And Barry -the oldest of the Gibb brothers - is still staying alive after his younger twin brothers’ Maurice and Robin deaths (2003 and 2012 respectively).
Yes, I was stationed, just outside of Washington, D.C. in 1970. Disco was the “thing,” and, I went down into D.C. to check out a disco, I was told about. I went down there. It was crowded and the music was loud. Somebody explained to me, that I was supposed to be “decadent,” no definition given. When, I went to the men’s room, there were a lot of women in there, as well as men. I had previously been stationed in Asia, where men’s rooms had women attendants, so I knew how to conduct myself properly. Since, I could not really “groove” to it, I went home, early.
Templo S.U.D. over 6 years ago
And Barry -the oldest of the Gibb brothers - is still staying alive after his younger twin brothers’ Maurice and Robin deaths (2003 and 2012 respectively).
maxmacrubymimi over 6 years ago
Odd Dog Premium Member over 6 years ago
You Poor-poor kitty cat.
Nachikethass over 6 years ago
I wish my cat would live to 40!
BJ40 over 6 years ago
Disco has never died, nor has Jon’s accordian polka music playing.
Kaputnik over 6 years ago
Although I don’t think the mice in the Arbuckle household have been given individual names, some of them must have been around for forty years too.
codycab over 6 years ago
I’ll bet Liz was here and Jon’s disco dancing scared her off.
Joel Ivy over 6 years ago
Hmmm…… accordion disco. Hurry ladies Jon won’t last long
Gent over 6 years ago
I’ve never seen a 40 year old cat who was alive before.
ToonGuy300 over 6 years ago
Old comic reference!
jpayne4040 over 6 years ago
Yea! Disco has come back to life!
jpayne4040 over 6 years ago
Disco is the best dance music EVER!
carlosrivers over 6 years ago
KC of KC and the sunshine band blamed steve dahl for killing off disco with his disco demolition at comisky park…
Iron Pounder over 6 years ago
Me? I’m country, though it’s been infected by rock. Hopping for a recovery but it’ll never die.
GirlGeek Premium Member over 6 years ago
Is Disco alive again?
"It's the End of the World!!!" Premium Member over 6 years ago
Disco sucked. Disco still sucks.
In regard to the Gibb brothers – quite talented singers, though no man should ever be able to consistently sing that high of a note.
SusieB over 6 years ago
Disco hasn’t died in my house either!
mail2jbl over 6 years ago
Take a good look at Jon in Panel 3. It looks like he has a cameltoe in his pants. :P
jpayne4040 over 6 years ago
I honestly don’t understand all of the disco hate. I guess it’s from people who don’t like to dance.
Herb L 1954 over 6 years ago
We are all Just Stayin’ Alive ;~)
hariseldon59 over 6 years ago
I can’t help thinking of the scene in Airplane where the plane takes out the radio transmitter. “WZAZ in Chicago, where disco lives forever.” (Crash!)
Callie Ray over 6 years ago
And neither did polka. Happy 40th, Garfield.
davetb1956 over 6 years ago
How can Garfield have aged to be 40 in this strip yet in 40 years of living with Garfield Jon hasnt aged over a day being a dork.
paranormal over 6 years ago
Happy 40 years and 1 day, Garfield!!!
Daniel Jacobson over 6 years ago
Yes, I was stationed, just outside of Washington, D.C. in 1970. Disco was the “thing,” and, I went down into D.C. to check out a disco, I was told about. I went down there. It was crowded and the music was loud. Somebody explained to me, that I was supposed to be “decadent,” no definition given. When, I went to the men’s room, there were a lot of women in there, as well as men. I had previously been stationed in Asia, where men’s rooms had women attendants, so I knew how to conduct myself properly. Since, I could not really “groove” to it, I went home, early.
Iwa Iniki over 6 years ago
Comic characters actually do not age.
kelseyjayne25 over 6 years ago
why is Jon’s nose so far away from his mouth that looks so weird!
Duck N Cover 99 over 5 years ago
If Garfield is 40 how old is John?
Falafel waffle over 4 years ago
This is already a comic!
Pets of the comics about 4 years ago