Familyreunion2009
    Pocosdad  almost 7 years ago

    If you want Drumpf to read the Intel summaries, you have to remember to put his name in each paragraph.

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    Ontman  almost 7 years ago

    Mr. Wiley you’ve outdone your self. Great stuff.

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    Varnes  almost 7 years ago

    Um, Mr. President…Are you gonna eat those fries?

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    Radish...   almost 7 years ago

    April Fish Christians.

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    feverjr Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    We weren’t able to stop the Faberge eggs during the election, maybe we need the Rapa Nui’s technology.

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    lovelandclay Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    The hypocrisy here is just stunning. Obama rarely attended intelligence briefings and no one said anything. People are just looking for a reason to hate Trump. The left is mean, petty, and small minded with zero ideas of how to solve America’s issues. They’d rather hate Trump than save lives. Welcome to the nasty reality that is the democratic party.

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    mourdac Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    Hit this one out of the ball park, Wiley.

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    pwbritt Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    Please tell me you saw the length of the tie. The tie length is hilarious….Bravo!!!

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    GeorgeJohnson  almost 7 years ago

    This is funny, because it was obungles the lawless that was busted not reading the daily security briefings, and right after claiming to be a “voracious reader”.Just more projection from the simpleton snowflakes…..

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  27. Missing large  almost 7 years ago

    I usually disagree with Wiley’s politics, and that’s no different here; however, the concept for this gag is actually very funny. It could have worked with Obama or Hillary, had she been elected instead. Easter Island laser-eyed idols shooting down egg-borne aliens is very creative. All the presidents, no matter whether they’re from Socialist Party A or Socialist Party B take the Pentagram “intel” for gospel. The artwork, as usual, is quite good.

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    mr_sherman Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    The reality is that the dumpster fits ALL the identifiers of a psychopath and his supporter are still too dense to recognize that.

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    1JennyJenkins  almost 7 years ago

    Wah! Wah! Not another Arnold Dump joke!

    I guess it is a good one, though, combining all three iterations: Easter, April Fools and Politics….. not often a trifecta falls into one’s lap…; – /

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    fregol  almost 7 years ago

    There are people who’re going to believe Wiley’s cartoon!

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  31. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  almost 7 years ago

    Trump (and his supporters) need to know that baby steps are necessary. FIRST you read (or have read to you) “The Cat in the Hat.” Then the rest of those exhaustively researched documentaries by Dr. Seuss. Then a few harder kinds of books. Then, in a decade or seven, you MIGHT be able to read an intelligence briefing……..

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    Ka`ĹŤnĹŤhi`ula`okahĹŤkĹ«miomio`ehiku Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    Easter invasion by Easter Bunnies flying Easter eggs stopped by the Moai on Easter Island.Wiley, I’d say there can be too much of a good thing, but in this case, you take the Easter cartoon to new heights. ApplauseBTW, do the Moai adjust their aim using aku aku?

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  33. Marvin
    Marvin Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    I used to like this strip. It’s still clever, but it has turned into a liberal political cartoon. It should be on the political cartoons section.

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    Randru  almost 7 years ago

    very good LOL

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    KevinSheridan  almost 7 years ago

    The scariest part of this comic, that all parties can agree on, is that this actually COULD happen.

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    KarlPriest  almost 7 years ago

    If I wanted an editorial cartoon, I would go to an op-ed page. This stuff is not for not read COMIC pages. Too bad Wiley missed a lot of the ROTFL humor in BObama administration.

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    cornpopper Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    Trump is doing what I cast my vote for him to do. Elections have consequences and I’m loving the reactions of those who despise him.

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    gsteele531  over 5 years ago

    The hallucinatory idiocy and hatred of the treason-pushers is even more off-the-wall than most of Wiley’s “cartoons.” Trump 2020! Trump 2024! Repeal the 22nd! Keep the socialists out of government!

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