For Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston for September 24, 2018

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    Templo S.U.D.  over 6 years ago

    watch it, Marie, when you mention gray hairs

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    Argythree  over 6 years ago

    So much for lifted spirits

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    Macushlalondra  over 6 years ago

    So who’s gonna hide your gray? It’s showing.

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    howtheduck  over 6 years ago

    The last appearance of Marie in the comic strip and it’s pretty obvious the reason why.

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    potrerokid  over 6 years ago

    In Canada, isn’t color spelled colour?

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    Wren Fahel  over 6 years ago

    One day, when I was in high school, some friends & I were talking about what we were going to do when we “grew up”. My friend J said that she wanted to be a hairdresser. Someone else said, “Great! You can give Karen a haircut!” (I had waist-length hair back then, too.) J said, “NO WAY am I going to be the one to cut her hair!” We all laughed. Fast forward a few years when I decided to get a haircut. I walked into a place and was put in a chair. (When I said that I wanted it cut shorter, the lady who seated me, the lady servicing the next chair, and the customer in the next chair, all came to stroke my hair before the cut!) The lady who seated me said that she would get my stylist. I’m in my chair with my eyes closed (I LOVE people playing with my hair) when I hear a loud GASP! I open my eyes
and there was J, ready to cut my hair!

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    IndyMan  over 6 years ago

    Not to sound ‘sexist’ but why do ‘hair stylists’ in print, television and movies have the ‘most outlandish’ hairdos ???

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    USN1977  over 6 years ago

    Reminds me of a King of the Hill episode where Hank’s niece Luanne is in hairdressing school and she noted he has gray hair. However his attitude is different

    Luanne: “Uncle Hank, you have some gray hair. May I color it?”

    Hank Hill: “Absolutely not! A gentleman never colors his hair.”

    Luanne: “Ronald Reagan did.”

    Hank: “I repeat, a man keeps the color God gives him. If Ronald Reagan did dye his hair, that was for a valid reason. He needed to show his strength to the Soviets.”

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    dwdl21  over 6 years ago

    Colour is spelled wrong!!!

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    sandpiper  over 6 years ago

    reality strikes

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    BluNova  over 6 years ago

    Guess the perm grew out.

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    timbob2313 Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Last time ever for that hairdresser, time to find a new one

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    rshive  over 6 years ago

    I think that’s what’s called a left-handed compliment.

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    USN1977  over 6 years ago

    Time for Elly to consider a new place to lift her spirits, like church!

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    ajakimber425  over 6 years ago

    You were saying?!

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    asrialfeeple  over 6 years ago

    Somebody got a reality slap.

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