Pluggers by Rick McKee for March 17, 2018

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  almost 7 years ago

    methinks his cell phone is out of range or the battery thereof is low… or he has no cell phone

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  2. Don martin 1
    Farside99  almost 7 years ago

    Yeah, I’ve stopped to help a lot of people who couldn’t call for some reason or another.

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  3. 9jmzvipy
    Emptypockets51.  almost 7 years ago

    Try to find a map on a minutes notice too.

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  4. 5f3a242a feac 42cc b507 b6590d3039f7
    Plods with ...™  almost 7 years ago

    Didn’t they change to a quarter in the 80’s? and yes I remember when the cost for a call was a nickel.

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    david_42  almost 7 years ago

    A real Plugger has a coin purse in his pocket that has enough change in for five bus passes, himself and four grandkids.

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  6. Hdlogo
    pdking77  almost 7 years ago

    A REAL plugger keeps up with the times so he or she can keep up with the grandkids.

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  7. Marty feldman 03
    Claymore Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    When I was in the Boy Scouts back in the late 60’s, I remember the Handbook strongly suggested always carrying an “emergency dime” for a phone call. I also remember when BSA updated the Handbook (early 70’s?) to adjust for the fact that most Scouts lived in an urban environment, and the emergency dime could also be used for a pay toilet.

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  8. Donbot
    del_grande Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    The last time I saw a pay phone that was still working, it was 50 cents for a call(And let’s see if GoComics is nice today and doesn’t post this twice)

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  9. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  almost 7 years ago

    HA! A real plugger NEVER runs out of GAS! ;0)

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    Dorothy Ownbey Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    As if 20 cents would be enough, these days!

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  11. Img 3744
    cknoblo Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    Third party pay phones started showing up just as cell phones took off. They didn’t last long, following the phone company pay phones into obscurity.

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  12. 9jmzvipy
    Emptypockets51.  almost 7 years ago

    Remember these? Person to person collect call to Fred (the family dog) from (insert name) the family member who wanted to let the family know they had made the destination of their trip.

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