JumpStart by Robb Armstrong for May 17, 2018

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    Tue Elung-Jensen  almost 7 years ago

    Except she did. :D But I guess the money would still stay in the “family” … sort of.

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    sueb1863  almost 7 years ago

    Marcy will never live down rejecting that job offer.

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    jpayne4040  almost 7 years ago

    She’s going to work a lot harder at getting a hold of Dana now!

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    ShaySimmons  almost 7 years ago

    Actually, Marcy, get YOUR caboose down to HR and make a report, because this is a situation that can get you in a ton of hot water.

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    yangeldf  almost 7 years ago

    Ha ha, wow there is SO MUCH spite on display here it’s awesome

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    kab buch  almost 7 years ago

    I know a comic strip, yet Marcy needs to talk with HR, those nurses should not be talking like that in front of a patient.

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    GaryCooper  almost 7 years ago

    Mrs. Worthington sure is peppy for someone with one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel.

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    GaryCooper  almost 7 years ago

    Wait a minute, isn’t Dana Delray’s new girlfriend? Apparently, there are no strangers in Philadelphia.

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  9. Freedom
    bookworm0812  almost 7 years ago

    I hate when people call wealth “real money.” Any money earned is real money. Some of us just have less real money than others.

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