Reading Bilan’s post, I recall when I first started reading these various comics, when I came to the Non Sequitur series my first thought after seeing Danae was Billy Mumy in that famous Twilight Zone episode !
Some gain control of a small amount of people like the late unlamented pied piper of race war, Charles Manson. In some universes he becomes a killer on Wall st. serial murder of corporations instead. He had quite a cult following in that universe. Others get whole countries like the Kim family of North Korea where you have a cult, captive, absolute monarchy masquerading as Communist.
Bilan over 6 years ago
Shades of Billy Mummy in the Twilight Zone.
in.amongst over 6 years ago
alt-truism, eh!?!
Radish... over 6 years ago
She might work her way up into a cult figure.
Lyons Group, Inc. over 6 years ago
Danae is never going to learn that the world doesn’t revolve around her.
somebodyshort over 6 years ago
Is the Intensive Care Ward being sent to her room to finish her homework?
jrlind55 over 6 years ago
Didn’t really think Danae capable of such a big smile. Frown, yes… not a smile.
uniquename over 6 years ago
In the final stage, we can declare ourselves, “Deranged like Danae!”
Nyckname over 6 years ago
Quit letting her watch any news about the Toddler in Chief.
Nate England over 6 years ago
“It’s not in the argument; it’s in the jargon!” C.S. Lewis
johndifool over 6 years ago
It’s Danae who is deranged.
ydntk2017 over 6 years ago
I Love DanaeShe has replaced Bugs Bunny as my Hero
Neat '33 over 6 years ago
Reading Bilan’s post, I recall when I first started reading these various comics, when I came to the Non Sequitur series my first thought after seeing Danae was Billy Mumy in that famous Twilight Zone episode !
Godfreydaniel over 6 years ago
Delusions come in many flavors. You have your Danae Delight, your Cap’n Eddie Escapades, your Trump Tripe…….
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 6 years ago
Some gain control of a small amount of people like the late unlamented pied piper of race war, Charles Manson. In some universes he becomes a killer on Wall st. serial murder of corporations instead. He had quite a cult following in that universe. Others get whole countries like the Kim family of North Korea where you have a cult, captive, absolute monarchy masquerading as Communist.
jbruins84341 over 6 years ago
Cute kid. Where’d she escape from?
gocomics over 6 years ago
I’m sure many kids would rather be rid of the other D.D.S.s, dentists.
Geophyzz over 6 years ago
Danae is just repeating what has been tried before. The Nazis had several “Intensive care wards.”
bakana over 6 years ago
Altruism: Danae’s Love for people who Love & Worship Danae.
robert39503 over 6 years ago
Dad would have been in the cornfield a long time ago.