Amen to that!!! In two years, there will be no more regular light bulbs at all. Guess who will be making all the CFL’s? You guessed it - China - they are going to bury us economically if manufacturing does not start up here in the USA.
So stock up on all the light bulbs now, cause they ain’t gonna exist no mo!
margueritem about 14 years ago
Love it!
magnamax about 14 years ago
why not?
GROG Premium Member about 14 years ago
I never stopped to think that the bulb would need to be changed on Rudolf’s nose. I wonder if it’s ever gone out on one of those trips.
Superfrog about 14 years ago
Go out with that and the other raindeer will laugh and call you names.
KingRat about 14 years ago
A CFL being more energy efficient than a bioluminescent device? good luck on that one.
skeeterhawk about 14 years ago
As the current joke goes, Santa should have a GPS by now, making Rudolf obsolete.
Francis Lapeyre Premium Member about 14 years ago
If it breaks, Rudy will have to dispose of it as hazardous material. Mercury, y’know..
MisngNOLA about 14 years ago
Santa’s still flying VFR instead of IFR, so he can’t rely on GPS.
Jolly1995 about 14 years ago
Amen to that!!! In two years, there will be no more regular light bulbs at all. Guess who will be making all the CFL’s? You guessed it - China - they are going to bury us economically if manufacturing does not start up here in the USA.
So stock up on all the light bulbs now, cause they ain’t gonna exist no mo!
dougdash about 14 years ago
Rudolph, the “GREEN-Nosed” reindeer.
Charles Evans Premium Member about 14 years ago
They even have red CFL’s Santa. Cut him some slack for trying to be “green”.
lin4869 about 14 years ago
Rudolph has a socket?!
lin4869 about 14 years ago
Rudolph has a socket?!
bobe70 about 14 years ago
get with the envirioment santa!!!!!
Keith Messamer about 14 years ago
It takes too long for those fluorescent lightbulbs to turn on. It’ll be after Christmas before it comes to full brightness.